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南加州中華科工學會大學生/研究生獎學金 (截止日期2017年2月15日)
南加州中華科工學會大學生/研究生獎學金 (截止日期2017年2月15日)
2016/10/20 14:48:53 | 浏览:1876 | 评论:0

南加州中華科工學會大學生/研究生獎學金 (截止日期2017年2月15日)

Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California(CESASC)2017 Scholarship is open for application.  The deadline is February 15, 2017.

CESASC is one of the largest and the most established Chinese-American professional organizations in Southern California. Founded in 1962, CESASC has been dedicated to promote interests, aspirations, and professional excellence of Chinese-American engineers and scientists. CESASC provides career and educational advancement opportunities, technical exchange, fellowship and community service. In particular, CESASC offers annual scholarships to encourage young students to develop their interests and pursue their careers in the fields of science, engineering, and technology.

All scholarship recipients are invited to the CESASC Annual Convention and network with professionals in the fields. Graduate student recipients may also be invited to present their research work at the CESASC Annual Convention. Each scholarship recipient will be paired up with a mentor who is a CESASC member.

In the past eight years, CESASC gave away more than $80,000 in scholarships awarded to more than seventy excellent students. The 2017 Scholarship application information and FAQ files are attached for your convenience. All applications should be submitted online at www.cesasc.org/content/2017-cesasc-scholarship-application. The awardees will be announced in March, 2017. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Peter Zhang, Chair of CESASC Scholarship Committee at scholarship@cesasc.org.

Please help us notify your fellow students about this opportunity. We look forward to hearing from all of you.

Thank you for your interest and best of luck in your educational endeavor.

南加州中華科工學會大學生/研究生獎學金 (截止日期2017年2月15日) 2016-2017 Scholarship Application Invitation(English).pdf


南加州中華科工學會大學生/研究生獎學金 (截止日期2017年2月15日)


南加州中華科工學會自1962年成立以來,給數百位在美國各大學學習的大學生和研究生頒發過獎學金,目前一些早年的得獎人已經在各自的行業中頗有建樹。本會將繼續給合格的申請人頒發獎學金,現在申請資料已經公布在本學會網上 cesasc.org/content/2017-cesasc-scholarship-open-application,申請的截止日期是2017年2月15日。凡是正在美國大學(二年級或以上)本科或研究所學習的學生都可以填表申請該獎學金。在截止日期之前,申請人要在網上填寫申請表,並附上其他輔助申請材料。網上報名地址是 www.cesasc.org/content/2017-cesasc-scholarship-application


南加州中華科工學會獎學金委員會將根據申請人的學習成績, 包括學術或非學術性獎勵、研究成果、經濟需要、學習目標和課外活動等條件,以及南加州中華科工學會基金會所提供的獎學金數額來決定得獎人,獎學金委員會會輿部分申請人約談,將于2017年3月通知申請人得獎與否。 每份獎學金1000美元。合資格的學生可重新申請連續三年。 已得奖者不予考虑。


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