介绍新成员张建辉教授 |
2010/3/29 2:40:38 | 浏览:3891 | 评论:1 |
- University of Houston, Texas, Measurement/Sport Administration, Fellow of Post Doctoral Study, August 1994
- Springfield College, Massachusetts, Measurement/Sport Administration, Doctor of Physical Education, May 1993
- Springfield College, Massachusetts, Sport Administration, Master of Education, August 1988
- Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, China, Physical Education/Sport Administration, Bachelor of Education, August 1984
- President-Elect, President, Past-President. North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) (2009-2012)
- Member. Executive Committee. Asian Sport Industry Association (2009-2011)
- Research Section Head of Abstract Review - NASSM Conference (2003)
- Sport Management Section Editor - Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science
- Chair - Sport Management Section. Texas Association of HPERD (1998-2001)
- Chair - Sport Marketing Track. Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators (2007-2008)
- One of 12 Founding Members – Sport Marketing Association (2001-2002)
- Chair. Measurement and Evaluation Council – American Alliance for HPERD (1999-2003)
- International Educator of the Year. (2009). College of Health and Human Performance, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
- J. B. Nash Scholar. (2009). American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.
- University of Florida Research Foundation Professorship. (2007-2009). University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
- Certificates of Recognition. (2008). Sport & Recreation Law Association.
- Service Award. (2008). Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators.
- Research Fellow. (2007). North American Society for Sport Management.
- Measurement and Evaluation Council Honor Award. (2006). American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.
- Southern District Scholar. (2005). Southern District Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.
- Research Excellence Award. (1999, 1996). College of Education, University of Houston, Houston, TX.
- Teaching Excellence Award. (1998). College of Education, University of Houston, Houston, TX.
- Research Fellow. (1997). Research Consortium, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.
SELECTED PEER-REVIEW MANUSCRIPTS (out of over 88 manuscripts; * graduate student; senior/principal investigator(s) is underlined)
- *Byon, K. K., Zhang, J. J., & Connaughton, D. P. (2010). Dimensions of general market demand associated with professional team sports: Development of a scale. Sport Management Review, 13(2), 142-157.
- Kim, M., Zhang, J. J., & Connaughton, D. (2010). Modification of volunteer functions inventory for application in youth sport. Sport Management Review, 13, 25-38.
- *Carroll, M. S., Connaughton, D. P., Spengler, J. O., & Zhang, J. J. (2009). Case law analysis regarding high school and collegiate liability for hazing. European Quarterly of Sport Management, 9(4), 389-410.
- Zhang, J. J., Fogarty, T. D., Holland, S., & Stotlar, D. K. (2009). Hierarchical relationships among entertainment options, interests in professional sports, and professional sport consumption. International Journal of Asian Society for Sport, Physical Education, and Dance, 7(1), 69-84.
- *Kim, M. K., Zhang, J. J., & Ko, Y. J. (2009). Dimensions of market demand associated with Taekwondo schools in North America: Development of a scale. Sport Management Review, 12, 149-166.
- Gibson, H., *Qi, C. X., Zhang, J. J. (2008). Destination image and intent to visit China, and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Journal of Sport Management, 22, 427-450.
- *Cianfrone, B. A., Zhang, J. J., Lutz, R. J., & Trail, G. T. (2008). Effectiveness of Sponsorships in Sport Video Games: An Experimental Inquiry on Current Gamers. International Journal of Sport Communication, 1, 195-218.
- Zhang, J. J., Lam, E. T. C., Smith, D. W., Fleming, D. S., & Connaughton, D. P. (2006). Development of the Scale for Program Facilitators to assess the effectiveness of after-school achievement programs. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 10(3), 151-167.
- *Cianfrone, B. A., & Zhang, J. J. (2006). Differential effects of television commercials, athlete endorsements, and event sponsorships during a televised action sports event. Journal of Sport Management, 20, 321-343.
- *Braunstein, J. R., Zhang, J. J., Trail, G. T., Gibson, H. J. (2005). Dimensions of market demand associated with Major League Baseball Spring Training: Development of a scale. Sport Management Review, 8(3), 271-296.
- *Braunstein, J. R., & Zhang, J. J. (2005). Dimensions of athletic star power associated with Generation Y sport consumption. International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship, 6(4), 242-267.
- Zhang, J. J., Connaughton, D. P., & *Vaughn, C. (2004). The Quality of special programs and services for NBA season ticket holders and their predictability to game consumption. International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship, 6(2), 99-116.
- Principal Investigator: Dr. Yong Jae Ko. Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. James J. Zhang. (2009). Development of a management information system through identifying consumer profiles in Mexico Taekwondo market environment. World Taekwondo Federation: Pro-Taekwondo Division, Seoul, Korea. Total $25,000.00 (Direct Cost - 25,000.00 and Indirect Cost - $0) (September 2009 – September 2010).
- Principal Investigator: Dr. Charles E. Byrd. Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. James J. Zhang. (2009). Florida Learn and Serve Administrative Project: Service Learning in the 21st Century. Florida Department of Education. Total $274,821 (Direct Cost - $249,837and Indirect Cost - $24,984) (September 2009 – November 2010).
- Principal Investigator: Dr. James J. Zhang. Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Charles E. Byrd. Building better youth: Researching and administrating Florida’s out-of-school youth programs. Florida Department of Education. Total $1,637,000 (Direct Cost - $1,488,182 and Indirect Cost - $148,818). (August 2009 – July 2010).
- Principal Investigator: Dr. James J. Zhang. Co-Principal Investigator: *Mr. Kevin K. Byon. Success of major collegiate sport teams on the transformation of sport identification, destination image, and tourism. Alachua County Tourism Development Bureau. Total $5,000 (Direct Cost - $5,000 and Indirect Cost - $0). (May 2008 – August 2008).
- Principal Investigator: Mr. Larry Pintacuda. Co-Investigators: Mr. Joe Davis, Dr. Charles E. Byrd, Dr. James J. Zhang, Ms. Valerie Alarcon, Ms. Judy Nee, and Ms. Linda Lanier. The Florida Afterschool Network innovation project: Strengthening the network through innovation. The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. Total: $565,500 (Direct Cost - $518,787 and Indirect Cost - $46,713). (September 2008 – October 2011).