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USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)
USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)
2015/10/7 5:43:25 | 浏览:2417 | 评论:0

USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)

Please join the USC U.S.-China Institute for a symposium that features leading professors from Fudan University's School of Journalism. All are also researchers at the school's Information and Communication Studies Center. They'll be discussing Shanghai's past and present, interaction between state and society, and the varying roles of communication in the city's governance and identity.

New Communication Technology and Shanghai:Global and Local
Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, ASC 207
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Date:Thursday, October 22, 2015
please click here to RSVP.


Topics and Speakers

The Shifts and Growth of a 'City':Shenbao and Shanghai 

USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)

Huang Dan 黄旦, Director of the Information and Communication Studies Center

 China's first modern newspaper, Shenbao, was founded in Shanghai in 1872. For locals and for those outside the city, Shenbao came to define the city through its coverage. The city of Shenbao was so much more than administrative boundaries, capturing so much more of the city's life and culture.

 The flowing city of Shanghai:Urban regionalism in the era of new technologies and globalization 


USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)

Sun Wei 孙玮, Deputy Dean of the School of Journalism

 Shanghai's unique experience has given it a distinctive regional character.  It's reemergence as China's most globally-interconnected city is part of national design and draws on its historical role. This talk looks at the images of the city, popular memory, and interaction among the central state, local authorities, and citizens in discussing what Shanghai is and should be.

 Imaged City:Big Screens and the Urban Experiences, The Case of Shanghai 


USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)

Lu Ye 陆晔, Deputy Director of the Information and Communication Studies Center

 The "imaged city" is both a city awash in big screen images and the place of such images in the identity of the city. This study differs from others in its focus on how people respond to these images and how they become part of the everyday fabric of Shanghai life. For many they are an important marker of the city's metropolis status.

On the Grid:Mediated Governance in Shanghai Communities 


USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)

Xie Jing 谢静, Director of the Media Literacy Study Center

 "Grid management" is a new approach to community governance that is being tried in Shanghai. It seeks to divide the city into blocks and to tackle management and problems in a comprehensive, interlinked manner. New technologies are key to the approach, utilizing hotlines, mobile phone apps, cameras, and databases. This "communication-turn" in governance is intended to be more responsive to the needs of citizens and to weave agencies and the community more closely together.

 Rethinking the Concept and Measurement of Media Use:Based on a Survey on College Students in Shanghai 


USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)

Liao Shengqing 廖圣清, Chair of the Communication Department, Assistant Director of the Information and Communication Studies Center

 Media use is changing. Thinking about media use and measures of it need to change as well. Drawing on surveys of Shanghai college students, Prof. Liao and colleagues have developed a Media Use Fragmentation Index that looks at individual's use of varied media across both time and location.


USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)


Avoid traffic and get to USC by taking the Metro's Expo Line
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Driving Directions to Campus
For maps and directions to campus, visit the
University Park Campus Map & Driving Directions page.

Suggested Parking
Parking Structure X(PSX)- $12/day
Enter at the Figueroa Street Entrance at 35th Street(Entrance 3)


Other Events

Dear Zhenying: 

We hope that you will join us for our luncheon program on Thursday, October 29. This free gathering, ahead of USC's Global Conference, will focus on U.S.-China relations and on cross-strait ties. It will also include highlights from our Assignment:China series, the last episodes of which will be released that day. While the program is free and open to all, space is limited and reservations are required. Please click here to RSVP

What:USC U.S.-China Institute Luncheon
When:noon - 2:30 pm
Where:Grand Hyatt Shanghai 

Jin Mao Tower 金茂大厦
88 Century Avenue, Pudong

Shanghai, 200121 上海 200121

Tel/电话:+86 21 5049 1234


USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)




USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)Wu Xinbo 吴心伯 directs Fudan University's Center for American Studies 复旦大学美国研究中心主任and is Executive Dean of the Institute of International Studies. He's the editor and author of numerous books and articles, including Strategic Report on Sino-U.S. Relations in 2014 and "The 'New Normal' of Sino-U.S. Relations."


USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)Daniel Lynch 林丹 is a professor at the USC School of International Relations国际关系学院教授. His new book is China's Futures: PRC Elites Debate Economics, Politics, and Foreign Policy. His previous books examined what China's rise might mean for democracy in Asia and the role of the media in reform-era China.



USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)Shao Yuqun 邵育群 heads the Center for American Studies美洲研究中心执行主任 at the Shanghai Institute for International Studies 上海国际问题研究院. She's publishes widely, including recent articles on cybersecurity, Chinese and American efforts in Central Asia, and cross-strait relations. 


USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)Tom Hollihan is a professor at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism安纳伯格传播与新闻学院教授. The author of several books, Hollihan recently edited and contributed to an important collection of essays on how media and textbook narratives in the United States, China, and Japan on the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands shape opinion and challenge the global order. 


USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)Mike Chinoy 齐迈可 is a USCI senior fellow 南加州大学美中学院高级研究员 and for nearly a quarter-century was an award-winning correspondent for CNN. He's the writer and chief reporter for Assignment:China. His books include China Live.




USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)Clayton Dube 杜克雷 directs the U.S.-China Institute南加州大学美中学院主任 and will moderate the event. 


We look forward to seeing you on October 29. Please click here to RSVP. Questions? Please write to us at uschina@usc.edu.

Best wishes,
The USC U.S.-China Institute



USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)


About the USC U.S.-China Institute:

Established in 2006 by President C.L. Max Nikias, the USC U.S.-China Institute focuses on the multidimensional U.S.-China relationship and key trends in contemporary China. With the two countries accounting for one-third of global GDP, a quarter of world trade, half of global defense spending, and 42% of greenhouse gas emissions, the U.S.-China relationship is shaping the 21st century.


USCI informs public discussion of U.S.-China ties through policy-relevant research, innovative training programs, influential public events, compelling documentaries and publications.


Institute research supported the U.S.-China Commission on Trust-Building and powers the U.S.-China Exchanges website. The institute funds faculty and graduate research across our campuses. USCI has developed new courses and professional development programs. USCI's conferences on timely subjects attract large audiences. These events brought together top researchers, policy-makers, and businesspeople to examine topics such as the making of U.S. policy toward China, the state of the Chinese economy, how Americans and Chinese see each other, and the hopes and worries of millennials.


More than 50 million people have watched the institute's documentary films, especially the landmark Assignment:China series on American reporting on China from the 1940s to today. The institute's US-China Today informs readers and gives students hands-on research, analysis, and multimedia communication experience. Policymakers and journalists in both the U.S. and China routinely draw on the expertise and insight of USCI specialists.


Since fall 2011, USCI has been part of the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. USCI is a key part of the school's effort to building the top program on Chinese communication.


Please click here to subscribe to the USCI newsletter. Please click here to support the institute.


USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)


Other Events in Shanghai


2015 USC Global Conference:Shanghai, China

USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)

Grand Hyatt Shanghai
Jin Mao Tower, 88 Century Avenue
Shanghai, China
Dates:October 29 - October 31, 2015

USC has long been at the forefront of this innovation, exploring what it can mean for business, science, technology, medicine, and the arts and entertainment. The conference will examine cutting-edge innovations that are already changing the world and the opportunities they present for the future.

The conference will start on Thursday night with an opening dinner for attendees to gather, network and launch what is sure to be the best USC Global Conference ever. The program will kick off on Friday morning, showcasing global business leaders, cutting edge research, and breakthroughs that are changing the world as we know it. Sessions continue on Saturday through lunch, ending with the gala dinner on Saturday night. Visit the website for more information.


Innovation and Entertainment in Hollywood and China:Past, Present, and Future

USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)

Grand Hyatt Shanghai
Jin Mao Tower, 88 Century Avenue
Shanghai, China
Date:October 30, 2015

Time:3:45 pm - 7:00 pm

USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism presents this panel as part of the USC Global Conference 2015 in Shanghai, China at the Shanghai Grand Hyatt. Please join Dean Ernest J. Wilson III for a converstion with John Zhao from Hony Capital, Li Ruigang from China Media Capital and Bob Simonds from STX Entertainment. For USC Global Conference Attendees only.


Mapping The Future Of Entertainment

USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)

Grand Hyatt Shanghai, Grand Ballroom III
Jin Mao Tower, 88 Century Avenue
Shanghai, China
Date:November 1, 2015

Time:9:30 am - 2:00 pm

Dean Ernest J. Wilson III invites you to a panel discussion with Jonathan Taplin from the Annenberg Innovation Lab and David Craig from Annenberg Communication Management. This event is free and open to the public. RSVP is required.


2015 U.S.-China Film Summit & Gala Dinner

Dorothy Chandler Pavilion 
135 N. Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Date:November 5, 2015

USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)

The Asia Society Southern California's U.S.-China Film Summit is the premier U.S. event uniting Hollywood and Chinese film-industry leaders to discuss business collaboration and the latest market trends.

Considered the premier U.S. event uniting Hollywood and Chinese film-industry leaders to discuss business collaboration and market trends, the Film Summit will feature a day of timely, insightful panel discussions and featured speakers. 

Panel topics at the Film Summit will include:

  • The China Wave:After a year of headline-making deals, what's the outlook for Chinese investment in Hollywood, what new forms may it take and will China's market turbulence affect companies' global appetites?
  • Frontiers in Content:New avenues and models for U.S.-China collaboration, from cutting-edge digital technologies and gaming-inspired story development to theme parks and ancillary film products.
  • Take Two:As cross-border film productions become more ambitious, it's more important than ever to avoid legal, business and cultural disconnects that have plagued some projects. Lessons learned in how to overcome these hurdles, and key issues to expect in the future.
  • Insights from the Corner Office:Chinese and American studio heads share their experiences and predictions on how the world's two biggest entertainment markets will converge, collaborate and compete.

Visit the website for more information.

The USC U.S.-China Institute is a supporting organization. To receive the discount for registration, use the promotional code:USCIsummit2015. Click here to register.

USC:New Communication Technology & Shanghai(10/22)

USC U.S.-China Institute | 213-821-4382 | Email | Website


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