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Taiwan Film 福爾摩莎電影地圖:Our Island, Our Dreams(星月無盡)
Taiwan Film 福爾摩莎電影地圖:Our Island, Our Dreams(星月無盡)
2014/11/7 2:09:25 | 浏览:1850 | 评论:0

Taiwan Film 福爾摩莎電影地圖:Our Island, Our Dreams(星月無盡)

Date/Time :2014-11-13(Thursday)6:00 pm~
Venue :Taiwan Academy in Los Angeles
Address :1137 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90024

Director:Peter Chen-Yu TANG(唐振瑜)

Xing-Jun, A-Jin and A-Wu, who were born and raised in Kinmen, spend their days hanging around on the island. They find themselves in a love triangle just like the trio in François Truffaut’s Jules and Jim. As to their future, A-Wu wants to stay and study the culture and history of Kinmen; A-Jin plans to leave for Taiwan proper to look for adventure; Xing-Jun hasn’t decided to stay or to leave. However, they know one day they’ll drift apart just like other youngsters of Kinmen. The equilibrium among them faces abrupt change when another suitor for Xing-Jun appears:a boy from Taiwan proper who comes to serve his mandatory military service in Kinmen. She falls in love with him, but her elder sister De-Yue is against their love, as she bears a trauma she has kept secret for years….
《星月無盡》(英文:Our Island, Our Dreams)是一部2009年台灣電影,由唐振瑜導演所執導,由影后楊貴媚領銜主演。全片在金門取景,主要描述金門人與軍人談戀愛的忌諱和當兵趣事。電影於2009年4月24日在台灣上映。

Taiwan Film 福爾摩莎電影地圖:Our Island, Our Dreams(星月無盡)

Q & A with Mr. Ken Yang(新聞組 組長 楊國添)
Mr. Yang is born and raised in Kinmen where this movie is filmed.
He currently serves as the Director of Press Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles.
He studied at the Department of Western Language of National Cheng-chi University from Taiwan(1979)and finished his Advanced Study at Witwatersrand University from South Africa(1987)

Taiwan Film 福爾摩莎電影地圖:Our Island, Our Dreams(星月無盡)

Pizza and drinks will be provided before screening.
Please email taiwanacademyla@moc.gov.tw for seats reservation or like our facebook to register.
No children under 13 years old. No oversize bag.

Taiwan Academy 駐洛杉磯辦事處臺灣書院
1137 Westwood Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90024
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