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2018/2/22 3:02:44 | 浏览:5158 | 评论:0












公开资料显示,席宁,男,1959年生,博士,研究员,IEEE Fellow。早年就读于北京五一小学、北京十一学校。1982年1月毕业于北京航空学院(今北京航空航天大学)。

2000年入选中科院百人计划,现任密西根州立大学 John D. Ryder 讲席教授和沈阳自动化所特聘研究员。同时兼任IEEE Nanotechnology Council主席。


Ex-MSU professor, 'renowned' robotics expert accused of $400K fraud

GRAND RAPIDS, MI - A former Michigan State University professor and widely known robotics expert defrauded MSU and a non-profit institute in New York of hundreds of thousands of dollars, the FBI said in court records.

Dr. Ning Xi is jailed pending a detention hearing Wednesday, Feb. 21, in U.S. District Court in Grand Rapids.

The FBI said he defrauded MSU and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, or IEEE, a non-profit corporation with headquarters in New York, by submitting false claims for reimbursement for travel and other expenses.

"The investigation has assessed more than $429,000 in fraudulent activity associated with the reimbursements from IEEE and MSU paid to Xi between(Jan. 1, 2011 and Jan. 31, 2016)," FBI special agent Bruce Fowler wrote in a criminal complaint.

He said the funds were used to pay "significant credit card debt, primarily to American Express and Chase. The fraudulent activity includes reimbursements obtained by Xi as a result of a receipt being altered, a receipt being completely fabricated, a receipt being purchased and then refunded or voided, or some other material falsehood that was used in Xi's schemed to defraud."

Xi's attorneys, Charles "'Chip" Chamberlain Jr. of Grand Rapids and Peter Zeidenberg of Washington, D.C., had no comment

Fowler began investigating Xi, described as a "world-renowned expert in the field of robotics, nano-sensors and devices, and intelligent control and systems," in 2013, when Xi was a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at MSU. The investigator initially worked to determine if Xi obtained research grants by the National Science Foundation by fraud.

The investigation showed that Xi had defrauded MSU and the IEEE, a prestigious international organization with over 420,000 engineers worldwide, Fowler wrote in the complaint.

Xi is a citizen of China, a permanent resident of the U.S. and former Okemos resident, the FBI agent said.

Xi started at MSU in 1997 and eventually became a Distinguished Professor and Director of the Robotics and Automation Laboratory. In early 2011, he went on sabbatical and took a position at City University of Hong Kong, or CUHK. Xi became a tenured professor at CUHK, which provided MSU with a letter say he no longer worked at MSU. MSU demanded he return, prompting Xi to resign from the Hong Kong university and return to East Lansing in June 2014.

"MSU conducted an internal investigation of Xi's activities, and concluded that he had committed 'unacceptable research practice' by assuming a second tenured position, as well as failing to disclose his Chinese affiliations, research and funding in federal grant applications he had submitted to the(National Science Foundation), and suspended him without pay for three weeks in the Fall of 2014," Fowler said.

The next year, MSU learned that Xi had since accepted a second position in Hong Kong, in violation of its policy. Fowler said Xi was "uncooperative" when questioned by MSU, and resigned in October 2015.

A confidential source at MSU told the FBI agent that a website for University of Hong Kong showed he was appointed both Chair Professor of Robotics and Automation and Director of the Emerging Technologies Institute, records said. When Xi returned to the U.S. in February 2016, he was interviewed by the FBI. He said he worked for the University of Hong Kong.

"Xi denied that he had ever intentionally omitted disclosing any foreign research affiliations, funding, or foreign salary when he applied for U.S. Government research grants, and stated that if he had forgotten to include any such information,(the National Science Foundation)should have known he was working with another foreign agency because this information was 'in the applications,'" Fowler wrote.

The National Science Foundation said Xi had not disclosed foreign affiliations and income in his grant applications, Fowler said.

Xi told FBI agents he received $100,000 to $200,000 reimbursements from IEEE, from many people involved in the organization. But Fowler said Xi received $1.2 million from IEEE since 2009, with almost all of the checks signed by another Chinese citizen and one of his former doctoral students at MSU who now works at Oklahoma State University.

Fowler also found irregularities in Xi's request for travel and other expenses as the conference chairman of the IEEE's annual International Conference on Robotics and Automation, he said. Xi organized about nine such conferences, IEEE legal counsel determined, Fowler said.

Despite leaving MSU, Xi continued to seek past travel expenses from MSU, leading to a review of the requests.

The FBI looked at ticket numbers, booking codes, airline information and credit-card records.

"My review of those documents determined that a significant percentage of the receipts that Xi had submitted to MSU as justification for travel reimbursements appeared to have been fabricated, were for charges that had already been refunded to Xi's credit cards by various airlines, were for fares that had been exchanged for different flights, and/or were for expenses that had already been reimbursed by IEEE," Fowler wrote.

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