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川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%
川普执政下 能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%
2018/3/20 6:04:25 | 浏览:2268 | 评论:0



[xPoint]:The point in time when only the prepared will survive. sm


The Largest Survival Community On Earth!
575 Private Military Bunkers Affordably Priced For Your Entire Family

川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%




Vivos的创始人兼首席执行官Robery Vicino表示,该基地面积为18平方英里(约为7000亩),约为曼哈顿的四分之三。

Robery Vicino 说:“费用我们可以做到这一点,每个地堡需要25,000美元(约合人民币158175元),不附带其他任何东西,所以这看起来很疯狂。但仔细想想,这也不过是人生保证。”

另一家知名的地堡公司Rising S'的总经理Gary Lynch称,自特朗普当选后,地下掩体的销售增加了300%。该基地可以拯救10000人。



Vivos xPoint is located near the Black Hills area of South Dakota, just south of the City of Edgemont. This former Army Munitions Depot, with 575 hardened concrete military bunkers, is now being transformed into the largest survival shelter community on Earth, with potential accommodations for 5,000 like-minded survivalists. The Black Hills Army Base was originally built by the Army Corps of Engineers as a fortress to store bombs and munitions, from 1942 to 1967, when the base was retired.


川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%



Now being repurposed by Vivos, the massive complex is spread over a sprawling and remote, off-grid area of approximately 18-square miles. It is strategically and centrally located in one of the safest areas of North America, at a high and dry altitude of 3,800+/- feet, well inland from all large bodies of water; and, 100+/- miles from the nearest known military nuclear targets. Massive. Safe. Secure. Isolated. Private. Defensible. Off-Grid. Ideally Located.


High Altitude | Non-Seismic | Safe Zone | Remote | Off-Grid


 川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%


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川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%


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川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%


Each bunker was reportedly built and fortified to withstand a 500,000-pound internal blast, while being strategically separated from the next bunker by an average of 400 feet in all directions, providing security, protection and privacy. There are over 100 miles of onsite private roads providing access to each of the bunkers, with several private runways, and a municipal airport nearby.




川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%


Each bunker is buried and protected under thick berms of earth, to resist a surface blast wave, as well as radioactive fallout. The entire property is extensively graded for drainage, across the gently sloping grasslands.

Water is pumped up from two water wells, reaching thousands of feet deep into an artesian aquifer, then stored within massive underground, reinforced concrete water tanks, with a water distribution system being deployed to each bunker. 

Onsite amenities are planned to include, a General Store, a members-only Restaurant & Bar, BBQ areas, a Community Theater, Hot Tub Spa, Gym, Medical Clinic, Hydroponic Gardens, Meeting Rooms, Classrooms, a Chapel, Horse Stables, Shooting Ranges, a Vivos Equipment and Construction Supply Depot, a Woodworking Shop, Maintenance Shop, Metal Fabrication Shop, and a fully built out showroom bunker to demonstrate how each bunker can be outfitted and equipped. 


川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300% 


Each bunker provides enough floor area, with attic potential, to comfortably accommodate 10 to 24 people and the needed supplies, for a year or more, of autonomous shelterization from virtually any catastrophic event. All bunkers feature a standard 26.5’ interior floor width, with lengths of 60’ and 80’, each with a 12.5’ high ceiling to the top of the interior arch. Protection is mitigated for virtually all known threats as each bunker includes a massive existing concrete and steel(4’ x 8’)blast door, that may be additionally sealed to stop all water, air and gas permeation; an air and exhaust ventilation shaft, and space for a rear ceiling escape hatch that can be embedded into the concrete structure as a secondary emergency exit.


Actual Vivos xPoint Showroom Bunker


 川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%  川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%
 川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%  川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%
 川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%  川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%
 川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%  川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%
 川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%
 川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%  川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%
 川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%  川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%
 川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%  川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%




How To Secure Your Space




Option A:Your Own Private Bunker


川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%

Vivos xPoint Showroom Bunker
Sleeps 10 to 24 people


 川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%


川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%
One-time upfront lease payment of $25,000, plus an ongoing annual rent of $1,000 per bunker. Bunkers are provided in their as-is condition, without interior improvements, equipment or furnishings.


Option B:Private Space In A Shared Bunker
川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300% 
川普执政下  能经受核战争摧残的高科技“末日地堡”销售增加300%
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