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Oxford Symposium on Population, Migration & Environment
Oxford Symposium on Population, Migration & Environment
2016/4/1 0:30:03 | 浏览:2216 | 评论:0
Oxford Symposium on Population, Migration & Environment

Oxford Symposium on Population, Migration, and the Environment

Registration is now open for the 1& 2 August 2016 Symposium

Oxford Symposium on Population, Migration & Environment 
Keynote speaker - Robert Rowthorn, Emeritus Professor of Economics at University of Cambridge and Research Fellow at University of Oxford

The Oxford Symposium on Population, Migration, and the Environment will be held 1 and 2 August 2016 at Rothermere American Institute in Oxford

The Oxford Symposium on Population, Migration, and the Environment is a special interest meeting of London Symposia, an organization devoted to scholarly research, writing and discourse. This interdisciplinary conference is an opportunity for scientists and policy makers to present papers and engage in discourse relevant to sustainability, human welfare and progress.

This interdisciplinary conference seeks to bring to the table academics and professionals from the realms of economicseducationenvironmental studies, urban studiessociology and demographylawfood and agriculturepolitical scienceand ethics, to present papers and engage in discourse relevant to global environmental issues and its effects on human welfare and progress.

You are invited to present a paper on an aspect of research, or you may wish to attend as an observer. If you wish to present a paper you will be requested to submit a brief abstract for review by the Programme Committee. 

Oxford Symposium on Population, Migration & Environment 

The Symposium has grant support from the Education Policy Research, Inc., United States and is jointly sponsored with the United Nations Association, Cordell Hull Chapter, United States.

The principal speaker opening the session is Robert Rowthorn Emeritus Professor, University of Cambridge and Senior Research Fellow of the Centre for Population Research at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford.

Other universities involved in the programme planning are University of Reading, UK; University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, US, Virginia Tech University, US et al.

Announcements for the meeting are enhanced by the Maryland Population Center, Maastricht Centre for Citizenship Migration and Development and the environmental Migration Portal and the Oxford Human Rights Hub.

The last full book published by the Symposium is titled Climate Change and Sustainable Development, edited by Ruth A. Reck(Yarnton, Oxon.,  Linton Atlantic Books, Ltd., 2010)451pp

Oxford Symposium on Population, Migration & Environment 
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