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Upcoming USCI events on the environment, Alibaba
Upcoming USCI events on the environment, Alibaba
2016/8/4 6:50:57 | 浏览:2393 | 评论:0

Upcoming USCI events on the environment, Alibaba

Upcoming events at the USC U.S.-China Institute

Blue Skies Over Beijing:Economic Growth And The Environment In China

Matthew Kahn, an economic expert on climate change policy and USC professor, looks at life in China's cities from the personal perspectives of the rich, middle class, and poor, and how they cope with the stresses of pollution.

When:Thursday, September 1, 2016; 4-5:30 PM

Where:Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, ASC 207, USC Campus

Cost:Free,please register.

Upcoming USCI events on the environment, Alibaba

Upcoming USCI events on the environment, Alibaba

Upcoming USCI events on the environment, Alibaba

Alibaba:The House That Jack Ma Built

The USC U.S.-China Institute presents a book talk by Duncan Clark, whose new book chronicles Jack Ma's rise from an English teacher to the founder of one of the world's biggest companies, Alibaba.

When:Thursday, September 15, 2016; 4-5:30 PM

Where:Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, ASC 207, USC Campus

Cost:Free, please register.

Upcoming USCI events on the environment, Alibaba

Upcoming USCI events on the environment, Alibaba

The China Card:Politics vs. Policy

We invite you to join us for our daylong conference on the role of China in American politics and whether or not policies toward China have changed or should change. Speakers will include prominent policymakers, public intellectuals, and scholars. They will examine the positions and actions of interest groups, the concerns and impact of allies, and the role of China and topic specialists. We will ask about perceptions of China and the U.S.-China relationship and the realities of that relationship.

When:Thursday, September 29, 2016

Where:USC Radisson Hotel, Grand Ballroom

Topics will include:

  • economic ties, including trade, investment, market access, and participation in international economic institutions
  • environmental worries, including technology, targets, and monitoring
  • security challenges, including regional tensions, weapons proliferation, and alliances
  • politics and law, including how we talk about and to each other about civil liberties and legal procedures
  • the roles of businesses, business groups, civic organizations, research institutions, and varying levels of government in U.S.-China politics and the making of policies

This conference celebrates the tenth anniversary of the creation of the USC U.S.-China Institute by USC President C.L. "Max" Nikias. Our events frequently sell out, so please register early to save money and to guarantee yourself a place at what is sure to be a compelling discussion.

Click here to register.

Upcoming USCI events on the environment, Alibaba

China's Economy:What Everyone Needs To Know

Arthur Kroeber, head of research at Gavekal and editor of China Economic Quarterly, will discuss his new book on China's astonishing transformation over the last three decades.

When:Thursday, October 6, 2016; 4-5:30 PM

Where:Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, Room TBA, USC Campus

Cost:Free, please register.

Upcoming USCI events on the environment, Alibaba

USC U.S.-China Institute | 213-821-4382 | Email | Website

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