Prof. Kwan Ming & Karen Chan美國華裔教授及專家網CEO陳鈞銘教授夫婦
Cordially invite you to the
55th BOAT PARADE RECEPTION 第55届观览燈船遊行晚餐
An appreciation party and rejoice evening 表彰杰出 感恩同慶
Saturday, December 9, 2017
16847 Bolero Lane
Davenport Island, Huntington Beach
Registration for details:714-846-3613 or drkmchan@gmail.com
Please register early as seating is limited.
NOTE:Door opens at 3:00 pm. Come no later than 4 pm for easier parking and avoid traffic congestion. The island may be closed to the traffic earlier than 5 pm after all parking spaces are fully occupied. A policeman may control the entry to the island before the bridge. However, parking outside the island is only a short walk of about 5-10 minutes. If you arrive early, you may like to stroll around the island or touch the Pacific Ocean water. Check the map and traffic flow before driving. Bolsa Chica St. is usually somewhat congested. Parade starts at 5:15pm, and will pass the house at 7:50 pm. Free Buffet will be served at 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Highlight of event:(Huntington Beach 可以免费停车,但由于小岛车位不多,所以陈教授建议大家早些到,否则可能要走几个街口)
1. Meet our team members, professors, professionals, & special guests of the PRC Consulate General
2. Greeting & Social Networking
3. Enjoy friendship、performance & Chinese food
- Mountain Medical Center 赠送30套IPKN女性化妆用品(眼影、腮红粉底)供抽奖。
- 圣地亚哥青花瓷舞蹈团表演
合唱:《今夜无眠》 表演者: 陈钧铭教授 率合唱团
二胡:《匈牙利舞曲》、《赛马》 表演者: 陈教授 的两位孙女
新疆舞《卖苹果的小伙子》 表演者: 杨宏
古典舞《半壶纱》 表演者: 方小群
4. Recognition Awards
5. Dinner(Free)
6. Watching BOAT PARADE 观览一年一度的亨庭顿游艇张灯结彩列队游行。
3:00 - 4:00pm 报到,领取抽奖券
4:00 - 5:00pm Networking (欢迎您交换名片)
5:00 - 5:30pm 陈钧铭教授、总领馆代表、姜镇英教授致辞并颁发感谢状
5:30 - 6:00pm 文艺表演 (欢迎毛遂自荐)
6:00 - 7:00pm 晚餐 (间插 抽奖)
7:00 - 8:30pm 观赏彩灯船艇游展
For sponsorship or performance, please contact:
姜镇英教授 Zhenying Jiang, Ph.D.
President, The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Assocaition/Network