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2020/6/27 23:39:39 | 浏览:707 | 评论:0
Join us for a very special occasion to hear
Vice President Joe Biden speak at a virtual fundraiser on July 7th

Hello Zhenying,

Our country is facing unprecedented times. In the last few months, the deadly coronavirus has killed over 120,000 people and caused economic hardship to our neighbors and small businesses. Thousands have taken to the streets to protest systemic racism and call for a future where all people are valued and given the opportunity to succeed.

We need a real leader in the White House. Instead, we have Donald Trump, who responded to these crises with racist rhetoric by calling the coronavirus "kung flu" and having peaceful protesters forcibly removed with tear gas so he could have a cheap photo op.

Defeating Donald Trump is so critical this November. That is why I am asking you to join me in supporting Vice President Joe Biden. He has a lifetime of public service and the heart to lead this country out of the wilderness.

Join me, Senator Tammy Duckworth, former presidential candidate Andrew Yang and Vice President Joe Biden for a virtual reception on Tuesday, July 7th. This will be a great opportunity to hear Mr. Biden speak about the campaign and his vision to take back the White House. To buy a ticket or become a sponsor, click here. (After you've reserved your ticket, please email me back to let me know you're coming!)

It is essential that we do all we can to defeat Donald Trump. With your help, Joe Biden will guide us to a better future.

In friendship,

Judy Chu

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