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2010/4/12 1:01:19 | 浏览:3835 | 评论:3

TCFA-GCBC China Investment Speaker Event


  • Richard Gao, Portfolio Manager, Matthews International Capital Management
  • Jeff Shen PhD, Managing Director, Head of Asian and Emerging Market Equity, BlackRock
  • Yu Li, Executive Director, Proprietary Trading , Goldman Sachs
  • Zili Zhang(Moderator)PhD, Senior Vice President, American Century Investments


"Security Selection in China Stock Market Investment, a Pro’s Perspective from the Field"

Leading Chinese professional investors from world premier investment institutions, with 35+ years combined industry experience, will share their knowledge and perspective on the approach of developing investment idea in China equity market. The panelists cover an unusually wide spectrum in different aspects of investment process, e.g. long only vs. long and short, fundamental vs. quantitative, mutual fund vs. hedge fund. The Chinese Finance Association(TCFA)and Greater China Business Club(GCBC)of Stanford GSB, together with Association of Chinese Students and Scholars at Stanford, intend to use this event to encourage thinking and exploring disciplined approaches in investment in China market.


Saturday, April 17, 2010, 2:00PM - 6:00 PM. 


Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford, CA 94305.


$10.00 to Early Bird Registrant(before 4.12.2010)and TCFA members
$15.00 to non-members(after 4.12.2010)
$25.00 for all on-site registrants;
(Free admission to student members of GCBC and ACSSS(40 as the limit, beyond 40 the above rule applies))


Click here to register(Deadline:Thursday, April 15,  2010)
(GCBC and ACSSS student members please RSVP to rsvptcfaca@gmail.com.)

Dress Code:

Business Casual


Yu Jiang             413.687.3781 yujiangtcfa@gmail.com
Zhuo(Albert)Huang   650.862.7690 hwangzhuo@gmail.com
Ling Jin             650.8625437  jin_ling@gsb.stanford.edu


All presentation material and majority part of the speech would in English. However, some speaker may choose to talk in Mandarin for his presentation part.

About TCFA

The Chinese Finance Association(TCFA)is a non-profit organization aimed at facilitating the exchange of ideas, knowledge and information on education, and research and practice in finance and related areas between the US and China. Founded in California, U.S., in 1994, TCFA currently has over 2,000 members in U.S., Hong Kong and China Mainland. TCFA is based in New York City, with local chapters in Beijing, Boston, California, Chicago, Hong Kong, Washington D.C. and Shanghai. TCFA organizes and sponsors a broad range of activities. For more information, please visit www.tcfaglobal.org.

About TCFA California US-China Bridging Program

US-China Bridging Program is a core program of TCFA California Chapter that aims at establishing and improving the communication channel between its members, local financial institutions and significant individual and institutions in the China’s financial market.  On irregular basis, we would invite leading figures in the financial industry across the pacific to share their insight and exchange ideas on the market and industry condition and on how to create win-win opportunity for participants of both markets.

About GCBC

GCBC is a student organization established by and for Stanford MBAs with strong business or career interest in Greater China. GCBC seeks to connect the top Chinese business talents from US and China and serve its members through their career development. Among GCBC members, 50% are native Chinese and 2-3% from Stanford’s Executive MBA Program. GCBC members have extensive business experiences and connections in Greater China. With strong entrepreneurial ambition and tradition, GCBC members seek to make tangible business impact in China.


Association of Chinese Students and Scholars at Stanford(ACSSS)is a student-run organization whose mission is to broaden the channels of communication between the Stanford mainland Chinese community and various other cultural, academic, and professional communities in the Bay Area. As representatives of the Stanford Chinese community, ACSSS also seeks to foster an unique appreciation of Chinese culture and provide information on the academic and professional opportunities there to all Stanford community members. Finally, ACSSS will do its best to help incoming Chinese students and scholars settle into the Stanford environment by providing practical services.

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David Yetter说:留言于2010-04-13 07:18:26(第2条)
Dear Colleagues:

We received word recently that the NSF funding panel had recommended the funding of our new REU proposal, Summer Undergraduate Mathematics Research (SUMaR at K-State).

We are still awaiting confirmation of the award, but as the season for REU applications and recruiting is passing by, we wish to invite applications to the program, trusting that when the wheels of the NSF bureaucracy have ground on a bit longer the recommendation will be accepted and SUMaR 2010 will become a reality.

As with out previous, very successful REU, "Brainstorming and Barnstorming", the program will have a core focus, but the research projects offered will not all be related to the core focus. Unlike the previous REU, the focus will neither be fixed for all three years, nor deal with flight. In 2010, the core program will be on cryptology.

The eight-week program will offer room, board, travel expenses up to $300, and a $4000 stipend.

More information about the program and instructions for applying are available to you and any interested students at


Naturally, we will not be making formal offers of admission to the program until the NSF has made the award.

David Yetter
Professor of Mathematics
Director of Graduate Studies
Director of Undergraduate Research
Department of Mathematics
Kansas State University
ACFP说:留言于2010-04-13 05:59:07(第1条)
Dear group members and friends:

This is a kind reminder that there are TWO days left for Early-Bird registration with TCFA-GCBC China Investment Speaker Event that will take place on Saturday, April 17, 2010 at Stanford GSB.

For GCBC and ACSSS student members, please RSVP to rsvptcfaca@gmail.com for free registration at your earliest convenience.

For all others, please click here for online registration.

For the event detail, please go to www.tcfaglobal.org for related weblink.

With four established professional investors who hold unparalleled exposure to China equity market, we believe that this event will offer local members a unique opportunity to exchange perspective on China investment. In addition, it will also provide an excellent platform to connect finance professionals in Bay Area who share similar interest and ambition as TCFA and GCBC members.

We truly wish you would be attending our event and enjoy the talk and networking.

Yours Sincerely
The Chinese Finance Association California

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