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Call for Candidates of ICSPAH Executive Council Members & Call for Nominations of ICSPAH Awards‏
Call for Candidates of ICSPAH Executive Council Members & Call for Nominations of ICSPAH Awards‏
2016/1/13 7:54:34 | 浏览:2127 | 评论:0

Call for Candidates of ICSPAH Executive Council Members & Call for Nominations of ICSPAH Awards‏

Hi, Dear ICSPAH members:

Election for ICSPAH Executive Council members will take place at 2016  ICSPAH General Assembly(April 6, 2016)in Minnesota, the United  States. We now call for candidates for the following four positions:
1. President Elect. A three-year position. The candidate must have  been an active ICSPAH member for three years by April 2016.
2. Secretary. A two-year position with possible one-term extension. 
The candidate must have been an active ICSPAH member for three years by April 2016. The current, appointed Secretary is eligible as a candidate for this position.
3. Business Manager. A three-year, non-voting position with possible  one-term extension. The candidate must have been an active ICSPAH member for three years by April 2016. The current, appointed Business Manager is eligible as a candidate for this position.
4. Student Representative. A one-year, non-voting position with possible one-term extension. The candidate must be an active ICSPAH  member at the time of nomination. The current, elected Student  Representative is eligible as a candidate for this position.
In addition, One Early Career Research Award and one Service Award  will be presented to the recipients at 2016 ICAPAH General Assembly.  Please see the followings for details.




Call for Candidates of ICSPAH Executive Council Members

Election for ICSPAH Executive Council members will take place at 2016 ICSPAH General Assembly(April 6, 2016)in Minnesota, the United States. We now call for candidates for the following four positions:

1. President Elect. A three-year position. The candidate must have been an active ICSPAH member for three years by April 2016.

2. Secretary. A two-year position with possible one-term extension. The candidate must have been an active ICSPAH member for three years by April 2016. The current, appointed Secretary is eligible as a candidate for this position.

3. Business Manager. A three-year, non-voting position with possible one-term extension. The candidate must have been an active ICSPAH member for three years by April 2016. The current, appointed Business Manager is eligible as a candidate for this position.

4. Student Representative. A one-year, non-voting position with possible one-term extension. The candidate must be an active ICSPAH member at the time of nomination. The current, elected Student Representative is eligible as a candidate for this position.

Those who are interested in the above positions please prepare the following three election documents and send them to Dr. Wenhao Liu at wenhao.liu@sru.edu and copy the information to Dr. Tao Zhang at Tao.Zhang@unt.edu and Dr. Henry Wang at hwang2@bsu.edu by February 14, 2016.

1. A brief election statement indicating the position you are interested in(President-elect, Secretary, Business Manager, or Student Representative)and your future commitment to, and/or ideas for, the position(a short paragraph with no more than 300 words)

2. A one-page biographical sketch in English

Call for Nominations of ICSPAH Awards(2016)

One Early Career Research Award and one Service Award will be presented to the recipients at 2016 ICAPAH General Assembly.

Nomination Procedure

1. Only active ICSPAH members can nominate candidates

2. For each Award, one active ICSPAH member can nominate one candidate only

3. Before the nomination is submitted, the nominator should contact the prospective nominee and get his/her permission to be nominated

4. An award candidate can only be considered for one award(Research or Service). The Nominating and Credential Committee will contact the candidate nominated for more than one award and the candidate will select the award for which he/she wants to be considered

5. Nomination should be made within 30 days of this nomination announcement(by February 14, 2016). Submit your nomination to Dr. Wenhao Liu at wenhao.liu@sru.edu and copy the information to Dr. Tao Zhang at Tao.Zhang@unt.edu and Dr. Henry Wang at hwang2@bsu.edu.

6. The Nominating and Credential Committee will review all nominations and recommend one or two candidates for each award to the Executive Council for discussion/approval

Criteria of Candidates for Early Career Research Award

1. University faculty member who earned his/her terminal degree less than six years

2. Has been an ICSPAH member for three years by April 2016

3. First author of an article in physical activity and health or related disciplines published in peer-reviewed journals in the last three years(January 2013-November 2015). Books, grants, and other formats of scholarship are not considered

4. Candidates are to submit(a)a copy of the article,(b)a description of the journal in which the article is published, and(c)the impact factor of the journal(if available)in the last three years

Criteria of Candidates for Service Award

1. Has been an active ICSPAH member for three years by April 2016

2. Has made considerable contribution to ICSPAH in service

3. Candidates are to submit a one-page narrative describing each ICSPAH-related service they have provided

ICSPAH Nominating and Credential Committee

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