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NECINA Inaugural China Conference & Entrepreneur Workshop
NECINA Inaugural China Conference & Entrepreneur Workshop
2014/9/11 0:40:51 | 浏览:4134 | 评论:1
NECINA Inaugural China Conference, Grand Debut of NECINA China Program

The Coming of a Globalizing and Innovative China

Date / Time: Oct 4th(Sat.), 9:00 AM- 1:30 PM
Venue: Two Financial Center, KPMG, 60 South Street, 2nd Floor, Boston MA 02111

NECINA Inaugural China Conference & Entrepreneur Workshop

After delivering several decades' breakneck growth, China's labor-intensive and export-oriented growth engine is sputtering. China is on a 21st century Long March towards an innovation-driven economy. China's outbound foreign direct investment(FDI)approached $90B last year. As more and more Chinese companies are breaking into global markets,

  • How would US react to China's economic transformation?
  • What is the current status of China's innovation sectors?
  • What career and business opportunities are there for New England professionals and entrepreneurs?

Come not just to find the answers - mingle with our distinguished speakers, dialog with a visiting delegation of business executives from China! Let us work out new ideas and solutions together!

NECINA's China Program is a platform to connect the businesses between Great China and US(NE)to promote bilateral exchange, foster entrepreneurship, and support career development. The program includes annual China Conference and quarterly meetings.

Featured Speakers:

NECINA Inaugural China Conference & Entrepreneur Workshop

Dr. Peter Petri
Economics Professor, Founding Dean of Brandeis International Business School
NECINA Inaugural China Conference & Entrepreneur Workshop

Mr. Xinyue Zhu

General Manager, BSD Management Consulting

NECINA Inaugural China Conference & Entrepreneur Workshop

Mr. Harry Zhu
Founder and CEO, Wayou Networks

NECINA Inaugural China Conference & Entrepreneur Workshop

Ms. Liqi Peng

Global Brand Director, Procter & Gamble

Check out speaker bios on our registration site here.


9:00 AM Registration and Breakfast

9:20 AM Welcome and NECINA Intro(Mr. Ben Tao)

9:30 AM Keynote:The Changing Dynamics of US-China Trading Relationships(Dr. Peter Petri)

10:00 AM China's Economic Upgrade - Crisis or Opportunity(Mr. Xinyue Zhu)

10:15 AM Web Innovations' Roles in Transforming Chinese Enterprises(Mr. Harry Zhu)

10:30 AM Win in Global Markets - Cross the Cultural Chasm(Ms. Liqi Peng)

10:45 AM The Status and Trend of China's Education Market(Mr. Mingzhou Fan)

11:00 AM Conference Break

11:30 AM Parallel Panel Discussions

Track 1:Coming of a Globalizing and Innovative China Forum(Conference Speakers)

Track 2:Executive Forum(Visiting Delegation, Chinese Language, By Invitation)

12:30 PM Lunch break

1:30 PM Conference Adjourns

China Conference Contacts:

NECINA Entrepreneur Workshop(NEW)2014 is Accepting Application!
NECINA Entrepreneur Workshop 2014

By Entrepreneurs, For Entrepreneurs

NEW 2014 Date & Time:10.16.2014 - 05.21.2015

Program Introduction:NECINA NEW 2014

NEW 2014 is proudly sponsored by KPMG

We are taking applications, click here to submit Your Application Online NOW!

Have an itching start-up idea, but wondering how to take it to the next step?

Want to find your co-founder and teammates?

Want to enrich your knowledge, complete your business plan and sharpen your presentation skills?

Want to network with your peer entrepreneurs who share your path and passion?

Want to connect with investors who share your vision and value for the business?

NECINA Inaugural China Conference & Entrepreneur Workshop
NECINA Entrepreneur Workshop

is a start-up incubator program organized by NECINA, a non-profit organization with 19 years history of building extensive resources and networks in New England and China. This program helps entrepreneurs and entrepreneur-to-be turn their dreams of building start-ups into reality through mentorship, teamwork and hands-on experience.

Join NEW 2014 and you will get six month of systematic training and rich networking. At our monthly workshop, you will have opportunities to:

  • Network with region's top VCs and entrepreneur community leaders
  • Attend seminars given by industry experts, successful entrepreneurs and business leaders on strategy, marketing, leadership, legal and accounting.
  • Present and practice your business plan, and receive live feedback from VCs, industry experts and peer entrepreneurs.
  • Create your own social circle and support system of peer entrepreneurs

NEW 2014 Selected Mentors/Speakers:

NECINA Inaugural China Conference & Entrepreneur Workshop

CEO and President at Qualtré Inc.
NECINA Inaugural China Conference & Entrepreneur Workshop


Managing Partner at Strategic Angles
NECINA Inaugural China Conference & Entrepreneur Workshop


Principal at Fairhaven Capital
NECINA Inaugural China Conference & Entrepreneur Workshop


Founder/CEO of A Starting Line; Director of Lean Startup
NECINA Inaugural China Conference & Entrepreneur Workshop


Director of Marketing at Brunswick Laboratories
NECINA Inaugural China Conference & Entrepreneur Workshop


Divisional Vice President(DVP), General Manager at PTC

Check out more about NEW 2014 and mentor profiles on our website here.

Act now become a part of the most influential start-up community today!

NEW 2014 Program Contacts:

Youth Entrepreneurship Service 9.0 is Recruiting
Youth Entrepreneurship Service(YES)Program 9.0

September 2014 - March 2015

YES 9.0 is recruiting!

Hurry up, first class will be on September 27, 2014 on Saturdays from 9 AM to 12 PM.

Program Introduction:NECINA YES 9.0 Intro


Program Contact:YES@NECINA.ORG

YES 9.0 Location:Constant Contact Innovation Lab

Program Fee: Free to students whose parents are NECINA members.

For others, $15 per student.

Sign Up Now >>

Youth Entrepreneurship Service(YES)

  • Founded in 2005, YES Program is a 6-month program for high school students to develop entrepreneurship and leadership skills

  • Students learn to work in teams, develop business ideas and participate in a formal business plan contest. The program will cover Business Plans, Product Conceptualization, Company Structure, Finance, Sales and Marketing, Public Speaking and Presentation skills.

  • Each class will feature a speaker and an instructor to show students how skills learned can be applied in the real world. Winners will have cash scholarship and possible internship opportunities in big firms or corporations.

NECINA Inaugural China Conference & Entrepreneur Workshop
Introducing NECINA YES Program

YES 9.0 Curriculum

  • 09/27/2014 Session 1:Introduction to Entrepreneurship/Brainstorming for Business Ideas
  • 10/04/2014 Session 2:Brainstorming for Business Ideas/Team Building
  • 10/18/2014 Session 3:From Ideas to Products/Team Building
  • 11/01/2014 Session 4:Marketing and Sales 1
  • 11/15/2014 Session 5:Marketing and Sales 2
  • 11/29/2014 Session 6:Finance accounting 1
  • 12/13/2014 Session 7:Finance accounting 2
  • 01/10/2015 Session 8:Final mentoring
  • 01/31/2015 Session 9:Final review
  • 02/21/2015 Session 10:Final competition
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