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Why do Chinese political leaders have engineering degrees whereas their American counterparts have law degrees?
作者:Eric Verhulst | 2015/1/9 13:57:57 | 浏览:1944 | 评论:0
Having visited China often(when doing business), my understanding is that China has actually never been really communist.
If one looks over a period of the last 2000 to 3000 years, the communist decades were a blip on the history line, more like a correction mechanism after the Imperial system had lost its grip and power.
The underlying philosophy is that China has always been and still is a Confucian system, i.e. a technocracy. It might not be a democracy as in the West(where democracy often doesn't work because it has turned into system of greed)but they carefully replace the leaders every few years.
They have a very long term planning, actually 60 years(12 plans of 5 years). These plans are not like the detailed Sovjet central planning but more like a business plan whereby the execution is left to a highly competitive free market.
The Chinese are also very good organisers. Look at how quickly they built their high speed train network. I have seen cases whereby a 30 km highway was refurbished over a W/E. The same would have taken 1 or 2 years in Europe.
I think that in general, running a country should be more a management/engineering job than a political one. Laywers should only help to create an ethical/moral framework. Beware if they write laws that benefit political interest groups.
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