洛杉矶加州大学(UCLA)亚太中心将于美西时间2021年3月19-20日 召开线上全球华人慈善事业国际研讨会,敬请关注。
本次研讨会旨在交流研究经验和成果,促进公众对美国和世界各地华人慈善事业与华人慈善家的认识和了解。研讨会将通过Zoom线上举行,由UCLA副校长范芝芬教授致欢迎辞。美国百人会主席黄征宇(Zhengyu Huang)先生作主题演讲,介绍美籍华人对美国社会的长期贡献。采访著名美籍华人慈善家王范文华(Shirley Wang),发布《中国非营利评论》“推动全球华人慈善事业研究”特刊。
UCLA Asia Pacific Center virtual international symposium on Global Chinese Philanthropy
March 19-20, 2021 PDT
The virtual international symposium on Global Chinese Philanthropy will be held on March 19-20, 2021 PDT. This symposium will feature presentations by Chinese philanthropists as well as researchers from the U.S., Asia, Europe, and Africa. Collectively, they will examine the burgeoning field of global Chinese philanthropy and its role in the Chinese homeland, the greater Chinese diaspora and countries of Chinese migrant resettlement around the world, with a particular focus on times of crisis(one session will be devoted to the COVID-19 pandemic). Attendance is free, but all participants must preregister at https://ucla.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GVTb3N1sRP6Yd5WjH-zLng. A detailed symposium agenda, along with paper abstracts and speaker bios, can be found here https://www.international.ucla.edu/apc/event/14839.
Please help circulate the symposium info widely. Thank you and look forward to seeing you at the symposium.
Min Zhou, PhD
Professor of Sociology & Asian American Studies
Walter & Shirley Wang Endowed Chair in US-China Relations and Communications
Director, Asia Pacific Center
University of California, Los Angeles
Email: mzhou@soc.ucla.edu