臺美人獎學金基金會成立於2014年,旨在提供美國地區臺灣移民子弟獎助學金申請,設有「臺美人清寒奬學金」;本年並與教育部共同資助國立成功大學「臥虎計畫(Crouching Tigers Program)」,提供臺美學子暑期返台至科技部南部科學工業園區管理局實習;該基金會獎助學金及臥虎計劃現正受理申請,相關訊息歡迎至該基金會網站查詢(臺美人獎學金基金會http://tascholarshipfund.org/)。敬請協助週知僑界,謝謝。
洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心 敬上
Taiwanese American Scholarship Fund
$50,000 in Scholarships Available in 2017
20 – $2,500 Scholarships for High School Seniors and 1st Year College Students
Planning to Attend a University/College in the U.S. in the Fall of 2017
The Taiwanese American Scholarship Fund(TASF)is focused on helping economically challenged Taiwanese American high school graduates and first year college students fulfill their dreams of obtaining higher education. The scholarship is open to high school seniors planning to attend college in the Fall of 2017 as full-time students and 1st year full-time college students continuing their education in the Fall of 2017.

2017 Summer Internship Opportunity
The Taiwanese American Scholarship Fund(TASF)has partnered with the Taiwan Ministry of Education to make the National Cheng Kung University(NCKU)Crouching Tigers Program available to TASF scholars.