Dear ZHENYING: At our recent CCA Spring Conference the CCA Council increased the voting membership of the CCA Board from 23 to 27 members by adding two LGBTQ+ at-large directors, one additional Women’s Rights/Issues at-large director (for a total of two), and one additional Ethnic/Racial Minority at-large director (for a total of two). Since Dorothy Reina was elected to the District K Director position, both Ethnic/Minority At-Large positions are currently vacant. Although the boundaries of “North” and “South” are not defined at present, we expect the elected at-large directors to divide the state between them so as to efficiently serve all 45 CCA locals. In addition, the geographic Director F-1 position serving the faculty at Chaffey College, Long Beach City College, and the N. Orange CCD is currently vacant. These vacancies will be up for election at our Fall Conference in October, but I am able to appoint interim directors to serve until then. Interim directors will be asked to attend our June planning meeting (on 11-12 June), the September Board meeting (on 17-18 September), and the October Board meeting (on 15 October). The CCA Board collectively guides CCA''''s advocacy, networking, and training efforts. If you know of a CCA member who might be interested in one of the interim positions noted below, please have them contact me at president@cca4us.org, preferably by 2 June. Yours in unity,
Eric Kaljumägi CCA President
Available positions (interim appointment through October 2021): District F-1 (Chaffey, Long Beach, N. Orange – through May 2023) Women’s Rights/Issues At-Large South (through May 2022) Racial/Ethnic Minority At-Large North (through May 2023) Racial/Ethnic Minority At-Large South (through May 2022) LGBTQ+ At-Large North (through May 2023) LGBTQ+ At-Large South (through May 2022)
Requirements: Board members must be active members of CCA/CTA/NEA. Board members shall be available for CCA Board meetings and other Directorial duties. The Racial/Ethnic Minority Directors shall be a member of a racial/ethnic minority group as defined by CTA/NEA specifications (African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, or Hispanic). The Women’s Rights/Issues Directors shall be women. The Part-Time Faculty Directors shall be part-time faculty members. The LGBTQ+ Directors shall be self-identified members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Duties (abridged – a full list may be seen in the CCA Bylaws on the CCA website): Attend eight annual CCA Board meetings (usually June, September, October, November, January, February, March, and April – these meetings are often Friday-Saturday in-person events in Sacramento). Attend the two annual CCA Council meetings at the CCA Fall and Spring conference. Participate actively at all CCA conferences. Attend assigned committee and task force meetings. Provide a written report for each CCA Board meeting that summarizes important information from their constituents. Provide a written report after each CCA Board meeting that summarizes the meeting to their constituents. Promote the identification, representation, and participation of their constituent group. Serve as a liaison between their constituencies and the Board. Assist chapters and the CCA VP with membership recruitment. Communicate CCA, CTA, and NEA positions to their constituencies. Gather data and information relevant to their constituencies. |