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第六屆中國電影國際論壇征文(South Carolina 9/18-20)
第六屆中國電影國際論壇征文(South Carolina 9/18-20)
2015/4/21 5:38:58 | 浏览:2788 | 评论:0


The Global Impact:Making and Teaching Films of

Chinese Language from Multiple Perspectives

The Sixth International Forum on Chinese Cinema


Under the auspices of the Hanban/the Confucius Institute Headquarters and in collaboration with Minzu University of China, Shaanxi Normal University, Peking University, Beijing Language and Culture University, and The Journal of Chinese Film and TV Market; the Confucius Institute and the Chinese Film Collection at the University of South Carolina will host the Sixth International Forum on Chinese Cinema in Columbia, SC between September 18 and September 20, 2015. The forum theme for this year is “The Global Impact:Making and Teaching Films of Chinese Language from Multiple Perspectives.”


In recent years the world witnessed fast development of Chinese language films in concept, production, and marketing. Aiming to summarize, study, and analyze this development, the forum will include, but not limited to, five perspectives:(1)the historical perspective;(2)ethnological perspective;(3)the sociological perspective;(4)the cultural anthropological perspective; and(5)teaching Chinese language and culture with these films in the age of globalization. 


The schema of the forum is that registration on September 18 with theme film screening the same evening; forum panels on September 19 and Mongolian singing-and-dance ensemble Wind from the Grassland the same evening; and a self-funded field trip to Charleston, SC on September 20.

有意參會的中外電影工作者和電影學者,請於2015715日前填寫所附會議回執,擬發言者同時把論文提綱(100-150, 中英文皆可)發給組委會葉坦(美國南卡大學孔子學院 ye@sc.edu)、朱靖江(中央民族大學影視人類學中心 legalk@126.com)、牛鴻英(陜西師範大學新聞與傳媒學院niuhongying@163.com)。組委會將於81日前通知與會者的論文是否被會議接受。如參會而不擬發言者,亦請填寫回執,本屆論壇所有填寫了回執的與會者均免交報名費。

Those who are planning to deliver papers at the forum please fill out the “Confirmation of Attendance” on the following page and send it with the paper outline(100-150 words; in either Chinese or English)to Tan Ye(ye@sc.edu), Zhu Jingjiang(legalk@126.com), and Niu Hongying(niuhongying@163.com)simultaneously by July 15, 2015. The Organizing Committee of the forum will inform you of the paper acceptance by August 1.  Those who plan to come but don’t intend to deliver papers, still need to fill out the confirmation but leave the “Paper Topic” open. The registration fee will be waived if you have submitted the confirmation.


Thank you for your support.


The Organizing Committee of The Sixth International Forum on Chinese Cinema

 Confucius Institute, Welsh Humanities Building 6th floor

1620 College Street, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, USA

電話:803-777-6908      傳真:803-777-6501  


The 6th International Forum on Chinese Cinema

Confirmation of Attendanc

姓名/性別 Name/Gender       

護照/身份證號碼Passport/ID number        

論文題目(註明是否需用PPT或其它設備。如無論文,此項不必填寫) Paper Topic(Please indicate whether PowerPoint equipment is needed. Leave it open if you will not deliver a paper)   

工作單位Office Address         

郵寄地址Mailing Address        

電子郵箱  Email Address          

手機 Cell Phone         

辦公電話 Office Phone         

傳真 Fax        

到達時間  Arrival Time         

離開時間 Departure Time     

是否需要代訂旅店  Whether need help in hotel reservation         

是否參加文化旅遊  Whether attend Charleston tour          

其它 Other

第六屆中國電影國際論壇征文(South Carolina 9/18-20)



蓝色的蒙古高原(合唱)                                                                      乌兰、阿孜、巴音满德呼(兼伴奏)斯庆呼雅格(兼伴奏)

The Blue Mongolian Plateau(chorus)                                                  Wulan, Azi, Bayinmandehu(also accompanist), Siqinghuyage (also accompanist                                                             

牧歌 (女高音)                                                                                    乌兰

Pastoral(soprano)                                                                                Wulan

走马(男声长调)                                                                                  阿孜

At Trotting Speed(male urtyn duu[1]                                                 Azi

努日格日玛男女声二重唱)                                                               乌兰、阿孜

Nurigerima(duet)                                                                                 Wulan and Azi

萨日娜(女子独舞)                                                                              王湘怡

Sarina(female dance solo)                                                                   Wang Xiangyi

父亲的草原, 母亲的河 (男声独唱)                                                   斯庆呼雅格

Father Grassland, Mother River (male solo)                                        Siqinghuyage

黑骏马(女声长调)                                                                              乌兰

A Black Stallion(female urtyn duu                                                    Wulan

吉祥颂 (男声呼麦)                                                                            巴音满德呼 (键盘伴奏 斯庆呼雅格)

Ode to Prosperity(male kogemei[2]                                                   Bayinmandehu(organ accompanist Siqinghuyage )

草原情怀 (男子独舞)                                                                        张灏

Herdsman’s Passion(male dance solo)                                                 Zhang Hao

陪你一起看草原(男高音)                                                                  阿孜

Take You to the Grassland(tenor)                                                       Azi

诺恩吉雅(女声长调)                                                                          乌兰

Nuoen Jiya(female urtyn duu                                                             Wulan

鸿雁(男女双人舞)                                                                              张灏、王湘怡

Swan Geese(pas de deux)                                                                    Zhang Hao and Wang Xiangyi

万马奔腾(马头琴)                                                                              巴音满德呼 (键盘伴奏 斯庆呼雅格)

Galloping Horses(morin quur[3] solo)                                               Bayinmandehu(organ accompanist Siqinghuyage )

敖包相会(男女声二重唱)                                                                  阿孜、乌兰

Rendezvous(duet)                                                                               Azi and Wulan

我和草原有个约会(无伴奏合唱)                                                       全体演员

I Have a Date with the Grasslandacappella                                       The Troupe


The Performers

 第六屆中國電影國際論壇征文(South Carolina 9/18-20)

乌兰        呼伦贝尔歌舞团主唱,内蒙长调艺术研究会理事。曾多次参加国内外表演、比赛,荣获民歌原生态功勋金奖、内蒙长调大赛一等奖、宝音德力格大赛专业组一等奖等多种奖项。

Wulan             The vocal lead of the Hulunbuir Singing and Dance Troupe and a board member of the Inner Mongolian Association for Urtyn Duu Art; Wulan is an esteemed solo recitalist domestically and internationally. Her most notable awards include the Gold Award of the National Competition of Aboriginal Singing, the First Place of Inner Mongolian Urtyn Duu Competition, and the First Place in the Professional Category of the Baiyin Delige Competition.   

第六屆中國電影國際論壇征文(South Carolina 9/18-20)

巴音满德呼  斯琴格日乐乐队呼麦歌手、马头琴手。曾多次参加中央电视电视台、北京电视台晚会演出,并在国内外音乐节获奖。

Bayinmandehu A veteran urtyn duu vocalist and a morin quur musician in the Siqin Gerile Band, Bayinmandehu has appeared and won awards at the CCTV, the Beijing TV, as well as many domestic and international music festivals and competitions.

第六屆中國電影國際論壇征文(South Carolina 9/18-20)

 塞吉热胡(阿孜)自幼从师多名长调歌手,2011年加盟Esrge乐队,开始在中国二十余省市巡回演出并录制唱片。现任Esrge 乐队主唱。

Saijirehu(Azi)       From his formative years, Azi began to lean urtyn duu from many folk singers. Since he joined the Esrge Band in 2011, Azi has toured to more than 20 provinces and recorded several albums. He is now the vocal lead of the band.

第六屆中國電影國際論壇征文(South Carolina 9/18-20)

王湘怡      中央民族大学舞蹈学院在读研究生,曾应邀到中央电视台、全国人大、北京国际旅游节、黑龙江、西藏、俄罗斯、马来西亚等国演出。获桃李杯、新人杯等舞蹈大奖。

Wang Xiangyi Still an MA candidate in the College of Dance at the National Central University of Minority Nationalities, Wang Xiangyi has been invited to perform by the CCTV, the Chinese Congress, the Beijing International Tourist Festival, Heilongjiang province, and Tibet as well as Russia, Malaysia, etc. The awards she won include the National Peach and Plum(a special award for young dancers)and the National Rising Star Award for Performing Arts. 

第六屆中國電影國際論壇征文(South Carolina 9/18-20)

张灏        毕业于中央民族大学舞蹈学院。曾在60周年国庆联欢会、全国少数民族汇演、华北五省市独舞汇演、北京独舞汇演、国家大剧院、人民大会堂等场合、地点表演;并获得桃李杯等独舞、群舞奖。

Zhang Hao     Since his graduation from the College of Dance at the National Central University of Minority Nationalities, Zhang Hao has been invited to perform at the 60th Chinese National Day celebration, the National Dance Festival of Minority Nationalities, the Solo Dance Competition of North China, the Beijing Solo Dance Festival, the National Performance Hall, and the Hall of People’s Congress.  He is the winner of, among others, the National Peach and Plum Award. 

第六屆中國電影國際論壇征文(South Carolina 9/18-20)

斯庆呼雅格 键盘手、歌手。毕业于内蒙古戏剧表演艺术学院。 多次在中央电视台星光大道等栏目演出并获奖。同时为多部电影、电视剧、MTV 作曲、演奏。

Siqinghuyage An organ player and singer, Siqinghuyage graduated from the Inner Mongolian College of Performing Arts. He has been invited to perform and won awards at the Stardom Channel of the CCTV, etc. In the meantime he has composed and rendered his music for films, TV dramas, and MTV. 

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