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Cathay Bank Invitation:China's Economic Trends - How China's Billionaires are Shaping and Reacting to Them(4/20)
Cathay Bank Invitation:China's Economic Trends - How China's Billionaires are Shaping and Reacting to Them(4/20)
2016/4/14 3:20:16 | 浏览:2671 | 评论:0
Cathay Bank Invitation:China
Cathay Bank Invitation:China

Cathay Bank Invitation:China


China's Economic Trends:How China's Billionaires are Shaping and Reacting to Them

Wednesday, April 20, 2016 | El Monte

Cathay Bank Invitation:China

5:30 p.m. Networking Reception | 6:30 p.m. Program

Cathay Bank Invitation:China


Please join Cathay Bank, Latham & Watkins and PwC for a networking reception followed by a discussion led by Elizabeth Harrington of the Hurun Report on the opportunities and challenges Chinese business leaders face in the current economic environment.

About Elizabeth Harrington

Elizabeth Harrington has worked in China for over 30 years. She helped conduct one of the first American joint ventures in China in 1981. Since that time, she's had the opportunity to work with top Chinese and American companies and their governments to build cross border trade.

Former Mayor Richard M. Daley appointed her Executive Director of the Chicago-China Economic Development Center based in Shanghai. She has served on Boards of Directors of the CME Group and The Warranty Group and is currently at Hurun Report serving as U.S. Publisher at Large.

About Hurun Report, Inc.

Established in 1999 by Rupert Hoogewerf, the ‘godfather’ of the China Rich List, today Hurun Report is widely recognized as the foremost authority in tracking the rapid changes amongst China’s high net worth individuals. Hurun Report produces 20 magazine issues a year, made up of a monthly main book and supplements that target the special interests of China’s wealth creators.

Cathay Bank

9650 Flair Drive
El Monte, CA 91731

All registrations are being tracked by Cathay Bank. A confirmation email from Cathay Bank will be sent upon completing your registration.



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