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UPDATE FROM China Institute NY
UPDATE FROM China Institute NY
2015/10/6 9:55:10 | 浏览:1999 | 评论:0



UPDATE FROM China Institute NY

UPDATE FROM China Institute NY 


UPDATE FROM China Institute NY


UPDATE FROM China Institute NY


   - Adult Classes

   - Programs for Children
   - Educators

Gallery Exhibitions & Related Programs

Public Programs

    - Author Talks & Lectures

    - Short Courses

Business Programs

Membership Events

Special Events

From Our Friends



October eNews Highlights


UPDATE FROM China Institute NY




The Beauty of Chinese Gardens

Spring 2016

China Institute Gallery puts tremendous work into developing art exhibitions that share the best of Chinese art and culture with our visitors. Routinely the product of years of planning, there is a great sense of accomplishment when an exhibition opens. After the exhibition closes in New York, however, the exhibition is not necessarily over. China Institute Gallery frequently loans our exhibitions to other museums and cultural institutions for them to put on display either
before or after our exhibition in New York.

The Beauty of Chinese Gardens
 is currently traveling
and available for future loan. 


UPDATE FROM China Institute NY

UPDATE FROM China Institute NY


UPDATE FROM China Institute NYEducation 


UPDATE FROM China Institute NY

UPDATE FROM China Institute NY

UPDATE FROM China Institute NY


 Adult Classes

China Institute offers a
wide range of Language
and Studio Classes

Group Classes, Private Tutoring, Corporate Mandarin Program, Studio Program

Sept. 28th - Dec. 17th
Last Chance - Register Now!
Beyond the classroom, students enjoy immeasurable access to Chinese language and culture, through social events, art, gallery exhibitions, and more.

  Learn More






 Programs for Children & Teens

Send your child to China Institute for an unparalleled experience with Chinese Language and Culture!

Kids & Teens
After-school Program

Sept. 28th - Feb. 1st 
Last Chance - Register Now!
Tailored for different age groups ranging from 2 to 17, the Children's After-school Program offers instruction of Chinese language and culture in an exciting and interactive environment.

  Learn More


 Programs for K-12 Educators

Join Us This Fall!
A Chancellor's Conference
Day Professional Development  Workshop for 6-12 Educators

Our PD Workshops

November 3, 2015
Register Now!

Developed to coincide with the New York City Department of Education's Chancellor's Conference Day, China Institute will host a day-long professional development workshop for grade
6-12 educators. 

Learn More 


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UPDATE FROM China Institute NY



UPDATE FROM China Institute NY




Discover China Through Art(DCTA)


Monday, September 28 - December 18

Join Us! This fall, DCTA, our art education program
for Groups, will present a special Chinese calligraphy workshop. Through a video presentation and an experimental ink and brush calligraphy workshop, participants will learn about the history of
Chinese characters


 Learn More     Register Now


UPDATE FROM China Institute NYPublic Programs 


UPDATE FROM China Institute NY

UPDATE FROM China Institute NY



Songs of a Golden Age:
High Tang Poetry

Thursday, October 8, 15, & 22
6:30PM - 8:00PM

Ben Wang, Senior Lecturer of Language and Humanities of China Institute, will introduce the Tang dynasty and the lives and works of the poets Wang Han, Wang Changling, Wang Wei, and Li Bai,
This lecture will be conducted in English.

Learn More     Register Now




Kids Workshop

Fun Saturday Workshops
For Kids and Teens

Saturday, October 17th - December 12th
10:00AM - 12:00PM

Celebrate Chinese Culture!

 Since we're all moved in, we'd like extend our
Fun Saturday Workshops for Kids & Teens! 

Bring your loved ones as we explore the artistic
form of Calligraphy, followed by our
Children's Chinese Film Series 

 Learn More    Register Now






UPDATE FROM China Institute NY

UPDATE FROM China Institute NY


Family Program

We All Live in the Forbidden City:
Book Launch Party & Family Festival

Saturday, October 24th
1:00PM - 4:00PM

You're Invited! 

Come celebrate with us
as we launch our new books:
Bowls of Happiness & What Was It Like, Mr. Emperor? Life in China's Forbidden City

Learn More     Register Now




Saving China's Art:
The Heiress, the Diplomat and the
'American Emperor'

Saturday, October 31st
2:00PM - 4:00PM

The Renwen Society at China Institute and the Confucius Institute for Business at SUNY Global Center jointly present an illustrated lecture by Margaret Stocker, trustee of the India House Foundation, on her new book:Saving China's Art:The Heiress, the Diplomat and the
'American Emperor.'

 Learn More    Register Now



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UPDATE FROM China Institute NY


Author Talk

China's Millennials
The Want Generation with Eric Fish

Tuesday, November 3rd
6:30PM - 8:30PM

Join us for an Author Talk with Eric Fish, who will discuss his recently published work, China's Millennials. Eric Fish, a millennial himself, profiles youth from around China to show how they are navigating the education system, the workplace, divisive social issues, and a
resurgence in activism.

 Learn More    Register Now


UPDATE FROM China Institute NYBusiness Programs


China Impact Speakers


Private Equity Investing in China

Guest Speaker:

Bruce Ou

Wednesday, November 4th, 6:00PM - 8:00PM

Join us for this timely discussion on private equity
investing in China with Mr. Bruce Ou, a Managing Partner of Grove Street Advisors who co-leads the firm's strategy and portfolio development in China.

Learn More      Register Now

UPDATE FROM China Institute NY

UPDATE FROM China Institute NY


UPDATE FROM China Institute NYFrom Our Friends


UPDATE FROM China Institute NY

UPDATE FROM China Institute NY

UPDATE FROM China Institute NY

UPDATE FROM China Institute NY

The Rubin


Margaret Mead Film Festival
Oct. 22nd - Oct. 25th

 Learn More  

Japan Society


1968 & Beyond:
The New World of Art and Photography
Friday, Oct. 9th

  Learn More  



Columbia University


Social Welfare:Does it Have a Place in China's Evolving Economy?
Wednesday, Oct. 14 
6:00PM - 7:30PM

Learn More   



China and World Economy:New Risks, Uncertainties and Opportunities
Sunday, Nov. 8th

 Learn More 

UPDATE FROM China Institute NY


UPDATE FROM China Institute NY


UPDATE FROM China Institute NY

UPDATE FROM China Institute NY


UPDATE FROM China Institute NY



Stay Connected

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UPDATE FROM China Institute NY


100 Washington Street, New York, NY 10006  l  Tel:212.744.8181

 (Click Here For-- Directions & Nearby Parking)

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