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UCLA Center for Chinese Sudies:Spring Siminars & Forums
2014/4/2 21:22:18 | 浏览:10690 | 评论:4

UCLA Center for Chinese Sudies:Spring Siminars & Forums

Below is a list of our upcoming events in the Spring quarter.

Celebrating Birthdays in Our Times:the Aesthetics of Association in Chinese Painting Albums

Talk by Professor Lihong Liu, The Getty Research Institute

Thursday, June 05, 2014
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
10383 Bunche Hall

In 1549, Wen Zhengming(1570–1559), a Suzhou painting master and cultural leader, reached his eightieth birthday. Dozens of painters, calligraphers, and writers collectively created an album centered on a program of place names for celebrating this ostensibly grand occasion in the Wu region. Similar birthday-celebratory albums of varying complexity—in which Wen himself took part—were also carried out to celebrate senior men and women of the day. This lecture introduces this understudied genre. I will analyze the programmatic and task-specific participatory modes of practice used to create birthday-celebratory albums. My analysis considers answers to intriguing questions concerning the significance of place or non-place that grounds the differentiated representations of the formation of personalities in association with the building of community. Finally, in socio-historical and cultural terms, I will investigate the issue of what I refer to as the entanglement of time; I will show how communal birthday celebrations, as practiced in the open but serial album format, simultaneously bring into line the multi-temporal measures of life, age, and era. 

Lihong Liu is presently a postdoctoral fellow at the J. Paul Getty Research Institute. She received her doctoral degree from the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University in 2013. Liu is currently preparing a book manuscript, tentatively titled “The Real Scene:Painting and Place in China, 1450–1550.” In this work, she seeks to develop a new approach to the phenomena and notions of the “substantive” and “scenic” landscapes(shijing)in mid-Ming Chinese paintings. Liu is also researching a project on plate glass as material medium in the early modern art world; her focus is on how plate glass was used in the construction of windows, mirrors, and vitrines and as a painting support in Qing China since it was introduced from Europe toward the end of the seventeenth century.


The Late Tang Geography of Power


UCLA Center for Chinese Sudies:Spring Siminars & Forums


Lecture by Nicolas Tackett, UC Berkeley

Thursday, May 15, 2014
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Bunche Hall 10383
Los Angeles, CA

How does one account for the long-term survival of the medieval Chinese aristocratic clans despite important institutional developments, including the expanded use of the civil service examinations and the creation of a new system of provincial bureaucracies? How does one then explain the dramatic disappearance of these families at the turn of the tenth century? By exploiting a large prosopographic database, this paper will explore how a better understanding of the geographic distribution of political power and of the Tang political elite's social networks can help resolve these questions.

Nicolas Tackett received his PhD from Columbia University in 2006. After postdoctoral fellowships at the Getty Research Institute and Stanford University, he joined the U.C. Berkeley History Department in 2009. He has just completed a monograph on The Destruction of the Medieval Chinese Aristocracy. He is now working on a second monograph that will look at how unusual social, political, and geopolitical factors during the eleventh century spurred Chinese intellectuals into developing a new sense of their place in the world.


Introducing The Late Imperial Primer Literacy Sieve, A Digital Tool, with examples from Ming Steles for Shrines to Living Officials


UCLA Center for Chinese Sudies:Spring Siminars & Forums


Talk by Sarah Schneewind, UC San Diego

Friday, May 16, 2014
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Bunche Hall 10383

Many late Ming people had memorized a standard primer or two(such as the Three Character Classic)and could read – some.  Vernacular literature blossomed, and daily-use encyclopedias, legal documents, scriptures, announcements, shop signs, stone inscriptions, etc., made reading an integral part of life.  I will introduce a new digital tool, the Late Imperial Primer Literacy Sieve, intended to reveal roughly what a primer-literate reader could read of a given text.  To demonstrate, I will apply the Sieve to steles commemorating shrines to living officials. These inscriptions typically record or invent conversations among commoners, praising some officials and criticizing others.  These apparent legitimations of popular participation in politics stood, carved in stone, in public places.  Was their potentially dangerous rhetoric safely isolated in the domain of gentry cultural hegemony? Only the classically literate could appreciate a stele in all its allusive complexity, but could ordinary folk read parts of it?  If so, what messages might they have gleaned?  The Sieve offers a way to begin to address the knotty problem of audience.    

Sarah Schneewind, a graduate of Columbia University, is presently Associate Professor of History at UC, San Diego.  After writing Community Schools and the State in Ming China, which challenged the centrality of the Ming founder, and the more readable A Tale of Two Melons:Emperor and Subject in Ming China, and after editing Long Live the Emperor! Uses of the Ming Founder across Six Centuries of East Asian History, she has finally turned her back on Ming Taizu to research the ubiquitous but under-studied phenomenon of shrines honoring living officials in Great Ming, with a comparison to  Chosŏn Korea.  She has been President of the Society for Ming Studies and manages the on-line Ming History English Translation Project.   

UCLA Center for Chinese Sudies:Spring Siminars & Forums

"Assignment China:Tiananmen Square" and “25 Years since Tiananmen:Then and Now”

Documentary Screening and Panel Discussion

UCLA Center for Chinese Sudies:Spring Siminars & Forums

Tuesday, May 13, 2014
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Charles E. Young Research Library - Main Conference Room

Documentary screening: Assignment China:Tiananmen Square

Twenty-five years ago, a large scale mass protest erupted at the center of China’s political symbolism, Tiananmen Square in Beijing. From mid April to early June, the protest lasted for nearly two months and spread to over a hundred cities across the country. Millions of people from all walks of the society took part in, before the government brought in the People’s Liberation Army to suppress it on June 3-4.

The protest and its bloody crackdown became a defining moment not only in contemporary China, but also in world media history. It was the first time in decades when a sizable group of foreign journalists were in Beijing. Most went to cover the first Sino-Soviet summit in thirty years. Most quickly refocused their attention on the protests, some broadcasting live from the Square. Their work that spring affected foreign perception and state policies towards China and her government in many countries around the world. 

Assignment China is a documentary series produced by USC’s US-China Institute(
http://china.usc.edu/assignmentchina), examining how American news coverage of China since 1945. the function/contribution of media and journalism in the two countries unfolding relationship. This episode focuses on coverage of the 1989 demonstrations and their suppression. USCI senior fellow Mike Chinoy, then CNN's Beijing bureau chief, wrote and narrates the episode. 

Many journalists working for American print and broadcast news organizations appear in this episode. They include Dan Southerland(Washington Post), Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl Wudunn(New York Times), John Pomfret, Terril Jones and Jeff Widener(AP), Dan Rather, John Sheahan and Richard Roth(CBS), Bernard Shaw(CNN), Jim Laurie(ABC), Scott Savit(UPI), and many others. Others appearing include then U.S. Secretary of State James Baker, U.S. ambassadors to China Winston Lord and James Lilley, and student leader Wang Dan.

Panel Discussion “25 Years Since Tiananmen:Then and Now”
with Clayton Dube, Prof. Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Mr. Terril Jones and Dr. Wang Chaohua

Followed by a Q&A session. 

About the Panelists:

Clayton Dube directs the USC U.S.-China Institute. He conceived of and supervises production of Assignment:China. Dube taught in China 1982-85 and returned there as a UCLA grad student in 1989. He was assistant director of the UCLA Asia Institute before joining USC eight years ago. Dube is a director of the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia and serves on the editorial board of Education about Asia. A historian, he's won teaching awards at three universities.

Jeffrey N Wasserstrom is Chancellor’s Professor of History at UC Irvine. He specializes in China studies with a broad range of interest in issues concerning student protest, gender relation, globalization, image presentation, and so forth. His works include Student Protests in Twentieth-Century China:The View from Shanghai(Stanford, 1991)and China in the 21st Century:What everyone Needs to Know(Oxford University Press, 2010, updated edition 2013, with contributions by UCI graduate student Maura Cunningham)He also writes continuously for the general public. He is Editor of Journal of Asian Studies, published by the Association for Asian Studies, and a co-editor of the Asian Section of Los Angeles Review of Books. 

Wang Chaohua was a graduate student and a participant of the 1989 student-led protest in Beijing. She became an exile based in Los Angeles after the military crackdown 25 years ago. She then enrolled in Chinese studies program at UCLA, earning her MA and Ph.D degrees in modern Chinese culture and literature. She is now an independent scholar and a visiting lecturer in UCLA's Department of Asian Languages and Cultures. She edited a collection of translated texts by leading Chinese intellectuals, published with her own introduction under the title One China, Many Paths(Verso, 2003). The book won a Choice's Best Academic Title recognition. She has published in both English and Chinese essays on contemporary Chinese intellectual life and political analyses. 

Terril Jones is a longtime foreign and business correspondent. He covered Japan, France, north Africa and the United Nations for 15 years with The Associated Press, was a founding editor of Forbes Global magazine, was the Detroit-based automotive correspondent for Forbes and the Los Angeles Times, and was a Silicon Valley correspondent for the L.A. Times. In September he completed a three-year assignment in Beijing with Reuters covering Chinese businesses, domestic politics and foreign policy. He spent his 8th grade year at a Chinese school in Taiwan, and had numerous extended reporting assignments in China in the 1980s. He studied Chinese leadership studies at the University of Michigan for a year as a Knight-Wallace Fellow, and digital media for six months at Ohio State University as a Kiplinger Fellow. He is fluent in Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and French.

April 9th

Video Conference:President Ma Ying-jeou on U.S.-Taiwan Economic and Trade Relations




USC Leavey Library, Auditorium


April 11th

Fans and their Audiences in Late 19th century Shanghai:The Urban Bird-and-Flower Fan Paintings of Ren Bonian(1840-1896) - Roberta Wue




Bunche Hall 10367


April 17th

Double Paradox:Rapid Growth and Rising Corruption in China - Andrew Wedeman




Bunche Hall 10383


April 18th

Success Stories of U.S.-China Investment - 2014 Wilbur K. Woo Greater China Business Conference




Korn Convocation Hall


April 21st

Literary Presentations by Te-hsing Shan and Pin-chia Feng – Academia Sinica






April 22nd

Sailing from China:Recentering World Trade in the Seventeenth Century - Timothy Brook and Perry Anderson




Bunche Hall 10383


April 24th

“Gendered Spaces:Movement, Markets and Transactions Between China and Africa” - Anita Plummer




Charles E. Young Research Library, Conference Room 11360


April 29th

Film Stars in the Perspective of Performance Studies:Play, Liminality, and Alteration in Chinese CinemaYingjing Zhang




Bunche Hall 11377

May 6th

Chinese Ancient Faience and Glass Beads – Xiaoqi Wang


Bunche Hall 11377


May 8th

Forum on Asia/Africa Relations in Global Security



Charles E. Young Research Library, Conference Room 11360



May 15th

Lecture by Nicolas Tackett, UC Berkeley




Bunche Hall 10383


May 16th

Introducing The Late Imperial Primer Literacy Sieve, A Digital Tool, with examples from Ming for Shrines to Living Officials– Sarah Schneewind




Bunche Hall 11377

May 22nd

Tang Women in the Transformation of Buddhist Filiality




Bunche Hall 10383


May 29th

Talk by Li Min, UCLA




Bunche Hall 10383


May 30th

Reading, Information, and Quantification in Traditional China




Young Research Library Presentation Room


For more information please visit our website.

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies
11381 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Campus Mail Code:148703

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UCLA Center for Chinese Studies说:留言于2014-05-29 07:37:07(第1条)
We would like to notify you that our event tomorrow “Returning to the Mound of Xia: Archaeology and Social Memory of Zhou State-Building” by Prof. Li Min is cancelled. Thank you! We look forward to seeing you at our next event: Celebrating Birthdays in Our Times: the Aesthetics of Association in Chinese Painting Albums - Talk by Professor Lihong Liu, The Getty Research Institute
Thursday, June 05, 2014
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
10383 Bunche Hall

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies

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