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栏目导航 — 美国华裔教授专家网活动公告征文征稿
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2010/9/14 9:10:26 | 浏览:2563 | 评论:8


【2010 HMTCF ~ Angel Care ~ Students Assistantship Projects】Application Procedure  

A. Objective and History

In order to help needy university students in the pursuit of knowledge and truth, our V. C. Lady, Angelique

Yeh, started these Projects with the generous support of other donors. By providing financial assistance,

we hope that students who benefit today will contribute to the society and create a better world in their future.

※ Since 2007, a total of over 768 students , children & patients from the Mainland of China, Hong Kong,

Macau and Taiwan have received benefit.

B. Application period: 12 May 2010  ~  8 Oct 2010

C. Assistantship Amount

Hong Kong student:HKD 5,000 each    ;          Macau student   : MOP 5,000 each
Taiwan student   : TWD 10,000 each  ;           Singapore student :SGD 1,000 each
The Mainland China student :CNY 2,000 each

D. Eligibility Criteria

Students come from low-income families or families with sudden adversity. Studying in university or research institution in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore & the Mainland of China.

E. Documentation for Application

1. All forms can be downloaded from our websites www.hmtcf.org.

2. Only email applications with attached files are accepted:2010.hmtcf.angel.care.projects@gmail.com

3. Student Assistantship application forms:(A)(B)(C)+ a copy of the latest transcript and two recommendations by two teachers from the institution which the applicant is studying in & pictures of the applicant taken with the two teachers.

         (Freshmen can have one recommendation written from a teacher in their previous school)

4. Applicants will receive a confirmation code within 10 days.   

F. Selection Process

Oct. 11~30    The Selection Committee will read and verify all applicants documentation.
Nov. 1~26     The Selection Committee will review and re-verify applications documentation, and determined the finalist.
Dec. 8        Announce the list of confirmation codes of the finalists.

G. Release of Assistantship

Each university and institution will release the assistantship to our selected students according to their own procedures in the second semester.( which included amount within our exist donated fund. )

Unit 01, 5/F., Silvercord Tower 1, 30 Canton Road, T.S.T. Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel:(852)2736 2638     Fax:(852)2736 9878     Website:www.hmtcf.org     E-mail:info@hmtcf.com

Any enquiry please contact E-mail:2010.hmtcf.angel.care.projects@gmail.com

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HMTCF说:留言于2010-11-21 05:17:45(第7条)
How are you ? Thank you so much for your information !
There are 238 students ( from 1067 application ) win our fund.
There is an announcement Ceremony on Wed. 8. Dec. 2010. ( 6:00 pm ~ 8:00 pm ) at 49/F Central Plaza Kwang Hwa Information & Culture Center.

We Care What You Care !
To Share , To Give & To Love !

All The Best Wishes !

your sincerely

852-61028108 (M) 852-29519044 (Fax)
please joint with us to support HMTCF ~ Angel Care ~ Students Assistantship Projects !
[ China , Singapore , Taiwan , Hong Kong & Macau ]

美西和平協會说:留言于2010-10-12 08:27:28(第6条)

普谷華協说:留言于2010-10-10 03:03:52(第5条)

申請者居住在波莫那谷(Pomona Valley)區域內城市,包括奇諾(Chino)、奇諾岡(Chino Hills)、克萊蒙(Claremont)、芳塔那(Fontana)、拉汶(La Verne)、蒙特克萊(Montclair)、安大略(Ontario)、波莫那(Pomona)、庫卡蒙加牧場(Rancho Cucamonga)、聖迪瑪斯(San Dimas)、厄浦蘭(Upland)及附近城市,GPA 3.0以上,分為初中、高中、大學及以上共三組。


申請截止日期為10月16日。獎學金每組名額依申請人數而定。可將資料郵寄至1778 Sunnybrook Ave.Upland,CA 91784-2066,或電909-949-1008賴珩會長,或上網查詢並下載表格,網址http://PVCA-CA.ORG


Angelique Yeh说:留言于2010-10-06 09:16:49(第4条)
Dearest all : Here we announce ~

2010 HMTCF ~ Angel Care ~ Students Assistantship Projects now extended to 28. Oct.
Please help us to let more needed students know these projects &email to apply asap !
Thanks a lot !

~ for your reference ! Any enquiry please response to this email !
All The Best Wishes ! Your Sincerely HMTCF ~ Angel Care ~
Angelique Yeh 852-61028108 (M) 852-29519044 (Fax)

Please joint us to support ~

2010 HMTCF ~ Angel Care ~ Students Assistantship Projects !
[ China , Singapore , Taiwan , Hong Kong & Macau ]
~ Angel Care ~ We Care What You Care !
W. Xiao Lan说:留言于2010-09-16 05:34:51(第3条)
台灣同鄉會將於9月18日(周六)下午5時30分至9時30分在Redmond Senior Center (8703 160th Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052)舉辦2010年中秋晚會,歡迎同鄉前來享用台式晚餐、觀賞表演,共度中秋佳節。

會員$12 (Adult)、$8(Kids 8 and under),非會員$15。詳情請洽:會長黃明世425-868-2437,副會長黃尚恩425-737-0978。

Read more: 世界新聞網-北美華人社區新聞 - 台灣同鄉會2010年中秋晚會
L. L.说:留言于2010-09-16 05:33:26(第2条)

2010 HMTCF ~ Angel Care ~ Students Assistantship说:留言于2010-09-15 00:13:54(第1条)
Dearest Prof. Jiang :

How are you ?! Hope this email finds you well !

Thank you so much for your super - UPDATE link !

Please re-email my email to any professors from China you know to let the students know about these projects.

As I send most of the information to China, nothing happened yet !!!

~ for your reference ! Any enquiry please response to this email !

謝 謝 您 ! 美國華裔專家網 http://scholarsupdate.com ( 特別感謝 ! )

All The Best Wishes ! Your Sincerely HMTCF ~ Angel Care ~

Angelique Yeh 852-61028108 (M) 852-29519044 (Fax)

Please joint with us to support ~

2010 HMTCF ~ Angel Care ~ Students Assistantship Projects !

[ China , Singapore , Taiwan , Hong Kong & Macau ]

~ Angel Care ~ We Care What You Care !
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