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2021/2/22 11:08:31 | 浏览:1649 | 评论:0



2021年国际华人体育与健康学会年会 2021年5月28-29日网上视频平台征集研究摘要提交截止日期:2021年3月31日国际华人体育与健康学会(下面简称ICSPAH)第七届学会年会将于2021年5月28-29日通过网上视频会议模式举行。




1. 体育教育、健康、体育活动的参与等领域的国家政策、文化、标准以及改革

2. 幼儿园至12年级、大学和社区体育教育、体育活动和运动项目的质量

3. 体育教育、体育健康和保健方面的教学效力和评估

4. 体育教师和教练:问题与实践

5. 体育教育、身体活动、体育健康、保健和运动项目领域的合作与冲突

6. 学校、社区和经济实体在身体活动、体育健康与保健、运动项目领域的合作


8. 与健康相关的问题以及体育教育、身体活动、健康和运动项目的作用

9. 身体活动评价,身体活动干预,以及身体活动流行病学



1. 摘要提交截止日期:2021年3月31日23时59分(美国太平洋夏令时)

2. 录用通知:2021年4月20日(稿件的审阅采取双盲审程序)

3. 日程通知:2021年5月1日 4.



1. 每人仅限以第一作者身份在一篇摘要中出现,但不限制在多个摘要中以合著者身份出现的次数。第一作者必须作为发言人出席会议并做论文报告。如以第一作者身份提交多篇摘要,仅有一篇摘要会被随机抽取并进行审阅,其他摘要将不再审阅。

2. 摘要必须使用英文书写,最长不超过400字,采用12号Times New Roman字体,单倍行距。请勿包含表格或图形。

3. 摘要中需包括: a)标题:不超过15字;使用标题格式 b)作者:作者的姓名 c)学校和院系:所有作者所从属学校和院系的全称 d)第一作者(或通讯作者)的邮箱地址和微信号

4. 展示方式(口头报告) a)摘要正文:限400字内 b)摘要应包括研究目的、方法、分析/结果、讨论和结论几个方面

5. 请将摘要以微软Word 文档的形式添加至邮箱附件,并于2021年3月31日23:59分(美国太平洋夏令时)前发送至 webmaster@icspah.net

6. 由于疫情原因,2020年会议被迫取消。 所有去年已被录取的论文将在今年被自动录取。

7. 所有参会的被录用摘要将会在即将发行的《国际运动与健康期刊》(International Journal of Physical Activity and Health)的增刊发表。


1. 国际华人体育与健康学会(ICSPAH)终身会员免费参加2021年学会年会,会议注册费用为零。

2. 非ICSPAH会员的注册费为100美元。如申请成为终身会员 (终身会员申请费为200美元),会议注册费将自动减免为零。

3. ICSPAH学生会员的注册费为10美元。非ICSPAH学生会员的注册费为20美元。


沈波 博士 boshen@wayne.edu  

富酉 博士 youf@unr.edu



 2021 ICSPAH Annual Conference “Enhancing Physical Education, Physical Activity and Well-Being”

May 28-29, 2021

Virtual Online Meeting

Call for Research Abstracts

Submission Deadline:March 31, 2021

The International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health(ICSPAH)is pleased to announce that the seventh ICSPAH annual Conference will be held from May 28 to May 29, 2021, via a virtual online platform.

You are invited to submit a research abstract in areas of physical education, physical activity, physical fitness, exercise science, health, sports, recreation, sports sociology, or sports management.

Conference Topics:1. National policies, culture, standards, and reform in physical education, health, physical activity participation and sports

2. Quality of K-12, university, and community-based programs in physical education, physical activity, and sport programs

3. Teaching effectiveness and assessment in physical education, physical fitness and health

4. Physical education teachers and coaches:problems and practices

5. Collaboration and conflict in physical education, physical activity participation, health and sport

6. School, community, and business partnerships in physical activity, physical fitness, heath and sport

7. Gender, race, ethnicity, religion, equity, and inclusion issues in physical education, physical activity, physical fitness, health, and sport

8. Health-related issues and the role of physical education, physical activity, health, and sport

9. Physical activity assessment, physical activity interventions, and physical activity epidemiology

10. Psychological aspects and management, sociology, economics, marketing, communication and motivation in health, physical activities and sports.

Deadlines/Dates 1. Abstract Submission:March 31, 2021, 11:59 pm(Pacific Daylight Time, United States)

2. Acceptance Notification:April 20, 2021

3. Schedule Notification:May 1, 2021

4. ICSPAH Conference Date:May 28-29, 2021 Submission

Instructions and Guidelines:

1. Each person may only appear as first author on ONE abstract, but may co-author as many abstracts as desired. The first author must present the abstract. If a person submits, as the first author, more than one abstract, only one abstract will be randomly selected and reviewed and all others will not be reviewed.

2. Abstracts must be written in English and the maximum length is 400 words, using Times New Roman font(size 12), single-spaced. DO NOT include tables or figures.

3. On the abstract, please include:a)Title:No more than 15 words; use title case. b)Presenter(s):The first and last names of the presenter(s). c)Institution(s)and Department(s):The full name of affiliation institutions and departments of all presenter(s). d)Email and Wechat address of the first author(or correspondent author).

4. Presentation format:Oral. a)Abstract text:Limited to 400 words. b)Abstract should include the sections with the titles of PURPOSE, METHOD, ANALYSIS/RESULTS, DISCUSSION, and CONCLUSION.

5. Please email the abstract as a Microsoft Word attachment to webmaster@icspah.net no later than March 31, 2021, 11:59 pm(Pacific Daylight Time, the United States)

6. The confirmed abstracts last year will be accepted automatically for the conference in this year.

7.All accepted abstracts will be published on the International Journal of Physical Activity and Health as a volume of supplement after attending the conference.

Expected Registration and Expenses

1. The registration for ICSPAH lifetime members is free. There is no expense to attend the conference.

2. The registration fee for non-ICSPAH member is USD 100. If you apply for lifetime membership(application fee is USD 200), the registration fee will turn to zero.

3. The registration fee for any ICSPAH student member will be USD 10. Non-ICSPAH student member will be USD 20.

For questions please contact:Dr. Bo Shen boshen@wayne.edu

Dr. You Fu youf@unr.edu  

 **All abstracts must be sent to the following email address by March 31, 2021:webmaster@icspah.net

Thank you!

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