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北大工学院 简报
北大工学院 简报
2014/10/1 1:00:02 | 浏览:2741 | 评论:0


Dear friends,

At Peking University a new term has begun and the College of Engineering welcomes over 300 new entrants. And there is a lot happening in the College of Engineering. Please stay connected with us. However If you prefer not to receive newsletter, please reply with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

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The College of Engineering


北大工学院 简报

北大工学院 简报

COE holds welcome ceremony for freshers of 2014

The College of Engineering held a welcome ceremony for the freshers of 2014 on Sunday, September 14th.


北大工学院 简报

北大工学院 简报

Yue Yang bestowed upon Qiu Shi 2014 Outstanding Young Scholar Award

The Qiu Shi 2014 Awards Presenting Ceremony was held on September 13th at Fudan University by the Qiu Shi Science & Technologies Foundation.


北大工学院 简报

Assistant Professor Jie Song wins IEEE CASE 2014 Best Conference Paper Award

The tenth annual IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering(IEEE CASE 2014)was held recently in New Taipei City, Taiwan.


北大工学院 简报

北大工学院 简报

MOU Signing of "Peking University - Merck QEHS Joint Program"

As important issues for development of the nation and global public health, quality, environment, health and safety(QEHS)of pharmaceutical industry are of long term education and research interest to Peking University.


北大工学院 简报

Professor Atsushi Shishido of Tokyo Institute of Technology gives invited lecture

On July 2, invited by Professor Haifeng Yu of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering(MSE), Professor Atsushi Shishido of Tokyo Institute of Technology visited MSE and gave a lecture.



北大工学院 简报

北大工学院 简报

Professors Haifeng Yu and Huai Yang make progress in the research of fabrication of the halogen bond liquid crystals

The results titled “Photoresponsive Liquid Crystals Based on Halogen Bonding of Azopyridines” have been published in the famous journal Chemical Communications.


北大工学院 简报

Dr. Antony K. Chen and collaborators make new progress in the research of microRNAs

They discovered a novel mechanism by which microRNAs can inhibit HIV-1 virus production. The research was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS).


北大工学院 简报

Prof. Qiushi Ren’s group makes important progress in the development of multi-modality molecular imaging system

Recently, the Journal of Nuclear medicine, a leading journal in the field of molecular imaging, published online the work from a group led by Dr. Qiushi Ren.


北大工学院 简报

北大工学院 简报

COE holds a meeting for development strategy

The college administration and representative teachers and staff sat together to discuss the development direction for the coming academic year.


北大工学院 简报

Center for Water Research participates in 2014 U.S.-China EcoPartnerships Workshop

During the 2014 workshop, Dr. Jie Liu from the Center for Water Research attended the panel discussion and reported the progresses and best practices of the partnership.


北大工学院 简报

Alumnus Xiang Yang makes Jacobi method work up to 200 times faster

For people who want to use the Jacobi method in computational mechanics, a problem that used to take 200 days to solve may now take only one day.


北大工学院 简报

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