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CESASC:Ability to Make Conversation at Work & at Play
CESASC:Ability to Make Conversation at Work & at Play
2015/10/25 11:34:04 | 浏览:1667 | 评论:0

CESASC:Ability to Make Conversation at Work & at Play


 CESASC seminar - in a series of six sessions for cracking the “Bamboo Ceiling”

2nd Seminar
Important Announcement:
New Dates for the 2nd Seminar: Sunday, Nov 22, 2015
Due to schedule conflict, we have delayed our 2nd Seminar: “ Ability to Make Conversation at Work and at Play" to a new date: 
Nov 22, 2015

CESASC:Ability to Make Conversation at Work & at Play



CESASC proudly presents the second seminar- in a series of six sessionsfor cracking the “Bamboo Ceiling”
2nd Seminar:
Ability to Make Conversation at Work and at Play
Most people of Asian Minority wishing to rise to the top in the workplace, face a steep uphill battle filled with many seemingly insurmountable obstacles
·      Are you discouraged by not being promoted? 
·      Are you working harder and take a wait and see attitude, and hope you will be promoted?
You know you want to be recognized!   Don’t be discouraged.  Don’t wait!  
You need to take positive steps to improve yourself, learn approaches to make yourself more visible, develop a diverse network and cultivate strategic allies and learn the unwritten rules of your organization.
For all of these, you need to improve your knowledge of American Culture, and your communication skills, and be a team player. 
The Cracking of the Bamboo Ceiling Seminars are designed just for you.   We will teach you not only what to do, but also How to do it.  That is exactly what you need. 
Our next class is on the “Ability to Make Conversation at Work and at Play” 
Usually the right kind of small talk would help you to address the “visibility”, “learning the organization culture and opportunity”, and create a good “bond” with your colleagues, your office mates and even your bosses. We all know, starting a conversation with someone from a different background, especially from a different culture, is one of the hardest parts of communication.
Don't worry!  This seminar/workshop will help you develop the skills and the confidence to strike up a good conversation with your friends, colleagues, bosses, managers, customers, and others.  This would be a great first step to build good bond with others and towards building a successful career.
You'll learn some tips and tricks on talking about nearly anything with nearly anyone.  Learn the one skill you must master to be a conversational expert and also learn five tools to help you avoid awkwardness and fit into most social situations.
During the class, you'll have plenty of time to practice your newfound skills with one another.  Bring your issue/problem to the class so that we can help you to resolve them.
In addition to the 5 tools, you will learn some basic knowledge of American concerts, art museums, and sporting events that will help you feel more comfortable when you talk about them or even attend such events in the future.   This knowledge will be the foundation of our "small talk exercises."  Most importantly, participants will learn by experiencing and having fun.

Please register now if you haven’t done so(
www.cesasc.org).  Deadline:Nov 21, 2015
Attached is the flyer for the seminar - Ability to Make Conversation at Work and at Play.
The Speaker- Jeanette DePaties profile is attached.  Jeanette DePatie is an excellent trainer in both mentally and physically. Ms. DePatie has been interviewed many times on television, radio and in print by Katie Couric, NPR, Dr. Drew, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Women’s Health, Women’s Running and Psychology Today.


在職場除了与同事談公事,更要能私下互動談些公事以外的瑣事,例如體育,政治,経濟,文化等日常生活瑣事。這對於第一代移民的你我可是一件不容易的一件事。主要是我們的生活文化背景不同之故。但這些公事外的 "小談話卻是我們職塲上的重要潤滑劑。

科工會有鍳於在談話方面對應方面的需要,特舉辦了這場由 Jeanette DePatie 主持的研討會。Jeanette 的經驗非常豐富,將由以美國文化為背景包括體育,藝術,音樂等而譲你能軽鬆的和任何人對話而達到交流的目的,壘積了個人的人胍。對你的事業生話有決對性的加分与幫助。除了一些基本的知識她更能現場讓您、參與和互動。不要擔心您的語言能力,因為您的語言能力是足的,您需要的是方法,交談的方法,對話的方式。我們會教你。



日期: November 22, 2015
時間: 1:30 pm registration and networking, 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm 研討會開始
: 601 Las Tunas Drive, #100, Arcadia CA 91007
登記:  www.cesasc.org
See you very soon.

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