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UCLA-CCS:China's New Demographic Reality:Learning from the 2010 Census(3/11)
2014/2/22 8:14:20 | 浏览:2370 | 评论:1



China's New Demographic Reality:Learning from the 2010 Census


Lecture by Yong Cai, University of North Carolina

Tuesday, March 11, 2014
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Bunche Hall 10367

In this talk, an overview of some demographic trends in China revealed by the 2010 census will be presented. The 2010 census suggests that China has entered a new demographic era characterized with prolonged low fertility, rapid aging, elevated sex ratios, fast urbanization and major geographic redistribution. Moverover, Professor Cai will examine the demographic processes behind these new trends and discuss their socioeconomic and political implications. 

Yong Cai is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is a social demographer with a research focus on population in China, including the factors behind China’s below replacement fertility, the rise and the future of China’s sex imbalance, and the socioeconomic impacts of China’s rapid aging. His articles have appeared in DemographyPopulation and Development ReviewAsian Population Studiesand other scholarly journals, and his research has been featured and quoted in Science, New York Times and other Western and Chinese media.


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Los Angeles, CA 90095
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