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去中国留学 - 欢迎美国朋友申请中国政府奖学金(4/10 报名截止)
去中国留学 - 欢迎美国朋友申请中国政府奖学金(4/10 报名截止)
2014/2/6 8:03:08 | 浏览:3843 | 评论:0
去中国留学 - 欢迎美国朋友申请中国政府奖学金(4/10 报名截止)
去中国留学 - 欢迎美国朋友申请中国政府奖学金(4/10 报名截止)
    Notice:Apr. 10, 2014 as the new Deadline for receiving Applications


    Notice:Apr. 10, 2014 as the new Deadline

    for receiving Applications

    for 2014/2015 Chinese
    Government Scholarship Program

    Dear Every Respected Applicant,

    Thanks for your interest in applying for 2014/2015 Chinese Government Scholarship Program.

    With this notice, we mean to inform you that the Deadline for the consulate to receive application is now changed from April  30, 2014 to April 10, 2014. As we are receiving much more applications than last year, we need to expedite the process of application by leaving more time for evaluation of all the materials before shipping them back to China for the last decision of the Chinese Scholarship Council(CSC). Your nderstanding is highly appreciated.

    Please keep the new Deadline in mind in applications.

    As required, you need to fill and submit the application form online(Mind you that our Agency Number is 8403)and send 2twosets of application materials in hard copies to the following address:

    Chinese Government Scholarship Application

    Education Section(Agency No. 8403)

    The Consulate General of the People's Republic of China

    443 Shatto Place, Los Angeles, CA 90020

    For a quick and safe reception of your materials, pls make sure the materials are sent by Trackable mail services. As for the contents of your materials, please Note:documents that are incomplete, untrue or fail to meet the requirements will not be accepted.

    For further information, please feel free to contact Consul Chen by email at chenweihengconsul@gmail.com, or at(213)219-8009 by phone at office hours(9-12am and 2-5pm).

    Study Guide
去中国留学 - 欢迎美国朋友申请中国政府奖学金(4/10 报名截止)
去中国留学 - 欢迎美国朋友申请中国政府奖学金(4/10 报名截止)
去中国留学 - 欢迎美国朋友申请中国政府奖学金(4/10 报名截止)
去中国留学 - 欢迎美国朋友申请中国政府奖学金(4/10 报名截止)
Introduction to Chinese Government Scholarships

In order to promote the mutual understanding, cooperation and exchanges in politics, economy, culture, education, and trade between China and other countries, the Chinese government has set up a series of scholarship programs to sponsor international students, teachers and scholars to study and research in Chinese universities.

China Scholarship Council(hereinafter referred to as CSC), entrusted by the Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China(hereinafter referred to as MOE), is responsible for the enrollment and administration of Chinese Government Scholarship programs.
Academic programs of Science, Engineering, Agriculture, Medicine, Economics, Law, Management, Education, History, Literature, Philosophy and Arts in 252 designated Chinese universities are available to scholarship winners.
Chinese Government Scholarship supports the following 7 programs.
1. Bilateral Program
This includes full or partial scholarships in accordance with educational exchange agreements or MOUs between the Chinese government and governments of other countries, institutions, universities and international organizations. It supports undergraduate programs, master’s programs, doctoral programs, general scholar programs and senior scholar programs.
Applicants shall apply to the dispatching authorities for overseas study in their home countries.
2. Chinese University Program
A full scholarship to support Chinese universities in specific provinces or autonomous regions to recruit outstanding international students for graduate studies in China. It only supports master’s programs and doctoral programs.
Applicants shall apply to the designated Chinese universities undertaking this program.
3. Great Wall Program
A full scholarship for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)to sponsor students and scholars in developing countries to study and research in China. It only supports general scholar programs and senior scholar programs.
Applicants shall apply to the National Commissions for UNESCO in their home countries.
4. EU Program
A full scholarship to encourage students from EU member countries to study and research in China in order to promote mutual understanding between China and EU members. It supports undergraduate programs, master’s programs, doctoral programs, general scholar programs and senior scholar programs.
Applicants shall apply to the Office for Education and Culture, Mission of P. R. China to the European Union.
5. AUN Program
A full scholarship for ASEAN University Network(AUN)to enhance the academic exchange and mutual understanding between China and ASEAN members. It only supports master’s programs and doctoral programs.
Applicants shall apply to AUN Secretariat.
6.PIF Program 
A full scholarship to encourage students from Pacific island countries to study in China. It supports undergraduate programs, master’s programs, doctoral programs, general scholar programs and senior scholar programs.
Applicants shall apply to Pacific Islands Forum(PIF)Secretariat.
7.WMO Program
A partial scholarship(including a tuition fee waiver, free on-campus accommodation and Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Protection Scheme)to sponsor international students to study and research in meteorology, hydrology, and water resources supervision and management in China. It only supports undergraduate programs and graduate programs.
Applicants shall apply to World Meteorological Organization(WMO).
Chinese Government Scholarship programs sponsor international students, teachers and scholars to undertake degree studies(bachelor, master or PhD)or academic research in China.
Chinese Government Scholarship covers both major study and Chinese language(preparatory)study. The table below illustrates the duration of each program.
Program Categories
Major Study
(academic year)
Chinese language(preparatory study
(academic year)
Duration of
(academic year)
Undergraduate programs
up to 2
Master’s programs
up to 2
Doctoral programs
up to 2
General scholar programs
up to 1
up to 1
up to 2
Senior scholar programs
up to 1
up to 1
up to 2
Language of Instruction
1. Instruction Language for undergraduate programs.
Chinese is the only instruction language for undergraduate programs. Scholarship recipients of undergraduate programs must take one-year preparatory courses in designated universities and pass the required test before major studies.
Recipients can apply for preparatory course exemption if they
l complete their secondary education in Chinese.
l have valid HSK certificate that meets the requirement of the host university.
Valid official documents from schools of secondary education or a photocopy of HSK certificate must be submitted for preparatory course exemption. Please NOTE that HSK results are valid for 2 years.
2. Instruction Language for graduate programs and non-degree programs.
Chinese universities generally offer graduate programs and non-degree programs in Chinese. Certain Chinese universities could offer graduate programs and non-degree courses in English. Please check the Directory of the Chinese Institutions Admitting International Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Programat www.csc.edu.cn/laihua or www.campuschina.org for program introductions.
l Scholarship recipients of Chinese-taught programs without adequate Chinese proficiency must take Chinese language training courses for one to two years to reach the language requirements of their host universities before major studies. Failure to reach the required language proficiency will lead to the automatic termination of scholarship. Recipients in such programs as Science, Engineering, Agriculture, West Medicine, Economics, Management, Law and Arts will take Chinese courses for one year. Recipients in Literature, History, Philosophy and Chinese Medicine will take Chinese courses for no more than two years.
l Scholarship recipients of English-taught programs or those with adequate Chinese language proficiency do not need to take Chinese language courses.
Program Options
252 Chinese universities are designated by MOE to enroll international students with Chinese Government Scholarship. Please check the Directory of the Chinese Institutions Admitting International Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Programat www.csc.edu.cn/laihua, www.campuschina.org or www.studyinchina.edu.cn for an introduction to programs and universities available.
Full Scholarship
l A fee waiver of registration, tuition, laboratory experiments, internship, and basic textbooks.
Cost of experiments or internships beyond the program curricular is at student’s own expense.
Cost of books or learning materials other than required basic textbooks is at student’s own      expense.
l Free on-campus dormitory accommodation.
l A living allowance at the following rates( per month),
undergraduates:CNY 1,400;
master’s students & general scholars:CNY 1,700;
doctoral students & senior scholars:CNY 2,000.
Scholarship recipients registering before the 15th of the registration month(the 15th included)will be granted the full living allowance of that month. Recipients registering after the 15th of the registration month will be granted half of the living allowance of that month.
l One-off settlement subsidy:
CNY 1,000 for new students who will study in China for less than one academic year;
CNY 1,500 for new students who will study in China for one academic year or above.
l Outpatient medical service and Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Protection Scheme for International Students in China.
l One-off inter-city travel reimbursement:
A hard-seat train ticket(hard-berth train ticket for overnight trip)will be reimbursed for scholarship students traveling
from the port of entry to the city of the host university or Chinese language training(preparatory)school upon registration;
from the city ofChinese language training(preparatory)school tothe city of the host university upon finishing the Chinese language training(preparatory)study;
from the city of the host university to the nearest port of departure upon graduation.
Partial Scholarship
l One or some items of the full scholarship.
NOTE:Above is the current coverage of Chinese Government Scholarship. New standard shall apply in case of policy adjustment. 

Chinese Government Scholarship for 2014-2015 is NOW accepting applications

UNTIL April  30, 2014

As for more background info. about Chinese Government Scholarship, pls visit CSC webpage at the following link:


As for the steps to follow for Online Applications, pls refer to the following attachments:

1. Instructions of the CSC Online Application System for International Students

2. Foreign Physical Examination Form

When you have finished the online applications, you are required to mail 2(TWO)hard-copies of the application materials to us at the following physical address:

Chinese Government Scholarship Application

Education Section(Agency No. 8403)

The Consulate General of the People's Republic of China
443 Shatto Place, Los Angeles, CA 90020

If you have any other questions in the course of application, please feel free to contact the following at normal work hours(Weekdays:9:00am-12:00am or 2:00pm-5:00pm)

Dr. Preston Wei-Heng Chen
Consul for Education

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