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美国众议员赵美心来信:Treating immigrants as essential
2021/8/8 15:20:17 | 浏览:869 | 评论:0

Dear Zhenying,

Our immigration system is in need of comprehensive reform. From DACA recipients to diversity visa applicants, Trump left hundreds of thousands of immigrants in limbo and at risk of deportation, and we must do everything we can to protect them.
That’s why I support a robust pathway to citizenship for Dreamers through the budget reconciliation process. This summer, in a devastating blow to immigration rights, a Texas Federal Court ruled that DACA is unconstitutional, which highlighted how urgently we need a permanent solution. 

In addition, I introduced a bill to keep our promise to diversity visa recipients. Trump’s racist Muslim Ban prevented tens of thousands of these recipients from immigrating to the US. These immigrants play a vital role in our community, and we owe it to them -- and ourselves -- to ensure they are able to come. 

Immigrants are essential:to our communities, to our economy, to our future. We’ve seen that more than ever this year, as many immigrants worked on the frontlines of our economy, risking their health throughout the pandemic, and we must act accordingly. We cannot call them essential while simultaneously treating them as deportable. 

There is a lot to do to ensure that our immigrants are safe and protected, but I know we can do it together. 

美国众议员赵美心来信:Treating immigrants as essential
美国众议员赵美心来信:Treating immigrants as essential


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