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栏目导航 — 美国华裔教授专家网人在海外人才交流
关键字  范围   
2019/5/19 16:59:29 | 浏览:1902 | 评论:0



苏州工业园区外国语学校位于素有“人间天堂”之称的江苏省苏州,距离上海约85公里,从上海坐火车大约半小时即可到达。校园坐落在美丽的苏州工业园区金鸡湖东侧,是一所集国际幼儿园、国际小学、国际初中、国际高中为一体的寄宿兼走读制学校,面向中外籍学生同时招生。学校始建于2011年,占地总面积50000平方米,环境优雅、硬件完善、充满现代气息,拥有全国最大的木工教室 --- 乐木课堂、STEM教室、击剑馆、图书馆、艺术厅、乐植园等。学校结合中西方教育的优势,引进国外先进的教育理念和课程,注重学生身心健康、终身学习和贴近社会需求,坚持突出外语特色,开展丰富多彩的选修课程与社团活动,让学生的各种能力得到锻炼,培养走向世界的人才。学校在高起点、高标准的建设基础上,将用一流的教育质量和完善的教育服务,培养完整的人。


苏州工业园区外国语学校是经国际文凭组织(the International Baccalaureate Organization,简称IBO )认证并正式授权提供国际文凭(International Baccalaureate,简称 IB)课程的学校。国际文凭课程以其国际领先的教育思想和独特的课程结构,在全球范围内享有很高的知名度和认可度,是通向世界一流大学的桥梁。为进一步加强学校的师资力量和提高学校的国际化水平,我们诚邀有志于从事教育事业的海归教师加盟我们学校,教授小学、初中相关国际课程及高中各个学科的国际文凭课程。


·       英语流利;

·       有中国政府认可的各国大学本科和以上学历;

·       有教学经验者优先。


·         每周不超过20小时的班级教学;

·         工作时间每周不超过37.5小时。


·       根据资质和经验的不同提供具竞争力的薪酬;

·       提供获取国际课程教师资质的培训和机会;

·       提供中国劳动法规定的社会保障;

·       提供中国公积金;

·       提供中国养老金。


应聘流程:  请将您的简历、自荐信(阐述您的教学理念和教学兴趣)、3封推荐信及非正式的成绩单发送邮件至hr@sipfls.com.如需更多信息,请访问官网http://www.sipfls.com/或者给我们发邮件。


Suzhou Industrial Park Foreign Language School

invites you to teach in Suzhou, CHINA

The Suzhou Industrial Park Foreign Language School(SIPFLS)is situated in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, known as "paradise on earth". It is about 85 kilometers away from Shanghai and can be reached by train in about half an hour from Shanghai. Located on the east side of Jinji Lake in the beautiful Suzhou Industrial Park, the campus is a boarding and day-to-day school integrating international kindergartens, elementary schools, junior middle schools and high schools. It is open to both Chinese and foreign students. Founded in 2011, the school occupies a total area of 50000 square meters, in an elegant environment with complete facilities and a modern flavor. It has the largest woodworking classrooms in China - Lemu Classroom, STEM Classroom, Fencing Museum, Library, Art Hall, Paradise Garden, etc. Our strengths include Asian and Western education philosophy and curriculum, bringing advanced education concepts, emphasizing students’ physical and mental health through lifelong learning skills. We are conscious of social needs, insist on featuring foreign languages, have colorful elective courses, extra-curricular club activities, and help students train their ability to become independent, successful, members of the community, able to face the world with confidence. SIP Foreign Language School operates a first class facility and provides a top quality education for all of its students, shaping and cultivation of healthy personality.

The Suzhou Industrial Park Foreign Language School has a strong faculty. Chinese teachers have passed the certification of teacher qualification, have bachelor's degree or above, and have corresponding teaching experience as front-line full-time teachers. Every year, excellent returnees inject new vitality into the school, which makes teaching and scientific research more and more strengthened. Foreign teachers have foreign expert certificates and many years of teaching experience. The ratio of Chinese teachers to foreign teachers in the whole school is 3:1, the ratio of Chinese teachers to foreign teachers in international senior high schools is 1:1, the ratio of teachers to students is 1:1, and the ratio of foreign teachers to students in international senior high schools is 1:5.

          Suzhou Industrial Park Foreign Language School is a school certified by the International Baccalaureate Organization(IBO)and officially authorized to offer International Baccalaureate Diploma Program(IBDP). With its leading international educational ideas and unique curriculum structure, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program enjoys high popularity and recognition worldwide, and is a bridge to world-class universities. In order to further strengthen the teaching staff and improve the internationalization level of the school, we sincerely invite overseas returnees who are interested in education to join our school to teach International curricula in primary years, middle years and IBDP for the high school.

Qualified Applicants should meet the following requirements:

·       Be proficient in English;

·       Have at least a bachelor or above degree from an accredited foreign college or university recognized by the Chinese Government ;

·       Teaching experience is preferred.

Duty of Work:

·        Classroom teaching up to 20 hours per week;

·        Total weekly working time is 37.5 hours.

Salary and Benefits include:

·       Competitive salary is based on qualifications and experience;

·       Provide training and opportunities to prepare for the international curricula;

·       Provide social security as stipulated in China's Labor Law;

·       Provide China Provident Fund;

·       Provide China’s pension.

Date of Effective:Throughout the year.

Application Process:

Email your resume, cover letter stating your education philosophy and interest in teaching, three references, and unofficial copies of your transcripts to HR at hr@sipfls.com.

For more information, visit http://www.sipfls.com/ or contact us using the email address above. 

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