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2016 Mentoring Conference:Call for Proposals(8/24-28 UNM)
2016 Mentoring Conference:Call for Proposals(8/24-28 UNM)
2016/4/9 2:10:57 | 浏览:2121 | 评论:0
2016 Mentoring Conference:Call for Proposals(8/24-28 UNM)

2016 Mentoring Conference:Call for Proposals


We invite faculty, staff and students of higher education, researchers, K-12 educators, community leaders, administrators, non-profit partners, government agencies, and other professionals to participate in the 2016 Mentoring Conference. Together, we will develop dynamic conversations and networking opportunities through hands-on workshops and the engagement of scholars and professionals in the fields of mentoring, coaching, and leadership.

CONFERENCE DATES:Monday - Friday, October 24-28 in Albuquerque, NM.


The 2016 keynote speaker is Wendy Murphy, Associate Professor of Management at Babson College. She will present her keynote session titled:Developmental Networks:Learning from Mentors, Coaches, and Peers.  Read More...

Conference Theme

This year’s conference theme is Developmental Networks:The Power of Mentoring and Coaching. We seek to facilitate discourse on the effectiveness of developmental networks, and the impact of mentoring and coaching relationships in educational and workplace settings. 


We are particularly keen to receive proposals that are informative and relevant to the field of developmental relationships, supported by theory and research. The term developmental relationship includes, but is not limited to mentoring, coaching, networking, and sponsorship relationships.

We are interested in presentations based in the following topics:  Mentoring, Coaching, and Leadership, within the following strands:STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics), Arts, Humanities, Business, Health Sciences, Education, and others. We seek proposals that accomplish any of the following:

  • Builds on the knowledge-base of existing literature pertaining to developmental relationships.
  • Demonstrates the effectiveness of existing mentoring programs.
  • Proposes a methodology or evaluation model for mentoring relationships.
  • Suggests new ideas and best practices for successful developmental relationships.
  • Proposals that include participants of different nationalities, different levels of experience, and from different institutional and organization types.

Call for Reviewers

The Mentoring Institute is seeking reviewers to assist at the 2016 Mentoring Conference. If you are a past presenter or your abstract is accepted to this year's conference, you may serve as a peer-reviewer. This is a great opportunity to read and critically analyze scholarly work in the field of mentoring, coaching, and leadership. The annual conference brings in scholars from all over the nation as well as international researchers.

Reviewers’ commitment includes:

   1. Review 5 - 10 papers during the review cycle from July 1-30, 2016
   2. Complete a thorough review within allotted time, following review guidelines
   3. Provide constructive feedback to enhance the work to be published in the conference proceedings

If you are interested in becoming a peer-reviewer, please check this option in your abstract submission form or send an email to The Mentoring Institute regarding your interest in volunteering as a reviewer.

We greatly appreciate your assistance and encourage you to take advantage of this valuable opportunity!

Call for Moderators

The Mentoring Institute is also seeking volunteers to assist as room moderators. This is a great opportunity for networking, professional development, and serve at a great community of practice.

Moderators’ commitment includes:

   1. Work at least 3 hours as session moderator.
   2. Introduce the presenter(s)of the session
   3. Facilitate presentation setup
   4. Start/end sessions on time
   5. Handout and collect session’s evaluations

If you are interested in serving as a volunteer, please check this option in your abstract submission form and send an email to The Mentoring Institute regarding your interest in volunteering as a session moderator and  times you will be able to help out!

We greatly appreciate your assistance and encourage you to take advantage of this valuable opportunity!

Important Deadlines

Abstract Proposal Submission Deadline May 15, 2016
Notification of Submission Acceptance May 30, 2016
Last Date to Register as Peer-Reviewer June 15, 2016
Paper Submission Due June 30, 2016
Peer-Review Process July 1-30, 2016
Peer Reviewed Paper Returned August 1st, 2016
Final Paper Submission Due August 30, 2016
Last Date to Register as Volunteer September 30, 2016
Standard Registration Deadline October 7, 2016
2016 Mentoring Conference:Call for Proposals(8/24-28 UNM) 2016 Mentoring Conference:Call for Proposals(8/24-28 UNM) 2016 Mentoring Conference:Call for Proposals(8/24-28 UNM)
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The Mentoring Institute

1716 Las Lomas Rd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87106



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