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美国政治智库(Land Destroyer)爆料:“华盛顿撰写‘占中’剧本”
美国政治智库(Land Destroyer)爆料:“华盛顿撰写‘占中’剧本”
作者:信莲 | 2014/10/7 7:17:27 | 浏览:7215 | 评论:0

美国政治智库Land Destroyer的研究员卡塔卢奇(Tony Cartalucci),在该智库的网志上撰文爆料称,香港民主党创党主席李柱铭和前政务司司长陈方安生,早在今年4月访美时,已和美国国务院辖下的美国国家民主基金会(NED)及美国国际民主研究院(NDI)开会,阐述“占中”行动的计划、参与人物及诉求等。卡塔卢奇形容,这场行动在示威者真正上街参与前几个月,已在美国的干预下计划好。

卡塔卢奇发表的文章题为《整个占中行动在华盛顿写剧本》(Entire "Occupy Central" Protest Scripted in Washington),文中指该会议在美国华盛顿举行,长达1小时,由NED地区副主席格雷夫(Louisa Greve)亲自主持。李柱铭在会上除了详细讲述“占中”计划,并强调香港的角色是要将西方的法律及利益等传入内地。他和陈方安生还称,因北京很在乎外国如何看其管治方式,故可利用这点来迫使中央政府在香港事务上让步。


美国政治智库(Land Destroyer)爆料:“华盛顿撰写‘占中’剧本”

US-style "Democracy" No Different than Beijing's Version, US Labor Activist

October 7, 2014(Tony Cartalucci - LD)- With the "Occupy Central" protests in Hong Kong still ongoing, the movement's leadership has been exposed as completely backed, funded, and directed by foreign interests, particularly those of the US State Department through its National Endowment for Democracy(NED)and its subsidiary the National Democratic Institute(NDI).

At the core of "Occupy Central's" demands, as articulated by co-organizer Martin Lee during his trip to Washington D.C. with Anson Chan earlier this year, is the belief that Beijing should honor the demands made by parting British occupiers who held Hong Kong territory for nearly a century and a half. This includes the "one nation, two systems" approach that the US and British hope will allow Hong Kong to be used to "infect" mainland China with a Western controlled political orders and institutions.

"Occupy Central" insists that they simply want "universal suffrage" and "total democracy" instead of allowing Beijing to approve who can and cannot run in elections to be held in 2017. This implies that the alternative to Beijing's arrangements would be "free and fair" elections. In reality this simply is not the case. In reality, instead of Beijing putting up candidates for Hong Kong's elections, the next most influential political backers would vet and put forward candidates - not the Hong Kong people -but rather those foreign interests in Washington, upon Wall Street, and in the City of London who are currently backing "Occupy Central" and many of the leaders who would contest upcoming elections.

The notion of "free and fair elections" is one of absolute naivety. Former Berkeley labor activist Michael Pirsch now residing in Thailand shared his thoughts on what he sees as somewhat hypocritical or perhaps misguided thinking among "Occupy Central's" genuine followers - misconceptions "Occupy Central's" US-backed leadership is all too happy to exploit.

Pirsch first points out the ultimate problem with the US backing political movements in foreign countries, stating:
Are there any foreign countries promoting democracy and human rights inside America? There are none, it is not allowed. However, America, through the National Endowment for Democracy disburses millions of dollars in countries in order to effect regime change to a regime much friendlier to America's policy goals of controlling the planet.

Pirsch then compares Beijing's policy of vetting candidates for Hong Kong's elections to the US primaries, in which big-business ultimately decides who can and cannot run because of the immense financial means required to stand in an election:
It seems to me, to borrow from Noam Chomsky, China is run by "criminal communists" and America is run by "corporate criminals". In America we have the hidden(financial)primary. where potential candidates demonstrate their ability to attract millions or hundreds of millions for campaigns ranging from local level to national level. If the candidate is unable to attract shiploads of dollars their candidacy is not viable. Nearly all this money comes from the "criminal capitalists". We are allowed to choose from only those who swear to protect the financial criminals.
In Hong Kong, the system is much the same, except that it is the "criminal communists" who choose the candidates. Both systems provide the same outcome:there is no benefit to the citizens of either Hong Kong or America.
Ultimately, Beijing's style of "democracy" is no different than the US-style "democracy" "Occupy Central" protesters are rallying for. Of course, Pirsch is only scratching the surface. Support for US candidates, and in fact the functioning of the whole electoral process also hinges on how that process is presented to the public through the media. The media, just like the American primaries, are tightly controlled by advertisers and sometimes directly by corporate-financier interests themselves - just as Martin Lee and Anson Chan complained was the case in China in regards to Beijing's control over the political process there.
黑金:为350万广告埋单 黎智英出钱“占中”


“壹传媒股民”昨日第三度向传媒爆料,提供逾三万份有关黎智英以及亲信Mark Simon的档案。一封日期为今年6月23日,主题是“627广告”,由徐少骅向“占中诸位仝人”发出的电邮指,Mark Simon致电提出,在壹传媒登广告其实也涉及真实费用,并反建议在其他媒体登广告,“他愿意支付”。换言之,无论在壹传媒或其他报纸下广告,代表黎智英的Mark Simon都愿意为“占中”支付。


“壹传媒股民”八月时踢爆,黎智英曾发电邮向Mark Simon询问今年“6月特别项目”支出是什么。Mark Simon回覆称,包含6月22日公投╱Pop Vote(即“占中”委托港大民意研究计划所做的所谓“全民投票”),当中包括广告、大型广告牌等多个项目,投入约300万至350万元。




此外,早前有报道指10月期指在上周四(9月25日)出现不寻常活动,大量沽盘在23883点至23091点积极开10月期指淡仓,更引述网上传闻指空仓是来自一名“占中”的核心搞手,指有人藉机在金融市场图利。黎智英日前回应时称,他绝对没有买入或沽空香港股票或期指,也未捐过一毫子给这运动,如有人对他作出这些指控,请他们拿出证据,否则不排除采取法律行动追究。对于“壹传媒股民”昨日最新的爆料,黎智英接受传媒访问时回应: “你唔好乱噏,算啦!OK啦!唔讲啦!呢啲戆居嘢!”


中美两国经济关系不断加强,影响双方在政治上的博弈。“壹传媒股民”披露的最新资料显示,有美国共和党及情报部门背景的Mark Simon十分不满香港美国商会亲中,曾向华盛顿智库写信“笃背脊”,更认为香港不能笼罩在中国的利益。

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