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LEAP Mentor’s Day:Win Your Career War(UCLA 1/23)
LEAP Mentor’s Day:Win Your Career War(UCLA 1/23)
2016/1/20 4:03:37 | 浏览:1848 | 评论:0


LEAP Mentor’s Day:Win Your Career War(UCLA 1/23)
LEAP Career Development Forum
Leadership, Excellence, Aspiration, Platform
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LEAP Mentor’s Day:Win Your Career War(UCLA 1/23)


Firstly, to quote John C. Crosby,
"Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction."

LEAP will kick off its Mentor Program THIS Saturday, Jan 23 at 9 AM at UCLA.It is time to reveal the list of the mentors who are going to guide and lead you through clouds of confusion to reach your next milestone of the career path.


LEAP Mentor’s Day:Win Your Career War(UCLA 1/23)

As promised, LEAP has carefully compiled an elite group of dedicated and established mentors who have charted successful careers as corporate executives, startup entrepreneurs, academic faculties, government officials, patent lawyers, senior researchers, etc. They will become your companion and advisor in your professional journey.

Grab your ticket TODAY and get yourself ready to set the best first impression to your future mentors!


LEAP Mentor’s Day:Win Your Career War(UCLA 1/23)

LEAP Mentor’s Day:Win Your Career War(UCLA 1/23)

                        LEAP Mentor’s Day:Win Your Career War(UCLA 1/23)

Mentor's Day

LocationRoom 2033 Young Hall, 607 Charles E Young Dr East, Los Angeles, CA 90095

Time:This Saturday(Jan 23), Registration starts at 9 AM, the ice-breaker game starts at 9:30 AM sharp!


LEAP Mentor’s Day:Win Your Career War(UCLA 1/23)
Agenda of the Day
LEAP Mentor’s Day:Win Your Career War(UCLA 1/23)
About LEAP Career Develop Forum
LEAP(Leadership, Excellence, Aspiration, Platform)Career Development Forum is a Los Angeles-based 501(c)(3)nonprofit organization committed to building a trustworthy and sustained platform for professional growth and career advancement of young Asian Americans and those from Asian countries currently studying or working in America in STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)and related fields. Launched in February 2013 as an educational program under CESASC(Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California), LEAP was incorporated in June 2015 to become an independent organization with exclusive focus on establishing a resourceful and open platform to advocate outstanding leadership, encourage professional excellence, cultivate great aspiration, and provide job opportunities.
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