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UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University
UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University
2016/3/31 14:38:30 | 浏览:2114 | 评论:0
UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University
UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University
UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University

An English book “Recent Advances in Microalgal Biotechnology” edited by Dr. Jin Liu and others is published

The book includes four parts-Microalgae and Environment, Microalgal Food, Microalgal biofuels and Microalgae engineering, in altogether 16 chapters.

UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University
UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University

COE faculty members listed among the Highly Cited Scholars in China of 2015

Nine researchers are the current faculty members of the College of Engineering, Peking University.

UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University
UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University

COE research teams won the National Science and Technology Award

"Complicated Coupling Dynamic Control System and Applications" won the National Natural Science Award, and "Special Liquid Crystal Material and Film Preparation Technology" won the National Technology Invention.

UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University
UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University

Shaojun Guo named as 2015 World Highly Cited Researcher

Prof. Guo’s research interests focus on engineering nanocrystals for energy(fuel cells, lithium battery, photosynthesis and supercapacitors), catalysis and analytical science.

UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University
UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University

The 5th PKU-Pitt INNOVATE @ PKU Program at PKU Engineering

On March 7, a team of over 30 students from University of Pittsburgh paid a visit to Peking University(PKU)under the 5th PKU-Pitt INNOVATE program.

UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University
UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University

COE undergraduate research unveils vortex-surface structures in highly-symmetric flows

The corresponding author Yue Yang for this study is the tenure-track Assistant Professor, who joined COE in 2013.

UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University
UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University

Prof. Yanglong Hou group makes progress in the biomedical application of magnetic nanoparticles

The results titled “Multistimuli-Regulated Photochemothermal Cancer Therapy Remotely Controlled via Fe5C2 Nanoparticles” have been published in the journal “ACS Nano”.

UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University
UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University

Super-resolution deep imaging achieved by Dr. Peng Xi and collaborators

In this work, the group has modulated the depletion beam into a first-order hollow Bessel beam to contain the doughnut-shaped focused spot and remained a conventional Gaussian beam for excitation.

UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University
UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University

The 3rd Sino-U.S. Workshop on Sustainability Issues at the Nexus of Energy, Water, Climate and Air Pollution held at Peking University

Professor Dongxiao Zhang, dean of the College of Engineering, and Professor Tong Zhu, dean of the College of Environmental Science and Engineering served as the China Co-Chairs.

UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University
UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University

The 2nd Alumni Association of COE holds executive board meeting

Many board members attended the meeting and discussed some issues regarding the board itself and the college.

UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University
UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University

Shouguang City of Shandong Province visits the College of Engineering to seek cooperation in technology transfer

They were warmly received by Mr. Zhili Sun, Party Secretary of the College and Ms. Yongmei Li, Assistant Dean. The two sides discussed technology transfer and entrepreneurship cooperation.

UPDATE From College of Engineering, Peking University


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