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USC U.S.-China Institutes:China's Rise in Historical Perspective
USC U.S.-China Institutes:China's Rise in Historical Perspective
2019/9/8 6:45:14 | 浏览:1264 | 评论:0

USC U.S.-China Institutes:China

The USC U.S.-China Institutes presents a panel discussion to examine the issues driving the protests, the social composition and motivations of the protesters and counter-protesters, and how the various sides are using media to reach local, mainland and international audiences.

Date:Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Location:Wallis Annenberg Hall, ANN L105A
Cost:Free, please rsvp.

Robert Koepp serves as director and the chief economist at the Corporate Network in Hong Kong for The Economist Group, parent company of the weekly publication,
The Economist.

Fiona Ng is a Senior Producer at AirTalk. She previously worked as a producer at Marketplace.

Clayton Dube heads the USC U.S.-China Institute. The institute focuses on the multidimensional and evolving U.S.-China relationship.

USC U.S.-China Institutes:China
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McCarthy Way Parking Structure - $14/day
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USC U.S.-China Institutes:China
Upcoming USCI Events

Making Sense of the Turmoil in Hong Kong
Date:Thursday, September 26, 2019
Time:6 - 8:00 PM
Location:U.S. Bank Tower, Los Angeles
Cost:Free for students. $15 for USCI affiliates.

USC U.S.-China Institutes:China
USC U.S.-China Institutes:China
The USC US-China Institute and the Asia Society Southern California are delighted to host an event with Robert Koepp about the turmoil in Hong Kong. Operating as a vital commercial gateway in Asia for nearly two centuries, Hong Kong suddenly has been wracked with political turmoil, presenting potentially far-reaching ramifications for China and the global economy. What is the best way to interpret the implications these recent events in Hong Kong have for the city and beyond? Join us to consider the facts and possibilities with the latest developments in this crucial hub city for Asia and the world.

Date:Thursday, October 3, 2019
Time:4 - 5:30 PM
Location:USC Campus, venue TBA
Cost:Free, please rsvp.

USC U.S.-China Institutes:China
USC U.S.-China Institutes:China
Many commentators claim that China's ongoing global rise reflects a restoration of its earlier international prominence, while others highlight that China's emergence reflects distinctive characteristics of the country's current political leadership. In his new book, Making China Modern, Klaus Mühlhahn of the Free University of Berlin provides a panoramic survey of China's rise and resilience through war and rebellion, disease and famine. At this event Professor Mühlhahn will focus on the lessons from history that provide insight into China's evolving international position and how the United States and others should respond.

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