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栏目导航 — 美国华裔教授专家网人在海外海外留学
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2014/4/29 6:29:48 | 浏览:2977 | 评论:2
  摘要:英国内政部日前结束了与美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)的合作,这意味着ETS旗下托福、托业考试成绩将不再继续用于申请英国签证。昨天,在广州英国签证申请中心开幕仪式上,英国签证及移民中心区域经理Dominique Hardy证实了这一消息。受新政影响的人群主要是以托福成绩申请英国2014年秋季入学的学生。


  此前已经凭借托福成绩获得英国学校录取的学生,是否会因为新政而被拒签?Dominique Hardy表示,“我们不会因为学生只有托福成绩而拒签,还是要根据面试结果。拒签与否从来不会只依据语言成绩,而是根据申请者递交的其他材料以及面试情况而评判。” Dominique Hardy建议,准备申请英语院校的学生可以考虑其他语言测试机构。











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Kmnqmekx说:留言于2014-05-15 13:36:09(第2条)
Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WW II in Asia
Global Alliance Submits
Amicus Curiae Brief in Response to Lawsuit Filed
by Japanese Revisionists
Demanding Removal of a “Comfort Woman” Statue
Tuesday, May 15, 2014
In response to a frivolous lawsuit against the City of Glendale of California filed by Japanese revisionists in the Federal District Court of Los Angeles, the Global Alliance has submitted an Amicus Curiae Brief, as a friend of the Court, to assist the Court to decide whether to dismiss or proceed with the case. The Global Alliance has long been involved with the investigation, documentation, and litigation of Japanese government and private industry human rights violations and unfair labor practices in colonized and occupied countries, notably including the Comfort Women” (military sexual slaves). Through its activities, the Global Alliance has accumulated a store of knowledge of, and expertise in, the history of the “Comfort Women” of the Japanese war. It is acutely interested in doing whatever possible to bringing the wrongs against the enslaved women to public attention, and to do whatever it can to obtain redress for them.
The Glendale statue at issue in this case is a modest, but very positive, step toward educating the public about the crimes committed against the Japanese military sexual slaves. The Global Alliance is well placed to assist the federal Court in a knowledgeable and informed fashion. The Global Alliance brief highlights the historical and public available information related to the “Comfort Women” issues, relevant U.N. Resolutions, Special Rapporteur’s reports, federal and state legislation in the U.S. and other countries and court rulings regarding the Japanese atrocities that enslaved hundreds of thousands of women from Asian-Pacific nations. It further points out that: The case against Glendale is by two individuals and a pseudo corporation that are merely straw-men serving as front for a couple of fringe groups based in Japan with a distorted view of history and their perceived Japan’s “lost honor” in WWII; The justification cited by the plaintiffs is contrary to the norm and the accepted view of the international community, including the United Nations and all countries, including Japan; There is no disagreement between the U.S. and Japanese governments in acknowledging and repudiating the brutality and atrocities against the enslaved women by the Imperial Japanese military; The case plaintiffs, including a non-resident of Glendale and a bogus “California corporation,” have no standing in filing the lawsuit.
The Global Alliance recommends the Court to dismiss the case as meritless. Please contact Printimeal@aol.com or Ignatius Y. Ding at ignatius@global-alliance.net for further information. http://www.global-alliance.net/images/Boycott-Sticker_72dpi.jpg
Mgatzrai说:留言于2014-05-08 10:06:24(第1条)
Volunteer for APEX OC Youth Education Summit
Share your career path with high school youth! On Sunday, June 8th, APEX OC will host its second annual YES Summit at the DoubleTree Hilton Hotel in Santa Ana, CA. The YES committee is looking for professionals of a variety of backgrounds to participate. Visit our webpage for more information, and contact Stephanie Huynh, Director of OC Programs, at stephanie.huynh@apex.org to get started.
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