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哪個天兵設計的?台灣募兵制廣告 - 完了! 必亡!
哪個天兵設計的?台灣募兵制廣告 - 完了! 必亡!
作者:Joyce Chang Ming Hua FW | 2015/7/5 5:56:41 | 浏览:2481 | 评论:1

(真的有這麼嚴重嗎?? 在這麼好的條件下, 募得的兵力, 應該可以組成世界第一流的軍隊. 若還不放心, 只要請這個廣告設計者再設計一個警告看板, 警告有侵犯台灣不良居心的野心國, 若在台灣士兵下班, 用餐, 休息, 氣溫高過攝氏38度或低於5度, 等情況下發動軍事行動, 就是野蠻, 不文明的行為, 必招天譴, 台灣地區將發動 太陽花示威遊行抗議; 若改用經濟手段欺壓台灣,也將引起全球公憤,不得好死.)

相信在這樣的警告下, 野心國必會知難而退, 台灣就安啦!!!

哪個天兵設計的?台灣募兵制廣告 - 完了! 必亡!


Veterans gather as Taiwan marks Japan's WWII defeat

哪個天兵設計的?台灣募兵制廣告 - 完了! 必亡!

Hsinchu(Taiwan)(AFP)- War veterans gathered Saturday for Taiwan's first military parade to mark the 70th anniversary of the defeat of Japan in World War II, as the island vies with China over the history of the conflict.

Jet fighters and attack helicopters were among aircraft that flew past in formation as Ma Ying-jeou spoke to the thousands gathered in the northern Hsinchu county on the nationalist Kuomintang government's role in the conflict.

The crowd applauded as jeeps carrying more than 20 veterans, displaying victory signs, paraded alongside trucks carrying ground troops and missiles, as well as tanks.

"There was only one truth:the war battling Japan was mostly conducted by China, thanks to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek," Ma said. "This must not be distorted and tampered. We do not want to boast about the victory, but rather we want to prevent war... Only in this way can we learn the lesson from history."

Japan invaded China in 1937 and the two countries fought a full-scale war until Japan was defeated in 1945, during which 3.2 million Kuomintang soldiers died, according to Taiwanese government figures.

哪個天兵設計的?台灣募兵制廣告 - 完了! 必亡!

The country's first parade to commemorate the defeat of Japan comes as Taiwan's ruling Kuomintang party fears Beijing is trying to give full credit for the victory to Mao Zedong's communist forces. But the plans sparked criticism from the radical anti-China opposition Taiwan Solidarity Union, which urged the government to do more to support the military in practical terms rather than organise memorial events.

Veterans, however, expressed their pleasure at having been invited to take part. Hsu Ming-teh, a former navy officer wearing a dark blue uniform decorated with a belatedly awarded national medal, was among more than 130 veterans at the ceremony.  "I'm really happy," he said, but added, "this would have been better if it were held 20 years ago, or half a century since the victory against Japan."

哪個天兵設計的?台灣募兵制廣告 - 完了! 必亡! 
Soldiers salute from the M60A3 tanks during the 70th Anniversary of the WWII at the Huko military in …

A fleet of 64 jet fighters, attack helicopters and utility aircraft flew low over the Hukou base while two newly-acquired Apache attack helicopters swooped and looped.

Japan's de facto ambassador to Taipei was absent from the military event. Sources familiar with the matter said the envoy declined to attend while claiming he had not received the invitation from the Taiwanese government.

Tokyo switched its diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing in 1972.

The Kuomintang government fled the mainland for Taiwan after their troops were crushed by the Chinese communist forces in 1949, at the end of a civil war in China.

Since Ma of the Kuomintang came to power on the island in 2008 with the promise of beefing up trade and tourism links, China has admitted the party contributed in the fight.

Taiwan stands up to China with World War II military parade


TAIPEI, Taiwan(AP)— Taiwan marched out thousands of troops and displayed its most modern military hardware Saturday to spotlight an old but often forgotten claim that its forces led the campaign that routed imperial Japan from China 70 years ago.

The military staged an unusually large two-hour parade of homegrown missiles, Apache attack helicopters and a mountain bike team designed for stealth missions, followed by awards for aged World War II veterans in their attire from the 1940s.

China and Taiwan split during civil war in 1949 and today's China — more militarily and economically powerful than Taiwan — claims that the Chinese Communists had directed the resistance against the Japanese. Mainland officials have argued that the Communists' advice and fighting skills were crucial to the victory.

Taiwan's Nationalist Party ruled all of China when Japan invaded parts of the country from 1931, forming a central stage of the Asian World War II theater. In one attack, the Japanese massacred between 40,000 and 300,000 Chinese in what has become known as the Nanjing Massacre.

哪個天兵設計的?台灣募兵制廣告 - 完了! 必亡!

Taiwan's military special forces "frogmen" pass in front of thousands of spectators in …

After losing the civil war, the Nationalists rebased in Taiwan in the late 1940s, and the government has governed the awestern Pacific island since then. China's Communists also claim sovereignty over Taiwan and insist that the two sides eventually reunify.

Taiwan's effort to cast the war in its favor comes as it seeks to avoid being eclipsed internationally by China, which has eight times more diplomatic allies.

"It's because the rest of the world is ignoring the Taiwan, so they want their contribution to be well recognized," said Kweibo Huang, associate professor of diplomacy at National Chengchi University in Taipei.

China will offer a three-day public holiday in September to mark the war anniversary, and the official Xinhua news agency says the government will hold its first World War II memorial parade that month.

Beijing had invited Taiwan representatives, but the island government said in April that officials would be banned by law and that any private citizens should attend with caution.

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