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Chinese Government Scholarship for American Scholars & Students
2014/2/6 8:10:21 | 浏览:3150 | 评论:2

Notice:Apr. 10, 2014 as the new Deadline for receiving Applications


Notice:Apr. 10, 2014 as the new Deadline

for receiving Applications

for 2014/2015 Chinese
Government Scholarship Program

Dear Every Respected Applicant,

Thanks for your interest in applying for 2014/2015 Chinese Government Scholarship Program.

With this notice, we mean to inform you that the Deadline for the consulate to receive application is now changed from April 30, 2014 to April 10, 2014. As we are receiving much more applications than last year, we need to expedite the process of application by leaving more time for evaluation of all the materials before shipping them back to China for the last decision of the Chinese Scholarship Council(CSC). Your nderstanding is highly appreciated.

Please keep the new Deadline in mind in applications.

As required, you need to fill and submit the application form online(Mind you that our Agency Number is 8403)and send 2twosets of application materials in hard copies to the following address:

Chinese Government Scholarship Application

Education Section(Agency No. 8403)

The Consulate General of the People's Republic of China

443 Shatto Place, Los Angeles, CA 90020

For a quick and safe reception of your materials, pls make sure the materials are sent by Trackable mail services. As for the contents of your materials, please Note:documents that are incomplete, untrue or fail to meet the requirements will not be accepted.

For further information, please feel free to contact Consul Chen by email at chenweihengconsul@gmail.com, or at(213)219-8009 by phone at office hours(9-12am and 2-5pm).

As for more background info. about Chinese Government Scholarship,  pls visit CSC webpage at the following link:


As for the steps to follow for Online Applications, pls refer to the following attachments:

  1. Instructions of the CSC Online Application System for International Students
  2. Foreign Physical Examination Form

When you have finished the online applications, you are required to mail 2(TWO)hard-copies of the application materials to us at the following physical address:

Chinese Government Scholarship Application
Education Section(Agency No. 8403)
The Consulate General of the People's Republic of China
443 Shatto Place, Los Angeles, CA 90020

If you have any other questions in the course of application, please feel free to contact the following at normal work hours(Weekdays:9:00am-12:00am or 2:00pm-5:00pm)

Dr. Preston Wei-Heng Chen
Consul for Education

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Pamela S.说:留言于2015-11-11 09:07:52(第1条)
Hi Dr. Jiang!!

I've been in China for about 2 months and a few weeks. Being here has opened my eyes as to how much of the world the average American is closed off to. It is so vastly different from the life in California.

I have settled in quite nicely with no problems at all. It has been difficult here some days with the language barrier around town, but understanding comes with time. Learning Chinese is very difficult, but I'm sure when you dedicate yourself to your studies the end result is truly an amazing one.

Thank you again for this opportunity Dr. Jiang. I am truly grateful to you.

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