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SoCal NextGen Career Forum(11/7, CalTech)
SoCal NextGen Career Forum(11/7, CalTech)
作者:LEAP职业发展 | 2015/10/28 14:34:11 | 浏览:1722 | 评论:0

SoCal NextGen Career Forum(11/7, CalTech)

SoCal NextGen Career Forum(11/7, CalTech)

Yes, you deserve it! A better Job, or A More Fulfilling Career. And if you are reading this, you have already taken an essential step!

SoCal NextGen Career Forum(11/7, CalTech)

Next Gen. In Your Hand. Starts Here

So what is it? What makes us so confident? ... Enough teasers. Let's disclose this "secret mission" in EVERY SINGLE DETAIL.

What is NextGen?

You see yourself as the Next Generation; we see you as the Next Leader, Innovator, and Influencer. No matter where you are today, what's inbetween "Now" and "Next" is a path paved with flowers and thorns, plauses and tears, hopes and doubts. Don't be beaten. Because till that day, we, LEAP, will be there with you, as always.

So, the very first step:BE THERE WITH US on Nov 7 at SoCal NextGen Career Forum, EXCLUSIVELY MADE FOR YOU!

SoCal NextGen Career Forum(11/7, CalTech)

What is LEAP?

LEAP Career Development Forum is committed to building a trustworthy and sustained platform for professional growth and career advancement of young Asian Americans and those from Asian countries currently studying or working in America in STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)and related fields.

Since launched in February 2013, LEAP has hosted around 20 career development conferences/seminars in Southern California area in collaboration with prominent organizations and companies, including Southern California Gas Company, Southern California Edison, JPL/AAC, SABPA, CESASC, American Petroleum Institute, AE2C, SWCSSA, UCLA, USC, Caltech, UCI, UCSD, Pepperdine, many other alumni associations, and other associations.

What To Expect On The Day?

SoCal NextGen Career Forum(11/7, CalTech)

Early Birds Eat Worms

Early Bird Price(By Oct 28th)

SoCal NextGen Career Forum(11/7, CalTech)

SoCal NextGen Career Forum(11/7, CalTech)

How to Register

Press and hold the QR Code below to open the Registration page.

SoCal NextGen Career Forum(11/7, CalTech)

Hint 1:

"JOB EXPRESS", a.k.a "求职直通车", is a Job-Hunting Reality Show, allowing an applicant to have an one-to-one interview with 4 to 5 hiring managers at the same time.

Hint 2:

If you are to be considered for "JOB EXPRESS", Mentoring Program, or on-site Job Fair, please upload your reume to secure your spot.

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