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栏目导航 — 美国华裔教授专家网人在海外人才交流
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2014/2/18 14:44:29 | 浏览:3059 | 评论:0


  南开大学位于渤海之滨的天津市,是国家“211 工程”和“985工程”重点建设的教育部直属高校,也是敬爱的周恩来总理的母校。自1919 年建校以来,南开大学一直秉承“允公允能,日新月异”的校训,弘扬“爱国、奉献、创新、乐群”的光荣传统,在长期的办学过程中形成了文理并重、基础宽厚、突出应用与创新的办学特色,是国内学科门类齐全的综合性大学之一。南开大学大力实施人才强校战略和国际化战略,结合国家“千人计划”、教育部“长江学者奖励计划”和天津市“千人计划”等重大人才平台及相关政策,制定实施“百名高端人才支持计划”、“百名青年学科带头人培养计划”等人才计划,着力汇聚海内外高层次人才,逐步建立以高端人才为引领、以优秀青年人才引进与培养为支撑的南开特色人才体系。诚邀海内外优秀人才加盟南开,共谋发展!





  一般应在海外取得博士学位,不超过55 周岁;在海外知名高校、科研院所、国际知名企业或金融机构担任正教授或相当职务;从事自然科学、工程技术以及经济金融、管理等领域的研究工作,具有世界一流的研究水平,在重要核心刊物上发表具有重要影响的学术论文,或获得国际重要科技奖项或掌握重要实验技能、科学工程建设关键技术。


  属自然科学或工程技术领域,年龄不超过40 周岁。在海外知名高校取得博士学位,并有3 年以上的海外科研工作经历;在国内取得博士学位的,应在海外从事教学或研究工作5 年以上。是所从事科研领域同龄人中的拔尖人才,有成为该领域学术或技术带头人的发展潜力。


  自然科学、工程技术类人选年龄不超过45 周岁,人文社会科学类人选年龄不超过55 周岁。具有博士学位,在海外高水平大学或研究机构担任副教授及以上职位或其他相应职位。





  一般在海外知名高校取得博士学位,并有3 年以上的海外科研工作经历。其他条件参照国家“千人计划”青年千人计划项目申报条件。


  人文社会科学类45 周岁以下、自然科学类40 周岁以下、达到南开大学教授任职条件、在本专业领域得到同行认可的学术带头人。


  35 周岁以下、达到南开大学副教授任职条件、具有较大学术潜力的青年学术骨干。




  在海外教学科研一线工作,年龄一般不超过60 周岁,可连续3年来校工作、每年在校工作不少于2 个月。

















  为加大优秀青年拔尖人才遴选培养力度,造就一批具有创新性和开拓性的杰出青年学科带头人,学校启动百名青年学科带头人培养计划,面向年龄40 周岁以下,人文社会科学和自然科学学科的优秀青年学者,不设置职称门槛,对入选者将给予多层次全方位的重点培养。


    1. 享受校内最高级别教授岗位的绩效工资;
    2. 专项科研经费资助;
    3. 不受职称限制招收博士研究生;
    4. 优先获得国际化培养和综合性培训指导;
    5. 在实验办公条件、组建研究团队、搭建科研平台等方面获得重点支持;
    6. 优先支持申报国家“青年千人计划”、“国家特支计划”青年拔尖人才支持计划、天津市“青年千人计划”等重大人才计划和省部级以上重点项目或重要奖项;
    7. 采取长周期考核机制,对取得标志性教学科研成果和突出成绩的,学校将给予重点奖励。

  地址:天津市南开区卫津路94 号南开大学人事处


Call for Global Top Talents

— Recruitment Information of Nankai University

About Nankai University

  Nankai University, located in Tianjin on the border of the sea of Bohai, is a key multidisciplinary “85”and “11”Projects university directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and also the alma mater of our beloved late Premier Zhou Enlai. Founded in 1919, Nankai University has been following the motto of “Dedication to public interests, acquisition of all-round capability and aspiration for progress with each passing day”and persisting in its glorious tradition of patriotism, dedication, innovation and love of the community.

  Nankai University is considered as one of the comprehensive universities with the widest scan of disciplines. It features a balance between the Humanities and the Sciences, a solid foundation and a combination of application and creativity.

  According to major talent policies and platforms such as National Thousand Talents Program and Cheung Kong Scholars Program, Nankai University has been carrying out internationalization strategy and talent strategy by launching Hundred Top Talents Support Plan and Hundred Young Academic Leaders Program, making great efforts to attract global high-level talents and gradually establishing the Nankai talent system which led by top talents and supported by the introduction and cultivation of excellent young talents. Warmly welcome to join Nankai University for a better future!

Job Opportunities

  I. Full-time positions

  1. National Thousand Talents Program

  (1)Long-term Program for Innovative Talents

  The applicants are supposed to be no more than 55 years old with overseas doctorate degree, as professors or other equivalent positions in world leading universities, research institutes, international enterprises and financial organizations. They are expected to conduct research work in natural sciences, engineering and technology, economy and finance or management with world leading research level. And they have published important academic papers in core journals, won international award in science and technology or got essential experimental skills and key technology of engineering construction.

  (2)National Thousand Young Talents Program

  The applicants are supposed to be no more than 40 years old in natural sciences and engineering fields, as the top young talents in their specialties with great potential to be academic or technological leaders. For those who got overseas doctorate degree, they should have at least 3 years work experience in scientific research abroad; for those who got doctorate degree in China, they should have at least 5 years experience in teaching or research abroad.

  2. Distinguished Professor of Cheung Kong Scholars Program(Ministry of Education)

  The applicants are supposed to be no more than 45 years old in natural sciences and engineering and no more than 55 years old in humanities and social sciences, as associate professors or other equivalent positions in overseas leading universities or research institutes with doctorate degree.

  3. Tianjin Thousand Talents Program

  (1)Long-term Program for Innovative Talents

  The applicants are supposed to be associate professors or above in overseas leading universities or research institutes. Please refer to Long-term Program for Innovative Talents of National Thousand Talents Program for details of other requirements.

  (2)Tianjin Thousand Young Talents Program

  The applicants are supposed to have doctorate degree in overseas leading university and at least 3 years research work experience abroad. Please refer to National Thousand Young Talents Program for details of other requirements.

  4. Professor

  The applicants are supposed to be academic leaders with peer recognition in their specialties, less than 45 years old in humanities and social sciences and less than 40 years old in natural sciences, and meet the qualifications of full professorship of Nankai University.

  5. Associate Professor

  The applicants are supposed to be young academic backbones with great academic potentials, less than 35 years old, and meet the qualifications of associate professorship of Nankai University.

  6. Lecturer

  The applicants are supposed to be doctoral graduates or post-docs in overseas leading universities or research institutes.

  II. Part-time positions

  The applicants are supposed to be no more than 60 years old, currently teaching or conducting research overseas, and be able to work in Nankai University for at least 2 months per year for 3 consecutive years.

  1. Nankai Lecture Professor

  The applicants are supposed to be recipients of Short-term Program for Innovative Talents of National or Tianjin Thousand Talents Program, lecture professor of Cheung Kong Scholars Program, or professors and other equivalent positions in overseas leading universities, research institutes, international enterprises and other organizations.

  2. College Lecture Professor

  The applicants are supposed to be associate professors or above in overseas leading universities or research institutes with outstanding achievements and international academic influence in their pecialties.

Disciplinary Settings

  National Key Disciplines:

  History, Theoretical Economics, Applied Economics, Mathematics , Chemistry, Optical Engineering, Marxist Philosophy, Political Theories, Ancient Chinese Literature, Optics Zoology, Microbiology, Environmental Science, Pesticide Chemistry, Corporation Management

  Tianjin Key Disciplines:

  Philosophy, Law, Political Science, Sociology, Marxist Theory, Chinese Literature, Foreign Languages and literatures, Physics, Biology, Ecology, Statistics, Materials Science,  Engineering, Electronics Science,  Technology Control Science,  Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Engineering, Plant Protection, Management Science,  Engineering, Business Administration, Science of Library, Information and Archival

  Other Disciplines:

  Archaeology, Public Management, Ethnology, Education, Psychology, Journalism and Communication, Art Theory, Fine Arts, Artistic Design, Software Engineering, Information and Communication Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Basic Medicine, Stomatology, Clinical Medicine, Pharmaceutical Science, Safety Science and Engineering

  State Key Laboratory

    • State Key Laboratory of Element-Organic Chemistry
    • State Key Laboratory of Medicinal Chemical Biology

  National Engineering Center

    • Pesticide Engineering Center(Tianjin)

Hundred Young Academic Leaders Program

  To strengthen the introduction of excellent top young talents and cultivate a group of outstanding young academic leaders with innovative and pioneering spirit, Nankai University has recently launched the “undred Young Academic Leaders Program” This program targets the excellent young scholars who are less than 40 years old in humanity, social sciences and natural sciences fields, breaks the title barrier in application and provides all-round support for the selected scholars.

  The applicants can apply for this program before or after officially working in Nankai University. The successful applicants will be given the following support:(1)enjoy performance-based pay of the highest level of professors;(2)get special research fund;(3)admit doctoral student without title barrier;(4)obtain international cultivation and comprehensive training instruction with priority;(5)get strong support in experiment and working conditions as well as building research teams and platforms;(6)apply for major talents programs, projects and awards of provincial level or above with priority, such as the National Thousand Talents Program, the Top Young Talents of National Special Support Program(Program for Supporting Top Young Talents), Tianjin Thousand Talents Program, etc. ;(7)get reward from Nankai University for remarkable achievements in teaching or scientific research, based on a long-term evaluation system.

Contact Information

  Contact persons:Mr. Wang Yuechao, Ms. Yang Liu
  Address:Personnel Office, Nankai University, No.94 Weijin Road, Tianjin 300071, P.R.China
  Personnel Office website:http://rsc.nankai.edu.cn
  “Hundred Young Academic Leaders Program” is now open for application, please visit http://employment.nankai.edu.cn/WebHR  for more information .

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