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2019/7/26 0:53:20 | 浏览:4135 | 评论:0




Mathematician to present a proof of the Sensitivity Conjecture

一位华人学者刚刚解决了敏感度猜想Sensitivity Conjecture,它是理论计算机科学中近三十年来最重要,最令人困惑的开放性问题之一。



  • 假设x是一个n维数组,其中每个分量都是取值于0或1的布尔数。

  • 假设函数f:{0,1}^n—>{0,1},亦即定义域是n维数组,同时每个分量都是布尔数;取值也是布尔数。

  • 翻转x第i个分量的值(就是数组中第i个值如果是0,则变成1;是1,则变成0),得到x_i,如果f(x_i)≠f(x),就称f对x在第i个分量处敏感。

  • f对x可能在若干分量处都敏感,记敏感分量的数目为s(f,x)。

  • 当x取遍n维布尔数组后,记s(f,x)的最大值为s(f)。



    1994年,数学家Noam Nisan和Mario Szegedy提出了敏感度猜想Sensitivity Conjecture:

    存在一个多项式P,对所有的布尔函数f,都成立 bs(f)≤P[s(f)]!








Mathematician to present a proof of the Sensitivity Conjecture



Emory mathematician Hao Huang says that the algebraic tool that he developed to tackle the problem "might also have some potential to be applied to other combinatorial and complexity problems important to computer science.” Credit:Emory University

The Sensitivity Conjecture has stood as one of the most important, and baffling, open problems in theoretical computer science for nearly three decades. It appears to have finally met its match through work by Hao Huang, an assistant professor of mathematics at Emory University.

Huang will present a proof of the Sensitivity Conjecture during the International Conference on Random Structures and Algorithms, set for Zurich, Switzerland, July 15 to 19.

"I've been attacking this problem off and on since 2012," Huang says, "but the key idea emerged for me just about a week ago. I finally identified the right tool to solve it."

Huang posted the proof on his home page and it soon generated buzz among mathematicians and computer scientists on social media, who have praised its remarkable conciseness and simplicity.

The Sensitivity Conjecture relates to boolean data, which maps information into a true-false, or 1-0 binary. Boolean functions play an important role in complexity theory, as well in the design of circuits and chips for digital computers.

"In mathematics, a boolean function is one of the most basic discrete subjects—just like numbers, graphs or geometric shapes," Huang explains.

There are many complexity measures of a boolean function, and almost all of them—including the decision-tree complexity, the certificate complexity, the randomized query complexity and many others—are known to be polynomially related. However, there is one unknown case, the so-called sensitivity of a boolean function, which measures how sensitive the function is when changing one input at a time.

In 1994, mathematicians Noam Nisan and Mario Szegedy proposed the Sensitivity Conjecture concerning this unknown case.

"Their conjecture says the sensitivity of a boolean function is also polynomially related to the other measures," Huang says. "If true, then it would cease to be an outlier and it would join the rest of them."

Huang developed an algebraic method for proving the conjecture. "I hope this method might also have some potential to be applied to other combinatorial and complexity problems important to computerscience," he says.






“证明非常精美,尤为让人欣赏的是它使用工具初等,而且整个证明只有两页(核心其实不到一页)。大家显然都错过了他的这条路。证明中主要用的构造和引理贴合的恰到好处。整个证明也许是长期思索和尝试下的精妙发现,让人赞叹。” 在看到论文后,腾讯杰出科学家张胜誉告诉“赛先生”。

黄皓所解决的猜想名为“敏感性猜想”(Sensitivity Conjecture),由耶路撒冷希伯来大学的Noam Nisan和现在罗格斯大学的Mario Szegedy在1992年所提出,是具体复杂性理论(concrete complexity)中一个广为人知的猜想。

“我不能想象甚至上帝可以找得到比这更简单对敏感性猜测的证明。” 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的理论计算机科学家Scott Aaronson在发给Quanta杂志的邮件中说。“它是组合论和理论计算机科学中最令人沮丧和难堪的问题之一”,“试图解决它而失败的人们就是离散数学和理论计算机科学的名人堂” Aaronson在博客里写道。


“黄皓的证明简单而优雅,以至于人们可能难以找到更好的一个证明!这个问题本身某种程度是孤立于其它课题的,不过,它确实是很知名,之前的办法都没拿下它。很多世界领先的研究者都曾尝试但都失败了。” 爱丁堡大学信息学学院讲师郭珩在邮件中回复“赛先生”。

没人想到,这个猜想会以这样简洁而优雅的方式得到证明。法国科学研究中心的数学家和计算机科学家Claire Mathieu感叹:“这真漂亮,像是一颗宝贵的珍珠”。






“我的工作就是证明了敏感度也和别的一样都是在一个范畴之内。” 黄皓告诉“赛先生”。

最早接触到这个猜测是在2012年末,那时黄皓在普林斯顿高等研究院做博士后。在和数学家Michael Saks的一次午餐中,他听说了这一猜测,自此念念不忘。

“当时组里大部分人是做理论计算机方向,他们会给我讲他们感兴趣的理论计算机里面比较数学化的问题。” 黄皓回忆说。


同样是在1992年,现任新泽西理工学院的Craig Gotsman和希伯来大学的Nati Linial发现,证明灵敏度猜想的问题和一个图论的问题是等价的。

“敏感性猜想本身的表述是关于理论计算机算法复杂度理论中研究的核心对象布尔函数(Boolean function),但是和理论计算机中的很多问题类似,这个猜想可以规约到了数学的一个分支——组合图论上的问题。” 中国科学技术大学数学系马杰教授说。







“我证明的结果是说,如果你取一半多一个的点的话,必然存在其中的某一个点,至少和√n个你选择的点相邻,从这个是可以推出多项式关系。” 黄皓解释说。


提到解决问题的关键,黄皓说,他用到的代数的方法,不是那种传统的组合的方法。“有两三个代数的方法,大家都比较熟悉,难度主要是想到怎样把这几样东西组合起来,不是说每样东西有多特别。” 他说。


“在黄皓的极为精巧和优美证明中,他首先注意到超方体这个问题可以进一步转换成一个关于矩阵的极值问题,然后人们就可以借助于数学中的代数工具去做更为精细的分析。这是我见过的最为神奇美妙的数学证明之一。从我的观点看,这个证明中最为美妙的地方在于处理矩阵的绝妙技巧以及背后的深邃数学思想;我想这是一个将来一定会写进教科书、在组合数学和理论计算机界具有持续影响力的数学证明。” 马杰说。


“他的这个结果无疑是近些年来整个理论计算机领域的重大创新之一,为华人数学界和计算机学界挣得了巨大的荣誉;非常为他感到骄傲” 马杰说。




当法国科学家Claire Mathieu第一次看到论文时,她以为既然三十年人人知道而解决不了这一问题,那么答案恐怕是很长很复杂、或者很深,但一看黄皓的文章发现它简单到大家都能一次就理解。她说:“我预计今年秋天大家就会用它讲课,也许是每一堂硕士水平的组合课都会讲。”


[1] Induced subgraphs of hypercubes and a proof of the Sensitivity Conjecture, arXiv:1907.00847
[2] Erica Klarreich, Decades-Old Computer Science Conjecture Solved in Two Pages, https://www.quantamagazine.org/mathematician-solves-computer-science-conjecture-in-two-pages-20190725/

Decades-Old Computer Science Conjecture Solved in Two Pages
The “sensitivity” conjecture stumped many top computer scientists, yet the new proof is so simple that one researcher summed it up in a single tweet.


A paper posted online this month has settled a nearly 30-year-old conjecture about the structure of the fundamental building blocks of computer circuits. This “sensitivity” conjecture has stumped many of the most prominent computer scientists over the years, yet the new proof is so simple that one researcher summed it up in a single tweet.

“This conjecture has stood as one of the most frustrating and embarrassing open problems in all of combinatorics and theoretical computer science,” wrote Scott Aaronson of the University of Texas, Austin, in a blog post. “The list of people who tried to solve it and failed is like a who’s who of discrete math and theoretical computer science,” he added in an email.

The conjecture concerns Boolean functions, rules for transforming a string of input bits(0s and 1s)into a single output bit. One such rule is to output a 1 provided any of the input bits is 1, and a 0 otherwise; another rule is to output a 0 if the string has an even number of 1s, and a 1 otherwise. Every computer circuit is some combination of Boolean functions, making them “the bricks and mortar of whatever you’re doing in computer science,” said Rocco Servedio of Columbia University.

I find it hard to imagine that even God knows how to prove the Sensitivity Conjecture in any simpler way than this.

Scott Aaronson

Over the years, computer scientists have developed many ways to measure the complexity of a given Boolean function. Each measure captures a different aspect of how the information in the input string determines the output bit. For instance, the “sensitivity” of a Boolean function tracks, roughly speaking, the likelihood that flipping a single input bit will alter the output bit. And “query complexity” calculates how many input bits you have to ask about before you can be sure of the output.

Each measure provides a unique window into the structure of the Boolean function. Yet computer scientists have found that nearly all these measures fit into a unified framework, so that the value of any one of them is a rough gauge for the value of the others. Only one complexity measure didn’t seem to fit in:sensitivity.

In 1992, Noam Nisan of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Mario Szegedy, now of Rutgers University, conjectured that sensitivity does indeed fit into this framework. But no one could prove it. “This, I would say, probably was the outstanding open question in the study of Boolean functions,” Servedio said.

“People wrote long, complicated papers trying to make the tiniest progress,” said Ryan O’Donnell of Carnegie Mellon University.

Now Hao Huang, a mathematician at Emory University, has proved the sensitivity conjecture with an ingenious but elementary two-page argument about the combinatorics of points on cubes. “It is just beautiful, like a precious pearl,” wrote Claire Mathieu, of the French National Center for Scientific Research, during a Skype interview.

Aaronson and O’Donnell both called Huang’s paper the “book” proof of the sensitivity conjecture, referring to Paul Erdős’ notion of a celestial book in which God writes the perfect proof of every theorem. “I find it hard to imagine that even God knows how to prove the Sensitivity Conjecture in any simpler way than this,” Aaronson wrote.

A Sensitive Matter
Imagine, Mathieu said, that you are filling out a series of yes/no questions on a bank loan application. When you’re done, the banker will score your results and tell you whether you qualify for a loan. This process is a Boolean function:Your answers are the input bits, and the banker’s decision is the output bit.

If your application gets denied, you might wonder whether you could have changed the outcome by lying on a single question — perhaps, by claiming that you earn more than $50,000 when you really don’t. If that lie would have flipped the outcome, computer scientists say that the Boolean function is “sensitive” to the value of that particular bit. If, say, there are seven different lies you could have told that would have each separately flipped the outcome, then for your loan profile, the sensitivity of the Boolean function is seven.

Computer scientists define the overall sensitivity of the Boolean function as the biggest sensitivity value when looking at all the different possible loan profiles. In some sense, this measure calculates how many of the questions are truly important in the most borderline cases — the applications that could most easily have swung the other way if they’d been ever so slightly different.


Sensitivity is usually one of the easiest complexity measures to compute, but it’s far from the only illuminating measure. For instance, instead of handing you a paper application, the banker could have interviewed you, starting with a single question and then using your answer to determine what question to ask next. The largest number of questions the banker would ever need to ask before reaching a decision is the Boolean function’s query complexity.

This measure arises in a host of settings — for instance, a doctor might want to send a patient for as few tests as possible before reaching a diagnosis, or a machine learning expert might want an algorithm to examine as few features of an object as possible before classifying it. “In a lot of situations — diagnostic situations or learning situations — you’re really happy if the underlying rule … has low query complexity,” O’Donnell said.

Other measures involve looking for the simplest way to write the Boolean function as a mathematical expression, or calculating how many answers the banker would have to show a boss to prove they had made the right loan decision. There’s even a quantum physics version of query complexity in which the banker can ask a “superposition” of several questions at the same time. Figuring out how this measure relates to other complexity measures has helped researchers understand the limitations of quantum algorithms.

With the single exception of sensitivity, computer scientists proved that all these measures are closely linked. Specifically, they have a polynomial relationship to each other — for example, one measure might be roughly the square or cube or square root of another. Only sensitivity stubbornly refused to fit into this neat characterization. Many researchers suspected that it did indeed belong, but they couldn’t prove that there were no strange Boolean functions out there whose sensitivity had an exponential rather than polynomial relationship to the other measures, which in this setting would mean that the sensitivity measure is vastly smaller than the other measures.

“This question was a thorn in people’s sides for 30 years,” Aaronson said.

Cornering the Solution
Huang heard about the sensitivity conjecture in late 2012, over lunch with the mathematician Michael Saks at the Institute for Advanced Study, where Huang was a postdoctoral fellow. He was immediately taken with the conjecture’s simplicity and elegance. “Starting from that moment, I became really obsessed with thinking about it,” he said.

Huang added the sensitivity conjecture to a “secret list” of problems he was interested in, and whenever he learned about a new mathematical tool, he considered whether it might help. “Every time after I’d publish a new paper, I would always go back to this problem,” he said. “Of course, I would give up after a certain amount of time and work on some more realistic problem.”

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