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China Institute(NY):Chinese New Year Celebration(2/12)
China Institute(NY):Chinese New Year Celebration(2/12)
2016/1/19 4:30:02 | 浏览:2460 | 评论:1

China Institute(NY):Chinese New Year Celebration(2/12)

China Institute(NY):Chinese New Year Celebration(2/12)

China Institute(NY):Chinese New Year Celebration(2/12)

The Next Wave of Chinese High-Tech Companies

Wednesday, February 10, 6:00PM - 8:00PM 

40 Rector Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10006



Kai-Fu Lee 李开复
Chairman and CEO, Innovation Works, Former President of Google China, & rock star of the tech world with over 50 million blog followers!

Moderated by:

Betty Liu
Award-winning Business Journalist and News Anchor at Bloomberg Television  

Don't miss this chance to hear Kaifu Lee, one of China's most successful venture capitalists and influential micro-bloggers,whom many deem as China's "god" of the Internet world, speak on:What is the China market like for technology start-ups?Does China have its own versions of Silicon Alley? Is China VC money a possibility for your company? Founded in September 2009, Innovation Works is a leading early-stage investment company targeting Chinese high-tech companies and mentoring the next-generation of Chinese entrepreneurs. Prior to starting Innovation Works, Dr. Lee was the President of Google China, and he previously held executive positions at Microsoft, SGI and Apple.

Learn More  Forward to a Friend!

China Institute(NY):Chinese New Year Celebration(2/12)

Kong Hou:The Chinese Harp

(Lecture and Performance)

Saturday, January 30th, 2016  2:00PM-4:00PM

100 Washington St, NY NY 10006(Entrance @ 40 Rector St)

Often referred to as the Chinese harp, Konghou is an ancient instrument with a history tracing back to several hundred years B.C., and is a precious artifact in the cultural treasury of traditional Chinese music. The Renwen Society presents a lecture and performance by Ms. Lucina Yue, a world-renowned Konghou performer, on January 30, 2016.

At this event, Ms. Lucina Yue will discuss the history and development of Konghou, its techniques and its role in the contemporary music. She will also perform the instrument for the audience. Learn More

China Institute(NY):Chinese New Year Celebration(2/12)


China Institute(NY):Chinese New Year Celebration(2/12)

China Institute(NY):Chinese New Year Celebration(2/12)

China Institute in conjunction with Athena Education Group
invite you to an exclusive evening for Members at our:


Annual Members Appreciation

Chinese New Year Celebration

Friday, February 12, 2016
6:30PM - 9:30PM
40 Rector Street, New York, NY 10006
FREE for China Institute Members

Celebrate Chinese New Year alongside China Institute Members with a reception, buffet, live music performance curated by Steven Fang and a lucky draw!

100 Washington Street(Entrance at 40 Rector Street), New York, NY 10006    Tel:212.744.8181

China Institute(NY):Chinese New Year Celebration(2/12)

  • China Institute(NY):Chinese New Year Celebration(2/12)
  • China Institute(NY):Chinese New Year Celebration(2/12)
  • China Institute(NY):Chinese New Year Celebration(2/12)
  • China Institute(NY):Chinese New Year Celebration(2/12)
  • China Institute(NY):Chinese New Year Celebration(2/12)
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