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CESASC & NAAAP:Business Etiquette(Arcadia 1/10/2016)
CESASC & NAAAP:Business Etiquette(Arcadia 1/10/2016)
2015/12/28 13:31:13 | 浏览:1742 | 评论:0

CESASC & NAAAP:Business Etiquette(Arcadia 1/10/2016)

第 3 期打破職場瓶頸的研討會:


2016年 1月10日

由南加州科工會和美國亞裔專業恊會共同主辦的第4期打破職場的研討會將 2016110日登.此研討會是一串六個硏討会系列中的第4,主是:美國職場文化



期的演人可是重量的包括了現仼Duarte 長 Samuel Kang 期自行開業 Ms. Deb Ringler 能在百忙之中和大家分享他們寶貴經驗

朋友們,這樣的講座可是難得的機會,讓我們將不知道的,困惑的,禮儀問題帶來討論解決。請上網註冊。www.cesasc.org.  截止日期是2016 1月9日。




日期: January 10, 2016

時間: 1:30 PM to 2:00 PM Networking, 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm 研討會

: 601 Las Tunas Drive, #100, Arcadia CA 91007


登記:  www.cesasc.org 

CESASC* and NAAAP** of LA proudly present the fourth seminar- in a series of six sessions for cracking the “Bamboo Ceiling”

4th Seminar:

Business Etiquette

Sunday, Jan. 10, 2016 | 1:30 PM to 2:00 PM



Holiday celebration with complimentary cookies and refreshment 

2:00 PM to 4:30 PM Seminar


Radio Golden Vintage

601 Las Tunas Dr. #100, Arcadia, CA 91007


*CESASC(The Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California).

** NAAAP of LA(The National Association of Asian American Professionals)of LA.


CESASC & NAAAP:Business Etiquette(Arcadia 1/10/2016)




Most people of Asian Minority wishing to rise to the top in the workplace, face a steep uphill battle filled with many seemingly insurmountable obstacles·      Are you discouraged by not being promoted? ·      Are you working harder and take a wait and see attitude, and hope you will be promoted?You know you want to be recognized!   Don’t be discouraged.  Don’t wait!  You need to take positive steps to improve yourself, learn approaches to make yourself more visible, develop a diverse network and cultivate strategic allies and learn the unwritten rules of your organization.For all of these, you need to improve your knowledge of American Culture, and your communication skills, and be a team player. The Cracking of the Bamboo Ceiling Seminars are designed just for you.   We will teach you not only what to do, but also How to do it.   That is exactly what you need. Our next class is on the “Business Etiquette Seminar”, January 10, 2016 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Abstract:Business etiquette can be a crucial part of successfully establishing yourself in the United States; small misunderstandings and unintended offenses can affect your ability to network and establish relationships which will affect your promotion to a proper position.This seminar will show you how to dress for business, exchange greetings, engage in conversation, and follow customs.  We will also show you the communication style, appropriate body language, ways to greet people, and  how to leave a good impression.This seminar, you will help you feel comfortable to work in a corporate environment and just be comfortable being part of your community and business organization. You will never have to worry about missing an opportunity due to your misunderstanding of the business culture.What’s even better is that you can bring your questions and interact with others as we learn together.Please register now if you haven’t done so(www.cesasc.org).  Deadline:Jan 9, 2016Attached is the flyer for the seminar - Business Etiquette


Samuel Kang - Honorable Mayor, City of Duarte, California

CESASC & NAAAP:Business Etiquette(Arcadia 1/10/2016)

Honorable Kang is currently the Mayor of City of Duarte where City of Hope resides.  Mayor Kang is leading the charge on economic development in the San

Gabriel Valley by developing a viable Transit Oriented Development(TOD)that would bring high technological jobs, state of the art healthcare and luxurious hotels into the valley.

Throughout his career, Mayor Kang has led multiple multi-national large-scale programs and projects throughout Asia, Europe and North America.  He is well connected with many corporate leaders, Chinese government officials as well as US Senators, Congress, State Treasurer, and many other local elected officials.

Mayor Kang has spoken in many conferences and political events and he has also been featured in multiple technological magazines, and newspapers over the years.

Mayor Kang currently serves as a board member for the Foothill Employment and Training Consortium(EDD), the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership, the League of California Cities - Asian Pacific Islander Caucus, SGV Healthcare IT Consortium and San Gabriel Valley Start-Up Venture.

Mayor Kang is a proven leader and an advocate for the San Gabriel Valley. Just a month ago, he brought a delegation of Southern California elected officials and business leaders to Beijing and initiated 5 MOUs that are worth over $40Million USD.

Deb Ringler — Inspirational Speaker, Writer, and Master Gardener

CESASC & NAAAP:Business Etiquette(Arcadia 1/10/2016)

Deb started her career in Horticulture at the age of 17 working at a retail plant nursery in Newport Beach which serves a very affluent clientele.  Though she had little horticulture experience at the time, her work ethics and enthusiasm soon got her promoted to being the buyer of the Interior Plants for the nursery. By the age of 20 she was encouraged by her boss to start her own Interior Landscape business which she still manages three decades later.

Deb has served hundreds of customers in the last 35 years and has a lot of experience interacting with a very wealthy clientele.  Deb has also been a host to numerous foreign exchange students from all over the world, and having them stay in her home gave her a personal perspective on the challenges other cultures face here in the United States.  Deb now uses her vast horticulture and business knowledge in combination with her variety of personal life experiences to inspire others. Deb will present in a practical and humorous style on how you can present yourself in a professional and engaging manner regardless of your background.



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