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13th San Diego Bio-Pharma Conference 2014
2014/6/2 21:14:31 | 浏览:2322 | 评论:0

13th San Diego Bio-Pharma Conference 2014                                                      

Date:                    June 21st, 2014, 8:00am -5:00pm Location:              Hilton, San Diego/Del Mar

Website:               http://www.sabpa.org/html

Registration:         https://www.123signup.com/register?id=dhdhz

$30 for early birds(by June 11th), $50 before end of June 18th, $80 for onsite registration, students and postdocs $10 off(The fees include parking at the hotel, program brochure, continental breakfast, coffee break, and lunch).

Online registration closes after June 18th.

Organizer             Sino-American Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Professionals Association(SABPA)

Co-organizer        BayHelix, SDCAA(San Diego Chinese American Association), ACS-SD(American Chemical Society-San Diego), UCSD

Bio-Pharma Conference, SABPA’s annual flagship event is fast approaching. With the recent new waves of IPOs, mergers & acquisitions, and new drug approvals, this year we will showcase many San Diego biopharma companies and research institutes that are pushing the boundaries with new breakthroughs in therapeutics ranging from small molecules, to proteins to nucleic acids and somewhere in between.  You will hear many success stories from notable companies such as Aragon. This conference will also bring together many business leaders from around the globe with renewed enthusiasm of investing in San Diego biotechnology industry to share their insights on industry trends. The program is guaranteed to generate sizzling discussions and stimulate new ideas.


8:00 am      Exhibition(all day)

8:00 am      Continental Breakfast & Registration

8:45 am      Welcome

9:00 am      Keynote Speaker:

David Kabakoff, Ph.D., Executive Partner, Sofinnova Ventures

9:40 am      Session I

Alan Lewis, Ph.D., CEO, Medistem

Dale Boger, Ph.D., Chair, Department of Chemistry, the Scripps Research Institute

10:40 am     Coffee Break

11:00 am     Session II Panel Discussion:The Renaissance of San Diego Biopharmaceutical Industry

                     Chrysa Mineo, B.S., M.B.A., SVP, Receptos

                     Mike Grey, B.S., President and CEO, Lumena Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Venture Partner, Pappas Ventures

                     Sorrento Therapeutics


12:00 pm     Luncheon

 1:30 pm      San Diego Bio-Pharma Achievement Award

                         Award Recipient:Richard Heyman, Ph.D., President and CEO, Seragon Pharmaceuticals

 2:10 pm      Session III

                        Alan Paau, CLP, MBA, Ph.D., Executive Director & Vice Provost,Tech. Transfer & Economic Development, Cornell University

Jonathan Wang, Ph.D., Asia Senior Managing Partner, OrbiMed

 3:10 pm      Coffee Break

 3:30 pm      Session IV Panel Discussion:Innovation and Business Transactions on A Global Scale(organized by BayHelix)

                    Moderator:Wei-Wei Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., Managing Director, Adventin, Inc.

                    Greg Scott, Chairman, ChinaBio® Group

                    Jun Ren, Ph.D., CEO, NewSummit Group

                    Xianping Lu, Ph.D., Chairman, CEO and CSO, Shenzhen Chipscreen Biosciences

             Yajun Guo, M.D., Ph.D., Director, National Engineering Center for Antibody Medicine; Director, State Key Laboratory of  

             Antibody Medicine and Targeting Therapy

                    Zhi Yang, Ph.D., Managing Partner, BioVeda China Fund

4:30 pm       Session V Presentation from Wuhan Biolake

                    Junjie Yang, M.D., Ph.D., Chairman and CTO, Wuhan Optic Valley Bridgebio Bio-technology Ltd

5:00 pm      Closing and iPad-mini raffle

Calling for sponsorship! Please contact sponsorship@sabpa.org

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