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China Information Technology Expo(Las Vegas 1/7)
China Information Technology Expo(Las Vegas 1/7)
2015/12/29 2:16:55 | 浏览:4269 | 评论:0

China Information Technology Expo(Las Vegas 1/7)

China Information Technology Expo
Press Conference, Las Vegas
Host: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, P. R. China
          Municipal Government of Shenzhen, P. R. China
Co-organizer: Shenzhen Flat Panel Display Industry Association
Organized by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology(MIIT)and The Municipal Government of Shenzhen, China Information Technology Expo(CITE)is designed to be a national platform for the next generation information Technology industry and high-end network with global high-tech giants.
MIIT is the authority in charge of the manufacturing of electronic and information products, the communications and software industry, as well as the promotion of informatization of the national economy and social services in China.
CITE is held annually in the city of Shenzhen, which serves as the center of advanced manufacturing industries in China and even in the world. The municipal government takes painstaking efforts to facilitate the development of high-tech industry.
Officials attanding the conference include the following:
Mr. Qiao Yueshan
Deputy Director General of Electronics and Information Department, MIIT
Mr. Yang Xudong
Director of General Management Division, Electronics and Information Department, MIIT 
Mr. Jia Xingdong
Deputy Director General of Economy, Trade and Information Commission of Shenzhen
Mr. Ren Xiang
Deputy Director of Electronics and Information Department, Economy, Trade and Information Commission of Shenzhen
Topics to be covered:
  • General Introduction of China Electronics and Information Industry
  • Market Outlook, Opportunities and Policies Guiding the Electronics and Information Industry in China
  • Introduction of China Information Technology Expo 2016
North American Representative Office of Shenzhen, China
350 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 288, Los Angeles, CA, 90071


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