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華語電影新星 - 第八屆中國電影國際論壇(南卡大學 9/28-30)
華語電影新星 - 第八屆中國電影國際論壇(南卡大學 9/28-30)
2017/4/24 6:13:13 | 浏览:1497 | 评论:1

華語電影新星 - 第八屆中國電影國際論壇(南卡大學 9/28-30)

New Talents - The 8th International Forum on Chinese Cinema
Columbia and Charleston, US
September 28-30, 2017


Under the auspices of the Confucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban), the Chinese Film Collection at the University of South Carolina(USC), the Confucius Institute at USC, and the China Film Foundation / Wu Tianming Fund for Young Talents will organize the 8th International Forum on Chinese Cinema:“New Talents” in Columbia and Charleston, September 28-30, 2017. Cosponsors of this Forum include the China Film Archive; the Department of Film Studies at Beijing Film Academy, the Research Center for Drama, Film, and TV at Peking University, and the Department of Film and TV at the Central Academy of Drama.


This Forum will analyze and summarize Chinese-language filmmakers and their works that appeared after the year of 2000. Of this, four aspects are chosen:(1)new Chinese-language films from the perspective of film history;(2)new Chinese-language films from the perspective of the international film market;(3)new Chinese-language micro films; and(4)new Chinese-language films in teaching Chinese language and culture. The preferred Forum language is English. For the papers in Chinese, a one-page English outline should be attached.

論壇日程初定為周四9月28日下午在會議旅店 Inn at USC 報到,當晚觀摩吳天明青年電影基金會提供的影片; 周五9月29日全天會議,當晚觀摩中央戲劇學院電影電視系提供的影片;周六9月30日到查爾斯頓文化考察(費用自理)。

The tentative agenda for the Forum is:registration on the afternoon of September 28, screening films sent by the Wu Tianming Fund for Young Talents in the same evening; panel discussions during the day of September 29, screening films sent by the Department of Film and TV at the Central Academy of Drama in the same evening; and a self-funded cultural tour to Charleston on September 30.

有意參會的中外電影工作者和電影學者,請於2017年6月1日前填寫所附會議回執,擬發言者同時把論文提綱(100-150字, 發言時長約為15分鐘)同時發給組委會葉坦(yet@mailbox.sc.edu)及李越(LI399@mailbox.sc.edu),組委會將於7月1日前通知投稿者的論文是否被會議接受。如參會而不擬發言者,亦請填寫回執,以便安排會場、演出、就餐、文化考察等事項。與會者可選擇有优惠的論壇指定旅店(Inn at USC,1619 Pendleton St, Columbia, SC 29201)或其它地方下榻。本屆論壇報名費為50美元,但所有在6月1日前填送了回執的與會者均免交報名費。

Filmmakers and film scholars intend to participate in this Forum please fill up the attached Confirmation of Attendance form send together with a 100-150 word outline of a 15-min presentation to both Tan Ye(yet@mailbox.sc.edu)and Yue Li(LI399@mailbox.sc.edu)of the Organizing Committee by June 1, 2017. The Committee will notify the acceptance of the proposal by July 1. Those who intend to participate in the Forum but not plan to deliver any paper also need to fill in the Confirmation of Attendance so that the Committee can better arrange the panels, screenings, meals, and the cultural tour. The designated Forum hotel, which has a conference rate, is the Inn at USC(1619 Pendleton St, Columbia, SC 29201)although the attendees are free to choose other places to stay. The registration fee for the Forum is $50. Nevertheless, those who send the Confirmation of Attendance by June 1, 2017 are waived for the registration fee.

Thank you for your support.

The Organizing Committee of The 8th International Forum on Chinese Cinema

地址:The Confucius Institute, University of South Carolina
Welsh Humanities Building 6th floor, 1620 College Street, Columbia, SC 29208, USA

電話 Tel:  803-777-2370
傳真 Fax:803-777-6501 

華語電影新星 - 第八屆中國電影國際論壇(南卡大學 9/28-30)


The 8th International Forum on Chinese Cinema

Confirmation of Attendance


 護照/身份證號碼Passport/ID number    

英、中論文題目(註明是否需用PPT或其它設備。如無論文,此項不必填寫)Paper Topic in English and Chinese(Please indicate whether PowerPoint or other equipment is needed. Leave it open if you will not deliver a paper.)         

工作單位Office Address

郵寄地址Mailing Address         

電子郵箱Email Address

辦公電話Office Phone         

手機Cell Phone


是否已訂會議指定旅店Inn at USC?  Have you reserved your room at Inn at USC? [1]

 到達時間Arrival Time          

 離開時間Departure Time                

是否參加文化旅遊Whether attend Charleston tour


[1]預定網址Reservation website:https://www.wyndhamhotels.com/groups/international-forum-on-chinese-cinema 預定電話tel 855-516-1090 or  803-779-7779預定時, 需說明是參加孔院的電影論壇以拿到會議訂房折扣原價:201美元,論壇價:129美元To obtain the hotel discount regular price $201/day, Forum price S129/day, please indicate that you are an attendee to the CI’s film forum.

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