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UWest专题研讨会 | 程文博士《数据挖掘:理论与应用》
2021/9/9 12:23:48 | 浏览:1609 | 评论:1

UWest专题研讨会 | 程文博士《数据挖掘:理论与应用》

UWest专题研讨会 | 程文博士《数据挖掘:理论与应用》 

演讲嘉宾, 程文博士



10 18 日(周一)晚 7-830


加州州立理工大学波莫纳 教授 

应洛杉矶西来大学陈岳云教授邀请,加州州立理工大学波莫纳教授程文博士, 为他的"MBA 523商业分析” 课程, 举办"数据挖掘:理论与应用" 的客座讲座。欢迎所有UWest学生和教职员工参加;讲座有限座位也向公众开放, 但需提前预订。专题研讨会将于2021年10月18日(星期一)晚上7点至8点30分举行。


讲座中, 程博士将分享他多年来在数据科学研究和应用方面的经验。特别是他将解释如何使用先进技术进行数据挖掘和解决现实世界的问题。 

要参加研讨会者, 请联系陈博士, billchen@uwest.edu. 西來大学是一所美國西部大学联盟(WASC)认证的私立大学,位于Rosemead市。 可颁发国际学生 I-20,工商管理系设有本科,工商管理硕士(MBA)等学位,并设有硕士后(Post-MBA) 证书课程; 联系:(626571-8811; 网址:www.uwest.edu




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SICC Talks on complexity说:留言于2021-09-16 22:51:48(第1条)
The Italian Society for Chaos and Complexity (SICC) is proud to introduce the second edition of the SICC Talks on Complexity a series of online lectures on hot topics on complexity at large.

Each seminar will be given by two prominent scholars and followed by a short debate and Q&A session. Upon free registration, participants will receive instructions on how to connect to attend the lecture.
Each year, the Italian Society for Chaos and Complexity organizes the SICC International Tutorial Workshop TOPICS IN NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, an event where PhD students, young researchers and leading speakers coming from diverse disciplines meet each other to spend a week talking about science, engineering and complexity. As this year we cannot meet in presence, the 16th edition of the yearly SICC workshop will take the form of a series of online lectures.
List of speakers:
S. Boccaletti, N. Brenner, E. Franco, G. Chen, F. Dorfler, D. Radi, N. Schmitt, E. Scholl

All seminars will be held in the period september-november 2021.
The detailed program can be found at http://www.sicc-it.org/CompTalks.
The event flyer can be downloaded at http://www.sicc-it.org/CompTalks/flyer.pdf

The first date is:
Wed 29 september 2021, h. 9.00 AM CET
and will be given by prof. Guanrong (Ron) Chen and prof. Stefano Boccaletti:
G. Chen, Optimal Synchronizability of Complex Networks
S. Boccaletti, Processes and dynamics in networks with higher order interactions
To register, please visit http://www.sicc-it.org/CompTalks.
Participants are offered a special discounted rate to become SICC members: 25 for full four-years membership (rather than 50)

SICC - Societa'''' Italiana Caos e Complessita''''
e-mail info@sicc-it.org
Web http://www.sicc-it.org
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