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ICSPAH Board Election(4/6)
ICSPAH Board Election(4/6)
2016/3/14 2:25:11 | 浏览:2100 | 评论:1

ICSPAH Board Election(4/6)

Dear ICSPAH members:

How are you? Hope this email finds you well.

Attached please find the application material for the ICSPAH 
candidates' information. In particular, below are the candidates for 
various positions.

Candidates for the President-Elect:Dr. Zan Gao and Dr. Xiaofen Keating.

Candidate for the Secretary:Dr. Charles Huang

Candidates for the Student Representative:Jiling Liu and Rulan Shangguan

Please read the candidates' material at your convenience. We will vote  at the annual assembling on April 6th, 2016.

Thank you!


ICSPAH Nomination and Credential Committee


ICSPAH Board Candidates' information ‏

Zan Gao, Ph.D.  

Dr. Zan Gao obtained his Ph.D. from Louisiana State University in 2007. He is a faculty at the School of Kinesiology in University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, specializing in physical activity and health. Dr. Gao’s research has primarily focused on promoting health through population-based physical activity interventions. In the past several years, Dr. Gao has given over 130 presentations at various international and national conferences. He has also published over 80 (including 40 first authored)book chapters and research articles in peer-reviewed journals such as Obesity Review, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport(RQES), and the Journal of Teaching in Physical Education (JTPE). Dr. Gao has been the recipient of several international and national awards, including the 2008 National  Association for Kinesiology and Physical Education in Higher Education Hally Beth Poindexter Young Scholar Award, 2009 American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance(AAHPERD)Mabel Lee Award, 2013  National Association for Sport and Physical Education Curriculum and Instruction Heitmann Young Scholar Award, and 2015 SHAPE America Leroy T. Walker Young Professional Award. Dr. Gao has been the principal investigator of National Institute of Health research grant, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant and AAHPERD Seed Grant. He also serves as a reviewer for many journals including, but not limited to RQES, JTPE, the Journal of Physical Activity and  Health, American Journal of Public Health, and Journal of School Health, as the Section Editor for Measurement in  Physical Education and Exercise Science, the Editorial Board Member for the JTPE and International Journal of  Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, and Editor-in-chief for Journal of Research, Teaching, and Media in Kinesiology. He is currently the Fellow of American College of Sports Medicine, and the Fellow of SHAPE America Research Counsel. Dr. Gao is a lifetime ICSPAH member.  


Ph.D.  2003-2007 Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, U.S.  

M.Ed. 1996-1999 Beijing Sport University, Beijing, China  

B.Ed. 1992-1996 Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China  


2013 - 2016 Technology/Review Committee Chair, 1st - 3rd International Chinese Society for Physical Activities  and Health(ICSPAH)Forum 

2012 - 2016 Chair, Website maintenance and ICSPAH promotion committee, ICSPAH 

2009 - 2011 General Secretary, ICSPAH 

2006 - 2007 Executive Committee student representative, ICSPAH 

2006 - 2016 Web manager, ICSPAH 


2015-2016. Effects of Home-based Exergaming Program on Preschool Children’s Physical Activity and Adiposity. 

University of Minnesota, Obesity Prevention Center. $50,000.  

2012-2015.Impact of Interactive Video Games on Underserved Children’s Health. National Institutes of Health PA-10070 Academic Research Enhancement Award(Parent R15:1R15HD071514-01A1). Priority Score:20. Funded. $432,225. 

2009-2011. Integrating Dance Dance Revolution to Promote Urban Latino School Children’s Physical Health and Academic Achievement. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Salud America! $74,041. Funded.  


Gao, Z., Chen, S., Pasco, D., & Pope, Z.(2015). Effects of active video games on physiological and psychological outcomes among children and adolescents:A meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews, 16, 783-794.  

Gao, Z., & Chen, S.(2014). Are field-based exergames useful in preventing childhood obesity? A systematic review. Obesity Reviews, 15, 676-691.  

Gao, Z., & Xiang, P.(2014). Effects of exergaming based exercise on urban children’s physical activity participation and body composition. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 11(5), 992-998.  

Gao, Z., Hannan, P. F., Xiang, P., Stodden, D., & Valdez, V.(2013). Effect of active video game based exercise on urban Latino children’s physical health and academic performance. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 44(3S3), s240-s246. 

Gao, Z., & Podlog, L.(2013). Urban Latino children’s physical activity levels and performance in interactive video dance games:Effects of goal difficulty and goal specificity. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,166(10), 933-937. doi:10.1001/archpediatrics.2012.649 

高赞博士简历高赞教授 2007 年于美国路易斯安纳州立大学获得运动机能学博士学位, 现任教于美国明尼苏达大学,运动流行病学实验室主任, 博士生导师。目前他的主要研究兴趣集中于通过运动干预促进人体健康,运用新兴科技产品(如智能手机应用和体感游戏机等)来促进各个人群的体育活动水平和健康,以及运动技能身体体质和体育活动水平的测量评价。迄今为止, 他已在国际以及北美各种学术会议做过 130 多场学术报告,并在各种国际学术刊物如美国预防医学杂志,肥胖综述,美国医学学会儿科子刊,和运动科学研究季刊等核心期刊和书籍发表 80 多篇论文,包括第一作者学术论文 40 多篇。他曾获得多项顶级的国际奖项和荣誉,包括 2006 年获全美教育研究协会体育教学研究兴趣小组研究生奖, 2007 年获全美健康体育娱乐舞蹈联合会鲁斯阿贝纳斯主席奖学金奖,2008 年获全美运动体育高等教育联合会青年学者奖,2009 年获全美健康体育娱乐舞蹈联合会美宝李青年学者奖, 2013 年美国运动体育教学协会青年学者奖,和 2015 年美国体育健康协会莱若沃克青年学者奖。目前高赞教授担任体育教学研究杂志, 健康游戏杂志,以及国际行为营养和体育活动杂志的编委会成员,运动体育测量和评价的责任编辑,运动科学研究教学媒介的责任主编辑,并为 20 种专业刊物审稿,包括运动科学研究季刊,美国公共健康杂志,教育学研究杂志,体育与健康杂志,学校健康杂志,运动体育心理学杂志等。他也担任很多大型科研课题的负责人,包括国家卫生研究院研究基金、罗伯特伍德约翰逊基金会研究基金和全美健康体育娱乐舞蹈联合会种子基金等。高赞教授现为美国运动医学院院士,美国体育健康协会研究所院士。他曾任教于美国犹他大学和德克萨斯理工大学,并被聘为北京体育大学和重庆大学的客座教授。高赞教授是国际华人体育健康协会终身会员。 



2003-2007 年路易斯安那州立大学,美国巴吞鲁日教育学硕士               

1996-1999 北京体育大学,中国北京教育学本科               

1992-1996 湖南师范大学,中国长沙 


2013-2016 年 第 1 至 3 三届国际华人体育健康协会论坛技术/评审委员会主席 

2012-2016 年 国际华人体育健康协会网站维护和促进委员会主席 

2009-2011 年 国际华人体育健康协会常务秘书长 

2006-2007 年 国际华人体育健康协会执行委员会学生代表 

2006-2016 年 国际华人体育健康协会网管 


2012-2015; 体感游戏机对弱势儿童的健康影响。国家卫生研究院课题(1R15HD071514-01A1)。课题得分:20;资助金额:四十三万二千二百二十五美元。 



Gao, Z., Chen, S., Pasco, D., & Pope, Z.(2015). Effects of active video games on physiological and psychological outcomes among children and adolescents:A meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews, 16, 783-794.  

Gao, Z., & Chen, S.(2014). Are field-based exergames useful in preventing childhood obesity? A systematic review. 

Obesity Reviews, 15, 676-691.  

Gao, Z., & Xiang, P.(2014). Effects of exergaming based exercise on urban children’s physical activity participation and body composition. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 11(5), 992-998.  

Zan Gao’s Statement 

I consider the role of International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health(ICSPAH)President a great honor, and one that I will take seriously with wholehearted obligation. I have tremendous passion about this Society from day one since its establishment in 2006, and strongly believe that I have the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to fulfill this leadership role. Having been serving as the General Secretary for 3 years from 2009-2011 and webmaster in the past 10 years, I have a deep understanding of the working within the Society and have gained precious experience from working with all past and current Presidents.  

From my perspective, ICSPAH has been very successful to facilitate professional growth and development among its members in promoting healthy and physically active lifestyle. Yet, I think much more can be done. If elected as President-Elect of ICSPAH, I will continue to consolidate all the excellent work led by the previous leaders. For example, I will purse the creations of a novel interactive website and a permanent logo for the Society, as well as the establishment of a professional journal affiliated with the Society. Second, I will continue to expand the membership through other venues such as American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting, enhance the members’ engagement through improved communication and social network with the society, and development of early career scholars and graduate students in the field of physical activity and health. Additionally, I will continue to seek greater involvement of scholars from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macaw and Taiwan through a variety of activities and events(i.e, hosting annual forum). Thanks for your consideration. 


Xiaofen Deng Keating 

Department of Curriculum and Instruction 

The University of Texas at Austin, 1912 Speedway Stop, Austin, TX 78712 Phone:512-232-3565(o)Email:xk93@austin.utexas.edu 


B. Ed., 1984, Physical education pedagogy, Beijing Sport University o M.Ed., 1987, Athletic training, Beijing Sport University 

Ph.D.,  2000, Kinesiology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 


2007 – Present Associate Professor, Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, The University of Texas at Austin 

2015 – 2018 Distinguished overseas scholar at Northeast Normal University (summer employment) 

2005 – 2006 Associate Professor, School of Kinesiology and Nutritional Science,  California State University at Los Angeles 

1999 – 2005 Assistant Professor, School of Kinesiology and Nutritional Science,  California State University at Los Angeles 

1996 – 1996 Part-time Physical Education Teacher, University Place Elementary School, Tuscaloosa, AL.  

1987 – 1994 Lecturer, Beijing Sport University 

1984 – 1994 Coach, basketball coach at the middle school attached to Jiangxi Normal 

University and an assistant basketball coach at Beijing Sport University  


SHAPE America(former Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance), 1994 – present 

International Council of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sports and Dance, 2005 - present 

Texas Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance(TAHPERD), 2009 – present 

Southern California Chinese American Scholar Association, lifetime member 

American Educational Research Association, 2013-present 

International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Sport, lifetime member  

UT Asian/Asian American Faculty and Staff Association, 2013-present

邓小芬博士是美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校课程设置及教学法系副教授。她是该校体育教师培养方向的负责人。她的研究领域包括体育教学测量和评估,体育锻炼达标,体育量表研发,及体育知识教学和评估三个大方向。在她的领导下,她的课题小组制定了美国国家体能教学纲要。邓小芬博士在身体健康教育及教育的顶级期刊上发表了 50 多篇文章和 100 多个论文报告。她是“国际健康、体育、休闲、运动及舞蹈协会”的副主编和《中美教育期刊)编委会的编委。她还是卡塔尔国家和美国佛罗里达州 21 世纪教育课题的特邀科研课题评委。此外,她还定期为美国其他顶级期刊-- 体育和运动季刊,体育教学期刊担任审稿人。邓小芬博士是美国健康、体育、休闲及舞蹈联盟和国际健康、体育、休闲、运动及舞蹈协会会员。 


As one of the lifetime members at ICSPAH, I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge about our association and the challenge of taking the association to the next level through my engagement in various amazing ICSPAH activities, and membership meetings. After having chaired a number of committees at the international, national, state, university, and departmental levels for the past 20 years, I strongly believe that I can be the driving force behind the advancement of this organization so that ICSPAH can continuously grow and assist all members. Collaborating closely with the executive members, I will strive to increase the visibility, strength, and utilization of the association by actively recruiting more members; and providing better services for our members. Please vote for me and thank you for your trust and confidence in me!  

Charles Chaoqun Huang, PhD.

Wayland Baptist University   Dr. Charles Chaoqun Huang was granted Ph.D. in Exercise and Sport Science by University of Utah in 2012. He is a faculty at the Department of Exercise and Sport Science, Wayland Baptist University.  Dr. Huang teaches a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of fitness training, sport and exercise psychology, physical education, and health education. Dr. Huang’s research has primarily focused on health promotion through physical activity intervention, sport and exercise psychology, and fitness training. He has several authored or co-authored papers published by peer-reviewed journals such as Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport(RQES), Psychology, Health and Medicine, and ICHPER-SD Journal Of Research as well as many book chapters published. He has presented more than 10 research projects as the senior author at American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance(AAHPERD; SHAPE America now)national conventions and American College of Sports Medicine(ACSM)national conventions. He has been the recipient of the 2010 AAHPERD Research Consortium Graduate Student Award. Before moving to the United States of America in 2007, he has had 22 years’ instruction and research experience in the field of Physical Education at East China Normal University in China. Dr. Huang has also served as reviewer for journals, SHAPE America national convention, and ICSPAH conference. 


黄超群,博士,韦兰浸会大学    黄超群于 2012 年由犹他大学授予博士学位,现任教于美国韦兰浸会大学体育运动科学系。黄博士教授多门本科和研究生课程,主要涉及体能锻炼、运动和锻炼心理学、体育教育和健康教育等。他的主要研究领域是健康促进、体能训练和运动心里。曾在 Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport(RQES), Psychology, Health and Medicine, and ICHPER-SD Journal Of Research 等专业期刊上发布多篇论文,也出版了多个章节的书稿。黄博士还在 SHAPE America 和 ACSM 的年会上做过十多次研究报告,曾经获得 2010 AAHPERD Research Consortium Graduate Student Award。他于 2007 年移居美国,之前在华东师范大学从事体育教学和科研 22 年之久。黄博士还担任了多个专业期刊以及 SHAPE America 和 ICSPAH 会议论文摘要的评审工作。 

Huang’s Statement for the Secretary of ICSPAH 

I am very interested in serving as the Secretary of ICSPAH. Up to my understanding, the Secretary of ICSPAH is responsible for helping to organize meetings, elections and general communications. This includes preparing minutes and action memos, maintaining accurate records of all Society meetings, updating and circulating the Executive Council contact list, and assisting the President as required. According to my background of education, teaching, research, and service, I have confidence in myself to execute these responsibilities. I would be glad to work with dedicative colleagues to bring the Society to the utmost potential.  

Jiling Liu 

Department of Health and Kinesiology, Texas A&M University,  

College Station, TX 77843-4243 

Email:dalingliu@tamu.edu Cell:(979)739-6972 


2016 Ph. D, Department of Health & Kinesiology, Texas A&M University 

2014 M.Ed., Graduate School, Shanghai University of Sport, China 

2001 B.E., College of Physical Education, Shandong Normal University, China 


2011–2016   Graduate Teaching Assistant/Instructor, Department of Health & Kinesiology, Texas A&M University  
2006–2008   Assistant Professor, Shanghai University of Sport, China   
2004–2006   Lecturer, Shanghai University of Sport, China  


Liu, J., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Su, X., & Juzaily, N.(2015). At-risk boys’ intrinsic motivation toward physical activity:A three-year longitudinal study. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 19(4), 200–207. doi: 


Su, X., Xiang, P., Thornton, M., McBride, R. E., & Liu, J.(In Press). At-risk boys’ physical activity self-efficacy and social self-efficacy in a summer sports camp. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. doi:10.1123/jtpe.2014-0176 


2015 Indicators and application of self-regulated learning among preservice physical educators(Principal Investigator). SHAPE America Graduate Research Grant Program. 

2015 The effectiveness of peer review in an online course(Principal Investigator). 

Teaching-As-Research(TAR)Fellows Program Research Initiative, Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning(CIRTL), Texas A&M University. 


2016–2017   Consultant, POWER(Promoting Outstanding Writing for Excellence in Research)Writing Support Services, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University  
2015–2016   Mentor, AGPCC(Aggie Graduate and Professional Community Club) 

Mentorship Program, Department of Student Activities, Texas A&M University  
2015–2017  Co-Chair, Membership Committee, International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health  
2015–2016  Student Representative, Executive Council, International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health  
2015–2016  Executive Committee Member, Academy for Future Faculty, Center for Teaching Excellence, Texas A&M University 


地址:美国德克萨斯州大学城德州农机大学健康与运动学院   邮编:77843-4243 

电子邮件:dalingliu@tamu.edu 电话:(979)739-6972 


2016 美国德克萨斯农工大学健康与运动学院,体育教育与健康专业,哲学博士 

2004 上海体育学院研究生部,体育教学训练专业,教育学硕士 

2001 山东师范大学体育教育系,体育教育专业,教育学学士工作经历 

2011–2016 美国德克萨斯农工大学健康与运动学院,研究生助教/讲师 

2006–2008 上海体育学院,体育教育与训练学院,讲师  

2004–2006 上海体育学院,体育教育与训练学院,助教发表论文  

刘继领, 向平, 罗恩•麦克布赖德, 苏晓霞, 桑巴. 贫困少年参与体育活动的内在动机: 

为期三年的纵向研究 [J]. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 2015, 19(4), 200–207. doi:10.1080/1091367X.2015.1074578 

苏晓霞, 向平, 迈克•桑顿, 罗恩•麦克布赖德, 刘继领. 体育夏令营中贫困青少年的运

动自我效能和社会自我效能 [J]. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 待刊. doi:10.1123/jtpe.2014-0176 


2015 美国体育与健康工作者协会研究生科研基金项目,“职前体育教师的自主学习”,独立负责人 

2015 美国德克萨斯农工大学 Teaching-As-Research(TAR)学者项目研究计划,“网络课堂中的互助学习”,独立负责人 


2016–2017 美国德克萨斯农工大学教育与人类发展学院 POWER(Promoting 

Outstanding Writing for Excellence in Research)写作支持顾问 

2015–2016 美国德克萨斯农工大学学生活动部 AGPCC(Aggie Graduate and Professional Community Club)辅导项目导师 

2015–2017 国际华人体育与健康协会会员委员会联合会长  

2015–2016 国际华人体育与健康协会执委会学生代表 

2015–2016 美国德克萨斯农工大学职前教员学院(Academy for Future Faculty)执委会成员 

Rulan Shangguan 

Doctoral Student, The University of Texas at Austin 

 2012-present  PhD Candidate, Curriculum & Instruction, UT Austin 
2011-2012       M.A., Curriculum & Instruction, UT Austin 
2004-2008       B.S., Life Science, China Agricultural University 


2012-2015       Assistant Instructor/Teaching Assistant, UT Austin  


Peer-Reviewed Article(1 out of 3) 

Keating, X.D., Shangguan, R.,(in press). Relating Chinese university administrator’s physical activity levels to self-related health and BMI. ICHPER-SD Journal of Research. 

Book Chapter(1 out of 4) 

Keating, X.D., & Shangguan, R.(2014). Chapter 11:I often recommend increased physical activity to combat obesity. What are the various benefits of increased activity? J. Huang(Eds., pp 47-49). Curbside consultation in pediatric obesity. Thorofare, NJ:SLACK Incorporated. 

Presentation(1 out of 28) 

Shangguan, R., Liu, J., Chen, P., Leitner, J., & Keating, X. D.,(2015, March). Effects of a Fitness Course on Changing Freshmen’s Daily Physical Activity. Paper presented at the annual conference of SHAPE America, Seattle, WA. 


International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health(ICSPAH) 

Society of Health and Physical Educators(SHAPE America)  

International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance(ICHPERSD) 

Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance(TAHPERD) 

The University of Texas Asian/Asian American Faculty and Staff Association(AAAFSA) 


Student Delegate for the 2016 SHAPE America Delegate Assembly 

Student Representative, Instructional Technology Section – General Division(TAHPERD) 

Student Representative, Assessment and Evaluation Section – College Division(TAHPERD)Sports Coordinator, Chinese Friendship Association, Oklahoma State University 


Joseph L. Henderson and Katherine D. Henderson Foundation Scholarship, UT Austin 

AAAFSA Recognizing Asian/Asian American Faculty and Staff Instilling Strength and Excellence(RAISE)Graduate Student Award, UT Austin  

TAHPERD Student Scholarship 

AAAFSA Professional Development Award, UT Austin 

Faculty/Student Collaboration Awards, UT Austin 

Clarke Family Foundation PETE Scholarship, UT Austin 

个人简介 (国际华人体育与健康学会学生代表候选人)

上官茹兰, 四年级博士生,就读于德州大学奥斯汀分校体育教师教育专业。2008年毕业于中国农业大学生命科学理科实验班,2011年获德州大学奥斯汀分校体育教育硕士。 硕士论文:中国高校领导干部体育锻炼行为及影响因素。博士阶段主要研究方向:在校大学生锻炼行为及影响因素的分析。已发表文章3篇,论文报告28次。博士期间助理教学的课程有:中小学体育教学方法(体育教育专业本科)、教育学研究方法(教育学硕士)、

统计学(教育专业博士);独立教学的课程小学生运动(非体育教育专业)。2011年加入SHAPE America,国际华人体育与健康学会成为终身会员。2014-2015年担任德州体育健康学会测量评估部学生代表,2015-2016年担任教学科技部学生代表。2014年获得德州体育健康学会优秀学生奖。在校期间由于对校内亚洲师生的服务获得研究生杰出贡献奖。

Election Statement for Student Representative 

I’m writing to indicate my willing to run for the Student Representative to serve our society. Having joined as a lifetime member since 2012, I have actively participated in our annual conferences at SHAPE America. The membership has provided great opportunities so that I could meet with internationally recognized scholars and maintain effective communication overseas. The hard work by all members, specially by the executive council is highly appreciated. As a senior doctoral student who have benefited so much, I always wanted to give back by contributing whenever needed. Last year, I helped evaluation possibility of journal task committee of ICSPAH, which made me realize there’s more we as students can do to help improve our society. Therefore, I’m running for the student representative this year.  

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