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2018/2/6 9:31:23 | 浏览:13949 | 评论:0


Dear Gentleman/Lady:

We are the committee of the "OHTC Cup".We sincerely invite you to take part in the 4th ‘OHTC Cup’in 2018!

The “OHTC Cup”, a major event of the Western China Overseas Hi-tech and High Talents Conference.The aim of the ‘OHTC Cup’ is to build a platform which faces global scientific and technological innovation and accelerates the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements. In order to achieve this aim, the province needs to integrate innovative factors(policies, campuses, enterprises, venture capital and overseas hi-talents who support innovation and entrepreneurship)and lead more extensive social resources to support the entrepreneurial practice of overseas hi-talents in Sichuan Province. Besides, high-level and high-quality entrepreneur teams need to be introduced and trained, together with SMEs(small and medium-size enterprise)and science and technology projects with core innovation capability of high-growth and strategic emerging industries trained.

This competition contains overseas project collection,remote roadshow,final competition & project match.We warmly welcome hi-tech projects from all over the world.We 'll set promotion meeting for projects abroad and invite some excellent projects to do live show during the meeting.

The committee offers a million yuan to the bonus pond of the projects. For projects that are awarded there will be the economic support from Sichuan provincial government and each municipal governments, support of joining related talents projects, initial funds of High and New technology industrial park, and house allowances as well. During the competition, there will be technique specialists and senior managers of venture capital at home and aboard to mark and comment.

The competition flow chart is as follows:
For more detailed information,please see the attachment below:the invitation letter and the registration form(Annex at page 11).

We sincerely invite you to take part in the 4th ‘OHTC Cup’!

All the best,

Committee of the OHTC

地 址:成都市一环路东三段100号

邮 编:610000


唐兵 028-84350958

赵怡 028-84350167

传 真:0086-28-84350872

邮 箱:scqbjkc@163.com




The 4th “OHTC Cup” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for Global Overseas Hi-tech and High Talents

The “OHTC Cup”, a major event of the Western China Overseas Hi-tech and High Talents Conference, is set up under the direction of National Innovation Driven Development Strategy, the “Initiative to Promote Mass Overseas hi-talents Innovation” taken by Overseas hi-talents Affairs Office Of The State Council and purposes of the development of key industries in Sichuan Province. The aim of the “OHTC Cup” is to build a platform which faces global scientific and technological innovation and accelerates the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements. In order to achieve this aim, the province needs to integrate innovative factors(policies, campuses, enterprises, venture capital and overseas hi-talents who support innovation and entrepreneurship)and lead more extensive social resources to support the entrepreneurial practice of overseas hi-talents in Sichuan Province. Besides, high-level and high-quality entrepreneur teams need to be introduced and trained, together with SMEs(small and medium-size enterprise)and science and technology projects with core innovation capability of high-growth and strategic emerging industries trained.

Guidance units:Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of The State Council, Sichuan Provincial Committee of the CPC, The People’s Government of Sichuan Province, The Central Committee of Jiusan Society.
Organizers:the CPC Chengdu Municipal Committee,Chengdu Municipal People's Government, Sichuan Provincial Party Committee Organization Department, Department of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs, Jiusan Society, Sichuan Provincial Committee of the CPC, Sichuan Association for Science and Technology.
Cooperation unit:The Central Committee of Jiusan Society’s Technology Innovation Committee
Execution units:Sichuan Province Overseas Gallery,the CPC Chengdu Committee’s Organization Department, Chengdu Municipal Foreign and Overseas Affairs Office.
Overseas co-organizers:the innovation center of relevant renowned universities in each division, overseas Chinese professional association

The entry must be closely related to the field of high-tech products development, manufacture, production and service, which should have independent intelligent property right and not be involved in property right dispute. It is required that the technical achievement of the the entry should be domestic(or world)leading and serve the development of industries in Sichuan Province. The competitor is supposed to be willing to start a career in Sichuan, meanwhile, the products are required to have better market prospects and can be industrialized.
1. 参赛资料Materials
(1)The electronic edition of Business Plan
(2)The competitor should prepare a PPT for road show, and the statement which is concise and to the key points should be no longer than 10 minutes.
2. 注意事项Announcements
(1)All the materials of the entries can’t involve others’ intellectual property rights and state secrets.
(2)The competitor needs to sign the disclaimer before the competition, then e-mails the organizing committee. Competitors who are going to participate in the preliminaries of the grand final in Chengdu are required to hand the original copy in to the organizers.

1. 赛事组委会共提供百万元项目扶持奖金池,获奖项目将得到四川省、各市政策资金支持,加入有关人才计划及获得高新园区启动资金、房租补贴等支持。总决赛期间将组织海内外风投机构高管和权威技术专家组成评委组进行现场打分及项目点评,同时举办隆重的颁奖仪式。
1. The board of the committee offers a million yuan to the bonus pond of the project. For projects that are awarded there will be the economic support from Sichuan provincial government and each municipal governments, support of joining related talents projects, initial funds of High and New technology industrial park, and house allowances as well. During the finals, there will be technique specialists and senior managers of venture capital at home and aboard to mark and comment, after which will be a grand award ceremony.
2. 2018年1月至7月面向全世界征集优质高新科技项目。
2. Collect high and new technology with superior quality worldwide from January to July 2018.
3. 所有参赛选手均视为报名参加2018第十七届“海科会”。
3. All the competitors are seen as participating the 17th ‘OHTC ’.
The First Stage:Overseas Promotion Meeting

2月-3月           “优先批”海外项目收集
Feb-Mar                Overseas Project Collection of ‘Early Bird’

4月1日-10日       国内评审团初评
Apr 1st-Apr10th              Preliminary Selection of Domestic Jury

4月10日-30日     “优先批”项目远程路演
Apr 10th-Apr 30th         Remote Roadshow of ‘Early Bird’ Project

4月-5月             北美、欧洲等海外推介会暨部分
Apr -May                Promotion Meeting for Project Abroad & Excellent Projects

The Second Stage:Project Tracking

6月30日前           “优先批”项目对接
Before Jun 30th                    Project  Match  of ‘ Early Bird’&Registration  of  the  Second  Batch
The Third Stage:Domestic Final Stage

7月1日-7月15日     “第二批”项目初评
Jul 1st-Jul 15th             Preliminary Selection of The Second Batch Projects

7月16日-7月31日    “第二批”项目第二轮评选
Jul 16th-Jul 31st                    The Second Round Selection & Project
Match of The Second Batch

8月1日-9月8日       选手参赛准备
Aug 1st-Sep 8th                      Competition Pre-preparation

9月9日                半决赛
Sep 9th                                 Semi-Final 

9月10日               路演决赛
Sep 10th                               Final Competition

9月10日-15日         场地路演及各市巡回路演
Sep 10th-Sep 15th                    Site & City Tour Roadshow

The Fourth Stage:Tracking &Assessment Stage
12月31日前           跟踪推进项目
Before Dec 31st                     Tracking&Promoting


(1)优先批报名截止时间Expiration Date(Early Bird):2/28/2018; (优先批报名项目优先推介,2018年全年与国内企业、资本对接,优先协助落地Early Bird is given to the first approval of the project.We would help them to match with companies and venture capitals and help them land in Sichuan. )
第二批报名截止时间Expiration Date:  7/31/2018;
(2)报名方式Registration Method:
报名表(第11页附件)及相关资料发送至邮箱。Please Send the registration form(Annex at page 11) and relevant information to the mailbox.
After registration, you will receive a confirmation letter from the organizing committee.
百万奖金池    Million bonus pool
优惠政策支持  Policy support
风投基金跟进  Venture capital funds
扶持资金奖励  Support fund
精准对接平台  Precise docking platform
(4)联系方式 Contact Us:
Department of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs,Sichuan Province People’s Government
联系人Contact:唐兵 Bing Tang    赵怡 Yi Zhao
(5)报名联系 Contact for Registration:          
联系人Contact:王倩玲 Qianling Wang  
联系电话Cell:0086-28-87368496      0086-18280152030

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