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来源:中新网 | 作者:孙自法 | 2014/3/3 14:58:48 | 浏览:3361 | 评论:1
  摘要:亞洲二十一世紀各國經濟起飛是有目共睹的。今天世界上前三名的經濟大國,竟然有兩國是在亞洲。那就是中國(2)日本(3)。印度也正在急起直追,大概在不久的將來,也可名列前茅。今天世人大可問,經濟起飛是不是也表示學識的全面起飛?那一個亞洲能在這方面脫穎而出?最近中國科學家提出建造「中國的偉大加速器」(China Great Accelerator)是否表示中國有宏圖成為第一個亞洲國家脫穎而出?






  菲尔兹奖得主、哈佛与清华大学丘成桐教授说,希格斯粒子有人叫它“上帝粒子”,今天也有一个“上帝”赐给的良机,就是参加建造下一个大型对撞机。意大利国家研究委员会主席、欧洲核子研究中心前主任鲁加诺·玛亚尼(Luciano Maiani)表示,中国有机会建造未来环形正负电子对撞机,这是中国高能物理发展的机遇。

  “希格斯粒子的发现和更多认知,将会为我们的认识再次带来一场革命。”诺贝尔物理学奖得主、荷兰皇家科学院院士杰拉德·特·胡夫特(Gerard’t Hooft)指出,下一代高能物理对撞机的建设,将会为这场革命带来重要影响。

  美国普林斯顿高等研究院教授、中科院高能所高能物理前沿研究中心主任尼玛·亚哈尼·哈米德(Nima Arkani-Hamed)认为,探索更微观的世界,唯一的方法是建立更大的环型加速器,第一步可以进行正负电子对撞实验,会产生很多希格斯粒子,带动相关研究;第二步可以在加速器上进行质子-质子对撞实验,从而探测更高的能量区域,观察更微观的尺度。

  诺贝尔物理学奖得主、美国物理学家戴维·格罗斯(David Gross)把建造下一代环形正负电子对撞机的梦想称做“中国的伟大加速器”。“这会和万里长城一样引人瞩目,会比万里长城的作用更大”,它会在科学技术各领域有突破和发现,“如果中国建造了这个加速器,世界上的许多科学家会来这儿帮忙和工作”。

  菲尔兹奖得主、美国普林斯顿高等研究院教授埃德沃德·威腾(Edward Witten)说,如果在目前对撞机的能量上,再提高一个数量级,将会在揭示自然界的奥秘上推前一大步,“现在正是中国成为这一领域领袖的最好时机”。

  美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校教授、2013年基础物理奖获得者约斯夫·英坎德拉(Joseph Incandela)称,建造新的高能加速器将非常重要,将深入理解人类赖以生存的宇宙。“在国际高能物理学界的下一步发展计划中,期待中国扮演一个举足轻重的角色”。


Scientists Aim at Next-Generation High Energy Circular Collider

Nine leading physicists from around the world gathered for a panel discussion at Tsinghua University in Beijing on Feb. 23 to talk about new physics opportunities after the discovery of the Higgs boson.

Top physicists have face-to-face discussion on future of fundamental physics(Image by LIU Jie, IHEP)

Chaired by Shing-Tung Yau, a Fields medalist, the panelists included Nima Arkani-Hamed, David Gross, Gerard 't Hooft, Joseph Incandela, Luciano Maiani, Hitoshi Murayama, WANG Yifang and Edward Witten, who are all either Nobel laureates, Fields medalists or Fundamental Physics Prize winners.

One topic of discussion was the circular electron-positron collider(CEPD), which was proposed by the Chinese high energy physics community in 2012 and has received a warm response from the international physics community. The next-generation high energy circular collider could be upgraded beyond the Higgs factory to a future circular high energy proton-proton collider.

The main physics objectives of the future high energy circular accelerator are the precise measurement of Higgs properties as well as tagging possible new physics signals. "Only after we have understood the properties of the Higgs particle can we find the direction of future particle physics research,” said WANG Yifang, director of the Institute of High Energy Physics and the winner of the 2014 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics.

Nima Arkani-Hamed, winner of the 2012 Fundamental Physics Prize, said the only method for exploring the micro-world is to build a larger circular accelerator. The first step could be an electron-positron-collision experiment and the second step could be a proton-proton collision at a higher energy range. Then the world could be observed at a more microscopic scale.

Gerard ‘t Hooft, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1999, said, “The discovery and the precise measurement of the Higgs particle will revolutionize our understanding of nature, and the next generation high energy circular collider will have unprecedented influence over this revolution.”

Fields Medalist Edward Witten, noting the great potential for a circular collider to reveal more secrets of nature, said, “Now is the best opportunity for China to become the leader in this field.”

David Gross, Nobel Laureate in Physics, said the future circular collider, which he called “the Great Accelerator,” could be compared to “the Great Wall” in China. If China built the collider, scientists from all around the world would join and work together. New breakthroughs and discoveries could be achieved in the future.

The panel discussion was held in conjunction with a workshop, held from February 24 to 25 at the Institute of High Energy Physics, that focused on the physics case for future circular colliders, as well as discussions on how to synchronize domestic theoretical particle physics efforts with the planning and design of future circular machines.

WANG Yifang, director of the Institute of High Energy Physics and the winner of the 2014 W. K. H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics introduces CEPC(Image by LIU Jie, IHEP)

Nima Arkani-Hamed, the winner of the 2012 Fundamental Physics Prize at the panel discussion (Image by LIU Jie, IHEP)

David Gross, Nobel Laureate in Physics at the panel discussion(Image by LIU Jie, IHEP)

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john说:留言于2014-03-06 18:28:42(第1条)
The Promising Future of Clinical Development in San Diego
SABPA Science and Technology Forum XII
Co-organized with UCSD Moores Cancer Center

Date: March 29, 2014 (Saturday), 8:30am to 1:00pm (Breakfast and lunch will be provided.)
Location: Institute of Americas, UCSD, 10111 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037
Registration: https://www.123signup.com/register?id=ddpvm
$20 for online registration (by March 27, 2014), $10 for students and post-docs, $40 for on-site registration

San Diego is a vibrant and successful biotech hub consisting of over 400 biotech/pharma companies and a cluster of world-renowned academic research institutions. From Rituximab, a biologic drug approved over a decade ago, to the most recent Crizotinib, a small molecule drug, biotech/pharma companies in San Diego are continuing to produce innovative medicines to treat patients with cancer, diabetes, inflammation and other diseases. While strong in its biotech/pharma R&D functions, San Diego is emerging as a center for clinical trials, an essential part of the drug development process. Furthermore, as clinical trials have become increasingly more global oriented, San Diego is poised to take a leadership role in conducting international clinical collaborations, particularly with Asian Pacific countries.

At the SABPA Science & Technology Forum XII, we bring together leaders in academic and
pharma/biotech industry to discuss how to move drugs quickly and efficiently to patients. Speakers from Moores cancer center and pharma companies will present their visions and efforts to strengthen the clinical trial capability in San Diego to better serve the need of local biotech/pharma community and to make San Diego a designated center for personalized cancer therapy. Speakers from leading clinical centers in China will provide their insights in how biotech/pharma companies in San Diego can leverage the emerging and rapidly growing clinical market in China to accelerate the clinical development processes.
Contact: jianfengpan@hotmail.com
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