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栏目导航 — 美国华裔教授专家网活动公告征文征稿
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2015/11/3 0:25:05 | 浏览:1707 | 评论:0


International Association of Scientific Innovation and Research(IASIR)
Offices:USA, India, Canada, Australia, Germany, Netherlands
Subject:  Call for Papers for the International Journals

Dear Academician / Researcher,
International Association of Scientific Innovation and Research(IASIR)is a non-profit international organization that promotes the development and enhancement of research in various discipline of engineering, management, formal, applied and natural sciences, humanities, arts and social sciences. This organization has their offices at India, USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, and Netherlands.  The mission of IASIR is to encourage interdisciplinary research in state-of-the-art methodologies and technologies within its areas of expertise. This association is working as an independent research body for the realization of innovative scientific theories and research practices to overlay the gap between the academician, researchers and industrial experts IASIR brings together scientists, researchers, students and academicians from all over the world who work professionally to upgrade status of human society by their ideas and research Potential. IASIR has the following refereed and indexed scientific research International Journals:
(a)International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences(IJETCAS), ISSN(Online):2279-0055, ISSN(Print):2279-0047
(b)International Journal of Software and Web Sciences(IJSWS), ISSN(Online):2279-0071, ISSN(Print):2279-0063
(c)International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprises Applications(IJEBEA), ISSN(Online):2279-0039, ISSN(Print):  2279-0020,
(d)American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics(AIJRSTEM), ISSN(Print):2328-3491, ISSN(Online):2328-3580, ISSN(CD-ROM):2328-3629
(e)American International Journal of Research in Formal, Applied and Natural Sciences(AIJRFANS), ISSN(Print):2328-3777, ISSN(Online):  2328-3785, ISSN(CD-ROM):2328-3793
(f)American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences((AIJRHASS), ISSN(Print):2328-3734, ISSN(Online):  2328-3696, ISSN(CD-ROM):2328-3688.
All accepted papers will be published online and in print forms. Each  journal of IASIR is will be indexed with major databases like GetCITED, DOAJ,  SSRN, TGDScholar, WorldWideScience, CiteSeerX, CRCnetBASE, Computer  Science Directory, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, INSPEC,  ProQuest, ArnetMiner, Base, ChemXSeer, citebase, OpenJ-Gate,  eLibrary, SafetyLit, SSRN, Science.Gov, VADLO, OpenGrey, EBSCO,  ProQuest, UlrichWeb, Scirus, ISSUU, SPIE Digital Library, arXiv, DBLP,  ERIC, EasyBib, Infotopia, IndexCopernicus, WorldCat, .docstoc , JURN,  Mendeley, ResearchGate, cogprints, OCLC, iSEEK, Scribd, LOCKSS, CASSI,  E-PrintNetwork, intute, and other databases. IASIR has a wide list of distinguished editorial board composed of leading researchers from around the World. The main objective of IASIR journals is to spread innovative scientific research and excellence in knowledge and ideas.
Call for Paper(Online and Print Issues)
After the successful publications of our previous issues which are  already refereed and indexed with major databases and libraries  available Worldwide, we cordially invite you to submit research  papers/articles for the following refereed and indexed scientific  research International Journals for September-November 2015, Issues..
a)International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and  Applied Sciences(IJETCAS), Issue 14 with subject line:  *IJETCAS_Name of Author* to iasir.journals@gmail.com,  and CC to:  ijetcas@gmail.com  iasir.journals@iasir.net.
b)International Journal of Software and Web Sciences(IJSWS), Issue 14 with subject line:*IJSWS_Name of Author* to iasir.journals@gmail.com, ijswss@gmail.com and CC to:iasir.journals@iasir.net.
c)International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprises  Applications(IJEBEA), Issue 14 with subject line:  *IJEBEA_Name of Author* to iasir.journals@gmail.comijebea@gmail.com and CC to:iasir.journals@iasir.net.
d)American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology,  Engineering & Mathematics(AIJRSTEM), Issue 12 with subject  line:*AIJRSTEM_Name of Author* to iasir.journals@gmail.com, aijrstem@gmail.com, and CC to:  iasir.journals@iasir.net.
e)American International Journal of Research in Formal, Applied and  Natural Sciences(AIJRFANS), Issue 12 with subject line:  *AIJRFANS_Name of Author* to iasir.journals@gmail.com,   aijrfans@gmail.com, and CC to:  iasir.journals@iasir.net,
(f)American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and  Social Sciences((AIJRHASS), Issue 12 with subject line:  *AIJRHASS_Name of Author* to iasir.journals@gmail.comaijrhass@gmail.com, and CC to:  iasir.journals@iasir.net.
Impact Factor Value and Indexing
(a)International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences(IJETCAS), ISSN(Print):2279-0047, ISSN(Online):2279-0055. I.F.C. Value 6.20
(b)International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprises Applications(IJEBEA), ISSN(Print):2279-0020, ISSN(Online):2279-0039. I.F.C. Value 6.32
(c)International Journal of Software and Web Sciences(IJSWS), ISSN(Print):2279-0063, ISSN(Online):2279-0071. I.F.C. Value 5.88
(d)American International Journal of Research in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics(AIJRSTEM)
ISSN(Print):2328-3491, ISSN(Online):2328-3580, ISSN(CD-ROM):2328-3629
(Fully refereed, indexed, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary and open access journal and recently it attained the I.C Value of 5.01)
(e)American International Journal of Research in Formal, Applied and Natural Sciences(AIJRFANS)
ISSN(Print):2328-3777, ISSN(Online):2328-3785, ISSN(CD-ROM):2328-3793
(Fully refereed, indexed, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary and open access journal and recently it attained the I.C Value of 4.96)
(f)American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences((AIJRHASS)
ISSN(Print):2328-3734, ISSN(Online):2328-3696, ISSN(CD-ROM):2328-3688
(Fully refereed, indexed, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary and open access journal and recently it attained the I.C Value of 5.80).
Our journals are internationally recognized and all of the journals of IASIR are having global impact and indexed in large databases(as mentioned above). Since all of the international journals of IASIR are fully refereed, indexed, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary and open access and having worldwide coverage, and therefore, our board members and experts are making constant efforts to include the IASIR’s journals into more into more Databases. All of the journals including all American and other three journals are having their own status in the concerned areas. We are already having a large numbers of published papers form the researchers across the World.
Important Dates
(i)            Paper Submission Deadline:15 November, 2015,
(ii)           Author Notification:Within 10-15 Days of submission,
(iii)          Date of Final Notification:25 November, 2015, and
(iv)          Online Publishing:  30 November, 2015.
Submission Procedure
IASIR publishes high-quality research articles, in English, in all of the major areas of engineering, management, formal, applied and natural sciences, humanities, arts and social sciences. All papers published by IASIR will be blind reviewed by at least two reviewers in the concerned field. The authors are kindly invited to submit full text papers including results, tables, figures and references in Journal’sPaper Template Format available at website:  http://www.iasir.net. The authors may please send their manuscript(s)to:iasir.journals@gmail.com, iasir.journals@iasir.net, ijetcas@gmail.com, ijebea@gmail.com, ijswss@gmail.com,aijrstem@gmail.com, aijrfans@gmail.com, and aijrhass@gmail.com
Publication Benefits
The benefits of publishing in the IASIR’s International Journals as compared to other journals are:
a)Your research paper/article will have the potential to obtain more citations.
b)Your research paper/article will be peer-reviewed and published very fast.
c)Your research paper/article can be read by a potentially much larger audience.
d)Lower than average paper processing fees.
e)All published research papers/articles will be free to view, download and to print.
With kind regards,

International Association of Scientific Innovation and Research(IASIR)
STEM Scientific Online Media and Publishing House,
148, Summit Drive, Byron,
Georgia-31008, United States.
E-mail:iasir.journals@iasir.net; iasir.journals@gmail.com; ijetcas@gmail.com; ijebea@gmail.com; ijswss@gmail.com;  aijrstem@gmail.com; aijrfans@gmail.com; aijrhass@gmail.com


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